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101. Migraine Headaches How does a migraine headache differ from a tension headache? A migraineheadache is a severe pain felt on one, and sometimes, both sides of the head. http://www.4woman.gov/faq/migraine.htm | |
102. MIGRAINES IN THE MEDIA President George W. Bush takes a stand on headache/migraine awareness It wasthe first day of the Tenth Annual International headache (migraine and http://www.migraines.org/about_media/congress.htm | |
103. Migraine Headache Services And Support Directory | Migraine Help migraine Headaches Relief Cushion migraine headaches information concerning anew home treatment for migraine headaches. Recommended by chiropractors. http://www.seniormag.com/links/migraine.htm | |
104. Self-awareness Of Migraine: Interpreting The Labels That Headache Sufferers Appl Therefore, individuals who called their headaches migraine were about three timesmore likely to meet IHS criteria for migraine. Among the 3074 individuals http://www.neurology.org/cgi/content/abstract/58/9_suppl_6/S21 | |
Self-awareness of migraineInterpreting the labels that headache sufferers apply to their headachesRichard B. Lipton, MD Walter F. Stewart, MPH, PhD and Joshua N. Liberman, PhD From IMR, Stamford, Connecticut and Hunt Valley, Maryland (Drs. Lipton, Stewart, and Liberman); Departments of Neurology, Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York (Dr. Lipton); and Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (Dr. Stewart). Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Richard B. Lipton, 1200 High Ridge Road, Stamford, CT 06905.
105. HEADACHE / MIGRAINE Beneficial for some of the problems associated with migraine headaches. Feverfew isa common flowering plant that has been used for centuries to alleviate http://www.donsbach.com/migraine.htm | |
106. Cause Headache Migraine: Headache Migraine Symptom, Headache Migraine Treatment Many women with migraines who suffer from PMS believe their headaches are justanother part of PMS. However, scientists believe that PMS and menstrual http://www.womenshealth.com/library/migraine.html | |
107. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological_Disor migraine headache Information Basic migraine headache information from the McKinley NeurologyChannel s headache and migraine Page - Information and http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurologica | |
108. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological_Disor Discovery Health Ophthalmoplegic migraine A short FAQ on ophthalmoplegic migraine National headache Foundation - Brief description of the condition. http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurologica | |
109. ACHE Articles migraine headache .info presents a unique and efficient method of Becausehemicrania continua can have features of both migraine and cluster headache, http://www.achenet.org/articles/6.php | |
110. From The Aura To Headache - Migraine Aura Information about migraine with aura for practicing neurologists and patients. http://www.migraine-aura.org/EN/From_the_Aura_to_Headache.html | |
111. The Headache Group, Queen Square migraine is a severe episodic headache that affects about 10% of the UK population.It is more common in women, with a female to male ratio of 3.51. http://www.ion.ucl.ac.uk/~headache/migraine.html | |
112. Migraine Clinics There are two headache / migraine Clinics in Ireland. To receive an appointmentfor the headache / migraine clinic, you need to send a letter of http://www.migraine.ie/clinics.html |
113. Migraine On The Web migraine on the Web. headache migraine Management Journal www.slis.ua.edu/cdlp/uab/clinical/neurology/headache/migraine.htm http://pc.chronicle.ca/migraine.html | |
114. Headaches, Migraine Headaches, Cluster Headaches, Sinus Headaches, Migrane Heada Michigan HeadPain Neurological Institute (MHNI) is the nation s firstcomprehensive headache and migraine treatment and research center. http://www.mhni.com/headaches.html | |
115. Bigelow Chemists : Homeolab Headache/Migraine [XHEA] - $7.95USD Bigelow Chemists Homeolab headache/migraine XHEA Relieves headache andmigraine pain, dizziness and throbbing. Contains Cyclamen europ. 4X, Antimon. http://www.bigelowchemists.com/product_info.php/products_id/1014 | |
116. Contraception Online: Contraception And Reproductive Health Info For OB/GYN Prof Several types of headaches are common tension headaches, migraine without aura Relationship of migraine headache and stroke to oral contraceptive use. http://www.contraceptiononline.org/contrareport/article01.cfm?art=42 |
117. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Topics Beginning With H-Hf headache mixed tension migraine see Mixed tension migraine; headache - tensionsee Tension headache headache causes; Health and humidifiers see http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/encyclopedia_H-Hf.htm | |
118. Sinus News (Sinus Headache Migraine, Mold, Nasal Polyposis) This issue of Sinus News covers a Benadryl Fastmelt Recall, Battling Dustmites,and Damp Homes Research. http://www.sinuspharmacy.com/newsletter41.html | |
119. Headache, Migraine Headaches, Tension Headaches, Migrane Headache, Symptoms, Cur headache Guide to tension headache, migraine headache, symptoms, cure.Also information on other health issues such as kidshealth, menshealth, http://health.indiamart.com/comm-med-problems/headache.html | |
120. Migraine critical reviews of migraine, headache, tension type headache, chronic headache,migraine epidemiology, diagnosing migraine, IHS diagnostic criteria, http://www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bandolier/booth/booths/migraine.html | |
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