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         Headache Migraine:     more books (100)
  1. The Management of Headache
  2. Controversies and Clinical Variants of Migraine
  3. Headache (Clinical Medicine and the Nervous System) by Richard Peatfield, 1968-08
  4. Migraine and Other Headaches (Aan Press Quality of Life Guide) by William B. Young, Stephen D. Silberstein, 2004-05-10
  5. 100 Questions & Answers About Migraine (100 Questions & Answers) by Katherine A. Henry, 2005-04
  6. Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine: Headache by Belinda Rowland, 2001-01-01
  7. Gotta headache?: Lifestyle changes to help you conquer migraine by Carol A Foster, 2001
  8. A Study of Migraine (Monographs in Medicine)
  9. Finding relief from headache pain for women.: An article from: Medical Update by Edwin W. Brown, 1997-08-01
  10. Screen for migraines with just three questions: two simple tools can be used.(Clinical Rounds): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Sherry Boschert, 2004-02-01
  11. Screen for migraines with three simple questions: choose from two tests.(Clinical Rounds): An article from: Family Practice News by Sherry Boschert, 2004-03-01
  12. Understanding Headaches and Migraines (Understanding Illness & Health) by Mark Forshaw, 2004-03-12
  13. Headache and Your Child: The Complete Guide to Understanding and Treating Migraine and other Headaches in Children and Adolescents by Seymour Diamond, 2001-07-15
  14. Managing Your Migraine: A Migraine Sufferer's Practical Guide by Susan L. Burks, 1994-05-17

101. Migraine Headaches
How does a migraine headache differ from a tension headache? A migraineheadache is a severe pain felt on one, and sometimes, both sides of the head.
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Migraine Headaches
Printer-friendly version PDF file, 200 Kb] What is a migraine headache?
What causes migraine?

Are there different kinds of migraine?

How does a migraine headache differ from a tension headache?
How are children affected by migraine?
See Also:
What is a migraine headache?
A migraine headache is a severe pain felt on one, and sometimes, both sides of the head. The pain is mostly in the front around the temples or behind one eye or ear. Besides pain, you may have nausea and vomiting, and be very sensitive to light and sound. Migraine can occur any time of the day, though it often starts in the morning. The pain can last a few hours or up to one or two days.
  • Most often, migraine affects people between the ages of 15 and 55. Many people have a family history of migraine. They are more common in women. Migraine often becomes less severe and frequent with age.
What causes migraine?
One theory about the cause of migraine is the blood flow theory, which focuses on blood vessel activity in the brain. Blood vessels either narrow or expand. Narrowing can constrict blood flow, causing problems with sight or dizziness. When the blood vessels expand, they press on nerves nearby, which causes pain. Another theory focuses on chemical changes in the brain. When chemicals in the brain that send messages from one cell to another, including the messages to blood vessels to get narrow or expand, are interrupted, migraines can occur.

President George W. Bush takes a stand on headache/migraine awareness It wasthe first day of the Tenth Annual International headache (migraine and
Bush Addresses "Congress"
President George W. Bush takes a stand on headache/migraine awareness
June 29, 2001, was a day of "firsts:"
  • It was the first time President George W. Bush sent a formal address to "Congress" in New York City It was the first day of the Tenth Annual International Headache (Migraine and head-pain disorder) Congress, known as IHC 2001, Liberty from Headache President George W. Bush became the first U.S. President to go on record addressing the serious nature of Migraine disease and headache disorders.
This congress is designed for neurologists, family practitioners, internists, anesthesiologists, dentists, physical therapists, psychologists, nurses, and other health professionals who treat Migraine disease and headache disorders. As nearly 5,000 health care professionals gathered for the opening ceremony, the world’s leading head-pain Epidemiologist, Dr. Richard Lipton, President of the American Headache Society, and keynote speaker, announced that the President of the United States sent a message for them. That message was a letter, hand-delivered by Michael John Coleman, founder and Executive director of

