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21. Bay Area Health Libraries A health and medical library open to the general public at no charge to thegeneral public. A comprehensive consumer health medical library. San Mateo http://www.ihr.com/balibrar.html | |
22. Medical Resource Library - Stephens Memorial Hospital Norway, Maine. Collection focuses on the consumer health and medical information needs of its service community.Affiliated with Stephens Memorial Hospital. http://www.sad17.k12.me.us/libraries/smh.htm | |
23. New University Library - Health Sciences Libraries Loren D. Carlson health Sciences Library and the UC Davis medical Center Library. http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/healthsci/ | |
24. U T H S C S A Library Consumer health CHIP medical Image Databases healthy Texas As part ofthe UT System libraries, the UTHSCSA Library now offers accces to the Gale http://www.library.uthscsa.edu/ | |
25. Exempla - Consumer Health Libraries Provides medical information for patients and relatives as well as resources for staff and students of St Josephs Hospital. Open to the public. Denver, Colorado. http://www.saintjosephdenver.org/yourhealth/libraries/ | |
26. Cyprus Medical Libraries General medical Links. Spencer Eccles health Sciences Library US NationalLibrary of Medicine US National Institutes of health http://medstat.med.utah.edu/cyprus/ | |
27. Medical Libraries Section Rashid medical Library. Top health Stories, Click to read! Local healthResources. Quick Links. Library CatalogHorizon Library Forms (e-Services) http://web.dohms.gov.ae/medlib/ | |
28. National Network Of Libraries Of Medicine (NN/LM) Home Page the US If you are without access to a medical library, we can help you. Free information on health topics (including prevention, diseases, symptoms, http://nnlm.gov/ | |
29. St. John's Health System - Libraries St. John s medical Library Van K. Smith Community health Library The medicalLibrary s services and resources are directed primarily toward health care http://www.stjohns.com/libraries/ | |
30. Library & Internet Resources The health Science libraries (HSL) is an integrated network of library servicesand staff Links to the MD Consult online medical information service http://www.harthosp.org/library/ | |
31. Bio-Medical Library Provides Biomedical And Health Sciences Information At The U Biomedical Library, University of Minnesota, spacer image. University libraries,spacer image. part of logo image, MNCAT, spacer image http://www.biomed.lib.umn.edu/ | |
32. Internet Public Library: Health & Medical Sciences health medical Sciences News Current events, recent research findings, andother news in the Section of Biological and medical Sciences libraries. http://www.ipl.org/div/serials/browse/hea00.00.00/ | |
33. Veterinary Medicine Libraries Veterinary medical Library Section (of the medical Library Association) Home Page University of Florida health Science Center Library. Georgia http://duke.usask.ca/~ladd/vet_libraries.html | |
34. OHSU Library Library site for Oregon health Science University. Educational Communications medical Photography Other OHSU libraries http://www.ohsu.edu/library/ | |
35. Exempla - Consumer Health Libraries Home About your health Consumer health libraries Please call the medicalLibrary at Exempla Lutheran medical Center at (303) 4258662. http://www.exempla.org/yourhealth/libraries/ | |
36. Health And Biosciences Libraries Section The Section of health and Biosciences libraries represents and acts as a forumfor special The Library, British medical Association Tavistock Square http://www.ifla.org/VII/s28/ | |
37. Vinod Scaria Indexing more than 750 medical Library Websites from around the world. Click to subscribe to healthlib Discussion List on health libraries and Internet http://medlib.netfirms.com/ | |
38. MEDCat : NYU Health Science Libraries Catalog Search using the National Library of Medicine s medical Subject Headings (MESH).Author Search by personal or organizational name, Keyword http://medcat.med.nyu.edu/ | |
39. D.C. Area Health/Medical Libraries Links to additional health and medical libraries in the area that do not requirea special permit for admission are included as well. http://www.lib.umd.edu/MCK/GUIDES/health_libraries.html | |
40. BUBL LINK: Medical Libraries Author health libraries Group Subjects library organisations, medical libraries Subjects health services, medical libraries DeweyClass 610 http://bubl.ac.uk/link/m/medicallibraries.htm | |
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