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41. Occupational Health And Safety Division : NS Environment And Labour Agency responsible for prevention, information and training activities in the field of occupational safety and health. http://www.gov.ns.ca/enla/ohs/ | |
42. Environmental Health - Environment - City Of Albuquerque as a high priority in protecting the public health and the environment.environmental health Division s ground water monitoring program includes ground http://www.cabq.gov/envhealth/ | |
43. Peopleandplanet.net > Population And Environment Issues A global site on the issues of population, poverty, health and the environment, sponsored by IPPF,IUCN,UNFPA and WWF and published by the Londonbased Planet 21 charity. http://www.peopleandplanet.net | |
44. SHEilds (Safety - Health - Environment) Ltd. - Current Active Topics SHEilds (Safety health - environment) Ltd. SHEilds Ltd. for all your Safety,health and environmental needs. Telephone 01482 806805 http://www.sheilds.org/ | |
45. UNUINWEH Part of United Nations University. Fosters the application of appropriate technologies to meet water needs and assist environmental industries in developing countries. http://www.inweh.unu.edu/inweh/ | |
46. County Of SB : Health & Environment Environmental services fees (Environmental health) Environmental health SpecialistRegistration Program (State of California) Gasoline vapor recovery device http://www.countyofsb.org/health-environment.asp | |
47. Civitas Home Page Promotes environmental and human health by exposing harmful practices and policies such as relying upon unscientific animal experiments to justify poisoning the environment and to predict the effects of toxins and medicines on humans. http://www.linkny.com/~civitas/ | |
48. CWCH The Center assists communities, business and government to enhance the economy and environment by developing strategies to decouple economic growth, job creation and community development from environmental impacts. http://www.upa.pdx.edu/CWCH/ | |
49. Health/Environment Issues Linked To The Nuclear Fuel Chain -- Section B A comprehensive report from the Canadian Environmental Advisory Council on thebiological effects of radiation. Genetic damage, latency of cancer, http://www.ccnr.org/ceac_B.html | |
50. Okno Group: Environmental & Health Care Policy In Eastern Europe, Russia And Cen Publishes books and periodical series on environmental and health care topics in eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia. Includes environment health Online. http://www.okno.com | |
51. Health/Environment Issues Linked To The Nuclear Fuel Chain -- Section A The health and environmental issues characteristic of nuclear power require The concluding section deals with routine health and environmental problems http://www.ccnr.org/ceac_A.html | |
52. WebClaim - Key To Your Successful Practice Providing members with the ability to process dental electronic claims and preauthorizations over a secured environment on the world wide web. http://www.webclaim.net/ | |
53. Environmental Health, Environment And Health, Health And Environment, Healthcare environmental health, environment and health, health and environment, healthcareWebsites, environmental health Safety, environment health, http://www.123world.com/health/emhealth/ | |
54. Nat' Academies Press, Microbial Threats To Health: Emergence, Detection, And Res Covers emerging diseases, resurgence of known pathogens, and the human factors that converge to provide an environment where diseases can spread. Complete 350page report from the Board on Global health of the National Academy of Science, in Open Book and PDF formats. http://www.nap.edu/books/030908864X/html/ | |
55. Health, Environment Development Welcome The global burden of illhealth is borne mostly by people in developing countries . University of California health, environment, and Development http://ehs.sph.berkeley.edu/hed/ |
56. Centre For Environment And Society Interdisciplinary research centre within the biology department. Areas of study include sustainable agriculture, farming policies, costs, soil health, social capital, biodiversity and conservation, and healthy living. Page includes list of graduate programs and white papers. http://www2.essex.ac.uk/ces/ | |
57. Africa - Forestry, Agroforestry And Environment Promotes the protection, health and sustainability of African forests and forest environments. http://www.afae.org/ | |
58. Glossary Of Health, Environment And Safety Terms http://www.sunocoinc.com/health_env_safety/glossaryf.htm | |
59. Health & Environment Resource Center Information on the relationship between environment and human health. http://www.herc.org | |
60. Sunoco Health, Environment And Safety Sunoco endorses the CERES Principles, an environmental code of conduct forcorporations developed after the 1989 Valdez oil spill. http://www.sunocoinc.com/health_env_safety/default.htm | |
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