103. Migraine Headache Services And Support Directory | Migraine Help
migraine Headaches Relief Cushion migraine headaches information concerning anew home treatment for migraine headaches. Recommended by chiropractors.
Senior Mag Home Search Elder Law Elder Law Attorneys ... Women's Health Medical Glossaries Supplements Diabetes Cancer Personal Growth ... Marketing Home Services
Migraine Headaches
Migraine Headache Services and Support
The cause of migraines and headaches and how to deal with the pain ... info on medications, treatments and research. American Council for Headache Education (ACHE)
ACHE is a non-profit patient/physician partnership providing support and education to people with chronic or severe headache conditions. Migraine Awareness Group
Fosters public awareness, utilizing the electronic, print and artistic mediums, to the fact that Migraine is a true organic neurological disease. National Headache Foundation
An information resource to headache sufferers, promotes research into potential headache causes and treatments, educates the public to the fact that headaches are a legitimate biological disease.

104. Self-awareness Of Migraine: Interpreting The Labels That Headache Sufferers Appl
Therefore, individuals who called their headaches migraine were about three timesmore likely to meet IHS criteria for migraine. Among the 3074 individuals
Self-awareness of migraine
Interpreting the labels that headache sufferers apply to their headaches
Richard B. Lipton, MD Walter F. Stewart, MPH, PhD and Joshua N. Liberman, PhD From IMR, Stamford, Connecticut and Hunt Valley, Maryland (Drs. Lipton, Stewart, and Liberman); Departments of Neurology, Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York (Dr. Lipton); and Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (Dr. Stewart). Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Richard B. Lipton, 1200 High Ridge Road, Stamford, CT 06905.
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American Academy of Neurology

Neurology supplements are not peer-reviewed. Information contained in Neurology supplements represent the opinions of the authors and are not endorsed by nor do they reflect the views of the American Academy of Neurology, Editor-in-Chief, or Associate Editors of Neurology.

Beneficial for some of the problems associated with migraine headaches. Feverfew isa common flowering plant that has been used for centuries to alleviate
var TlxPgNm='migraine'; Dr. D onsbac h's Healthcare Products Home HAPPY LIFE PROTOCOL OXYGEN PRODUCTS SINGLE NUTRIENTS ... WEIGHT CONTROL
You Can Call Dr. D. Dr. Donsbach's "Let's Talk Health" Call-In Talk Show Call-In Live: Thursday Mornings AM to AM P acific T ime US Toll-Free Call-in Line:
Dr. Donsbach's Websites (here) m
Please Note: Dr. Donsbach's nutritional supplements are not intended for the cure or mitigation of any disease process. They are, instead, nutritional factors which may help the body cope with various health-related conditions. For health problems, please consult your medical doctor or healthcare practitioner. FEVERFEW PLUS RIBOFLAVIN Beneficial for some of the problems associated with migraine headaches. Feverfew is a common flowering plant that has been used for centuries to alleviate headaches and joint pain Recent research confirms the effectiveness of feverfew in treating migraines and arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties . This combination of FEVERFEW PLUS RIBOFLAVIN is based on research which indicates that such a combination may be beneficial for some of the problems associated with migraine headaches Suggested Use: Normal use is 2 capsules twice daily, but more may be used. Should be used continuously for two months.

106. Cause Headache Migraine: Headache Migraine Symptom, Headache Migraine Treatment
Many women with migraines who suffer from PMS believe their headaches are justanother part of PMS. However, scientists believe that PMS and menstrual
Migraine Migraines are 2-3 times more common in women than in men and the gender difference begins at puberty and often ends after menopause. Many hormone-related events exclusive to women, such as pregnancy, menopause, and the cycles of menstruation can trigger the onset of migraines. Like many health problems that affect women in greater numbers than men, migraines were relatively neglected by medical researchers until fairly recently. And when studies had been done they more often were done using male subjects. Scientists are fairly certain that changing levels of female hormones contribute to migraine; however, exactly how these hormones work is still a mystery. Approximately 60% of women who chart their migraine attacks will note that their headaches are partly or wholly synchronized with the menstrual cycle. The medical community divides these hormonal migraines into two categories.
  • True Menstrual Migraine - attacks that occur two days prior, during and up to three days after the menstrual period and at no other time.

107. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological_Disor
migraine headache Information Basic migraine headache information from the McKinley NeurologyChannel s headache and migraine Page - Information and
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First Detailed Picture Of Migraine Attack (August 23, 2005) full story Researchers Make Headway In Mystery Of Migraines (August 8, 2005) Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), reveals how gene mutations known to cause a form of inherited migraine the kind that cause debilitating headaches and light flashes known as auras target a cellular process involved in brain cell communication. full story Rats With Migraines Provide Jefferson Scientists Insights To Improved Drug Strategy (July 7, 2005) full story Young Athletes' Post-concussion Migraine May Signal Greater Neurocognitive Impairment (June 23, 2005) full story Scientists Propose New Method For Studying Ion Channel Kinetics (May 6, 2005) full story Acupuncture Treatment No More Effective Than Sham Treatment In Reducing Migraine Headaches (May 4, 2005)

108. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological_Disor
Discovery Health Ophthalmoplegic migraine A short FAQ on ophthalmoplegic migraine National headache Foundation - Brief description of the condition.
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109. ACHE Articles
migraine headache .info presents a unique and efficient method of Becausehemicrania continua can have features of both migraine and cluster headache,
Hemicrania Continua By William B. Young, MD Hemicrania continua is an uncommon form of chronic daily headache. The name basically signifies that half ( hemi ) of the head ( crania ) hurts all the time ( continua ). It is in fact a continuous, one-sided headache of moderate severity, with episodes of severe pain and with associated migraine-like features (nausea, sensitivity to light and sound), as well as some cluster headache-like features (tearing, redness of the eye, droopy eyelid). Hemicrania continua is generally considered to be a rare form of headache, although a recent report from our center described 34 new cases diagnosed over a 3-year period (out of a total of 3,000-4,000 headache patients seen over that time period). Correctly distinguishing hemicrania continua from other forms of chronic daily headache is very important because hemicrania continua almost always responds rapidly to indomethacin (Indocin), a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication. Hemicrania continua exists in two formscontinuous and remitting (comes and goes). The daily headache bouts of the remitting form last from 1 to 6 months, separated by pain-free periods of 2 weeks to 6 months. The continuous variety can be continuous from the start or evolve from the remitting pattern. In addition to the pain, there are three main categories of symptoms: the cluster headache-like symptoms, "jabs and jolts," and migraine-like features. Cluster headache-like symptoms consist of eye redness, tearing, runny nose, nasal stuffiness, eyelid swelling, and forehead sweating. These symptoms are not as prominent in hemicrania continua as they are in cluster headache. Symptoms of eye discomfort, in particular the sensation of sand in the eye, have been described by patients with hemicrania continua.

110. From The Aura To Headache - Migraine Aura
Information about migraine with aura for practicing neurologists and patients.
Search Sitemap Navigation home ... Pathomechanisms From the Aura to Headache About us Contact Readers' feedback Funding We subscribe to
the HONcode principles.
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Objectives Help us help Honors nominated for Morphogenesis Functional Models
From the Aura to Headache
The aura is a sequence of complex events that lead from cortical excitation to the activation of pain-sensitive structures.
Neurophysiological mechanisms
From early migraine theories to a novel substance with anticonvulsant properties that attenuates trigeminal nerve-induced neurovascular reflexes. [more]
Molecular mechanisms
The identification of target molecules may provide new therapies. [more]
Genetic epidemiological studies of migraine show increased disease risk in relatives of migraine sufferers. [more]
AHS Meeting 2004
Many presentations of the 2004 meeting of the American Headache Society focused on the importance of the migraine aura and its pathomechanism. [ more
Author: Markus Dahlem
Last modification of this page: Sun. Sep. 12, 2004

111. The Headache Group, Queen Square
migraine is a severe episodic headache that affects about 10% of the UK population.It is more common in women, with a female to male ratio of 3.51.
Migraine (This piece, written by Dr Goadsby, encompasses some of the history of migraine research, an introduction to understanding migraine, its mechanism of action and treatments, and areas of future interest in migraine research.)
Migraine: what is it and where are we in understanding it?
Peter J. Goadsby
Migraine is a severe episodic headache that affects about 10% of the UK population. It is more common in women, with a female to male ratio of 3.5:1. It is estimated to affect some 16% of adult menstruating females and cost several tens of millions of dollars a year in its total economic impact. This should be contrasted against the fact that the disorder is at least 4,000 years old. In practice there are, broadly speaking, two types of migraine. The most common is called migraine without aura (Common Migraine) and this accounts for 85% of all sufferers. These are episodes of severe pain that may affect only one side of the head, although they may be bilateral, and which is usually described as throbbing although again this is not always the case. The signature of these headaches is that they are usually, but not always, associated with feeling sick in the stomach or being sensitive to light, sound or movement of the body. Typically the sufferer would wish to lie down in a a dark and quiet room and wait for the storm to pass. The second most common type is called migraine with aura (Classical Migraine). The

112. Migraine Clinics
There are two headache / migraine Clinics in Ireland. To receive an appointmentfor the headache / migraine clinic, you need to send a letter of

113. Migraine On The Web
migraine on the Web. headache migraine Management Journal
Migraine on the Web

This is an interactive web site that allows patients to document their headache and tabulate the information for use in collaboration with a physician. The results are then e-mailed to participants.
Headache Central

This patient-friendly site, created by the Michigan Headache Treatment Network, was created by neurologists and nurses who treat headache disorders. It includes a headache survival guide which offers common sense strategies to reduce headache such as identifying triggers and distinguishing them from allergies.
Medline Plus Health Information

This physician-oriented site includes information from a variety of accredited sources, including the National American Council for Headache Education and the Beth Israel Medical Center.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Article topics available on this site range from general definitions of headache types to headache as an indication of more serious conditions. MedBroadcast: The Migraine Channel

114. Headaches, Migraine Headaches, Cluster Headaches, Sinus Headaches, Migrane Heada
Michigan HeadPain Neurological Institute (MHNI) is the nation s firstcomprehensive headache and migraine treatment and research center.
Headaches The links listed below will assist you in finding areas of MHNI's web site that focus on headaches and their treatment. This page has been designed to streamline access to resources about headaches on the site. Please contact us for further information. Children and Headaches
Cluster Headaches

Depression and Headaches

Exercise and Headaches
... Video
Michigan Head
3120 Professional Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
fax (734) 677-2422

115. Bigelow Chemists : Homeolab Headache/Migraine [XHEA] - $7.95USD
Bigelow Chemists Homeolab headache/migraine XHEA Relieves headache andmigraine pain, dizziness and throbbing. Contains Cyclamen europ. 4X, Antimon.
My Account Cart Contents Checkout Top ... XHEA Categories C.O. Bigelow Products
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Standard-Hylands Personal Care Apothecary Home Fragrance Gifts Press FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING FOR ALL ORDERS OVER $60 - Applies to orders placed on the internet only. Shopping Cart items Notifications Notify me of updates to Homeolab Headache/Migraine Tell A Friend Tell someone you know about this product. HOME PERSONAL CARE APOTHECARY BABY CARE ... customer service search go Homeolab Headache/Migraine [XHEA] Click to enlarge Relieves headache and migraine pain, dizziness and throbbing. Contains: Cyclamen europ. 4X, Antimonium crud. 9X, Alumina 9X, Lycopodium clav. 5X, Argentum nit. 9X, Digitalis purp. 9X, Mellilotus off. 4X and Glonoinum. 80 pellets Product code: XHEA This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 21 August, 2002. Customers who bought this product also purchased Boiron Calendula Gel 1.5 oz. Naturopatch - Arnica Patch for Aches and Pains Bigelow Rose Salve Rosebud ... Printable Catalog

116. Contraception Online: Contraception And Reproductive Health Info For OB/GYN Prof
Several types of headaches are common tension headaches, migraine without aura Relationship of migraine headache and stroke to oral contraceptive use.

117. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Topics Beginning With H-Hf
headache mixed tension migraine see Mixed tension migraine; headache - tensionsee Tension headache headache causes; Health and humidifiers see
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Other encyclopedia topics: A-Ag Ah-Ap Aq-Az B-Bk ... Z
Medical Encyclopedia Topics beginning with "H-Hf"

118. Sinus News (Sinus Headache Migraine, Mold, Nasal Polyposis)
This issue of Sinus News covers a Benadryl Fastmelt Recall, Battling Dustmites,and Damp Homes Research.
Sinus News contains the latest news and treatment information for sinus sufferers and physicians. To subscribe, type your email address in the field below and click 'Subscribe'.
View video clips of SinuNEB in action. See what physicians and patients are saying about SinuNEB. Click 'Tune In'. Toll Free Telephone
Recent Site Revisions

About Us: Newsletter Archives Sinus News - Vol. 3, No. 12
June 15, 2002 Welcome to another edition of Sinus News, which focuses on news, treatment information, and stories related to sinusitis and other conditions like allergies and asthma. Here are the most recent sinus-related news updates:
Table of Contents: Your "Sinus Headache" May Be a Migraine

119. Headache, Migraine Headaches, Tension Headaches, Migrane Headache, Symptoms, Cur
headache Guide to tension headache, migraine headache, symptoms, cure.Also information on other health issues such as kidshealth, menshealth,
HealthCare Common Medical Conditions
Common Headache:
A variety of causes can lead to headache, like fever, injury ,anxiety, long hours at work, lack of sleep, common cold and so on. Headache in such cases can vary in severity from a mild discomfort to a throbbing pain which leaves you unable to work.
The following characteristics of common headache differentiate from other more serious type:
Self limited
Generally relieved with common medications like Aspirin (Disprin), Paracetamol (Calpol).
Every person getting recurrent headache fears whether he/ she has a migraine. Following features are characteristic of a migraine headache:
Age: children , young to middle-aged adults.
Clinical features: Throbbing and / or dull ache; nausea or vomiting; worst behind one eye or ear usually on one side of the head. Duration: 1-2 hrs. Patterns of occurrence: Irregular, tends to disappear in middle age, during pregnancy and premenstrually i.e. just before the periods. Aggravating factors: Alcohol, bright light, noise, tension.

120. Migraine
critical reviews of migraine, headache, tension type headache, chronic headache,migraine epidemiology, diagnosing migraine, IHS diagnostic criteria,
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Migraine and headache
The Bandolier migraine site contains stories from Bandolier , plus abstracts of systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or other studies about migraine. We are able to do this because of generous sponsorship from the Gwen Bush Foundation , and from an unconditional educational grant from Merck, Sharp and Dohme Ltd . Bandolier is also establishing LINKS to Internet sites on migraine that people are likely to find useful. There are also the 10 steps to control your headache from the USA, with links to many US sites. Download an essay about migraine trials - Migraine: special issue
The nature of evidence
Evidence, trials, and migraine
Diagnosing migraine and headaches
Diagnosing migraine IHS diagnostic criteria Outcomes of migraine trials
Migraine: who has it, the costs, and what patients think
Prevalence of migraine A list of some health economics material concerned with migraine Impact of migraine on work loss Work loss and triptans ... What patients think about migraine, treatments, and doctors
Prophylactic interventions to prevent migraine
Antidepressants for chronic headache and cluster headache Valproate for migraine prophylaxis (new systematic review) Drug treatment for migraine Propranolol
Complementary therapies for preventing migraine
Acupuncture for idiopathic headache Chiroractic for migraine Biofeedback and relaxation Feverfew may be helpful in preventing migraine ... Recurrent Headache and acupuncture
Treating acute migraine attacks

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