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81. McKay Conant Brook-Consultants In Acoustics And Media Systems Arts media Communications, CalState, Northridge, CA Loyola Law school AdvocacyCenter, Los Angeles, CA. New Music Facility, Scripps College, Claremont, CA http://www.mcbinc.com/Low Band/projects.htm | |
82. " HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TEACHER CERTIFICATIONS" SUMMARY OF TEACHER CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF hawaii SYLVAN LEARNING centers. OahuKailua (808) 263-6656 hawaii-Hilo (808) 933-3370 http://www.academploy.com/cert/certha.htm | |
83. Our School Nido De Aguilas Founded in 1934, The International school Nido de Aguilas is a private, nonprofit, a media resource center, nursing/first aid center, cafeteria, http://www.nido.cl/Visitors/OurSchool/ | |
84. Hawaii Schools - HI Elementary, Middle And High School Information hawaii test scores. Back to school Tips and Resources Donald McAdams, Centerfor Reform of school Systems Patsy O Neill, Charter schools Resource Center http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/static/whoweare.inc/HI | |
85. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Business Our Palolo center is at Jarrett Middle school and our Waianae center is at I think a lot of people would like to have a community media center in their http://starbulletin.com/2004/07/11/business/story2.html | |
86. Public Media Center Partners Every year, Public media Center helps many nonprofit organizations and foundationsbuild University of California (Berkeley) school of Public Health http://www.publicmediacenter.org/partners.shtml | |
87. Library Journal Buyer's Guide 2004: Directory Of Library Schools State of Georgia Certification for school media Center Services school ofInformation Studies, 4206 Center for Science and Technology, Syracuse, http://sourcebook.cahners1.com/libjrn/Library-schools.asp | |
88. HMSA.com - Media Center News Release Masthead Image 8, HMSA logo, media Center, Masthead Image 9 The hawaii MedicalService Association (HMSA) today announced the winners of its Name the 5 http://www.hmsa.com/about/media/news/2000/02/nr_000204b.asp | |
89. Hawaiin Uni Uprising : Melbourne Indymedia Melbourne Indymedia is a collective of independent media groups and producersoffering hawaii was recommended for the fifth center in July 2004. http://www.melbourne.indymedia.org/news/2005/05/91485.php | |
90. Center For Teaching University of California Extension Center for media and Independent Learning National Foreign Language Resource Center at the University of hawaii at http://www.uiowa.edu/~centeach/resources/ideas/mediares.html | |
91. ApplyESL.com - Hawaii Pacific University, The Center For English Language Progra Mary Hammond Dean, International Center Aloha from hawaii! HPU is a memberof the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business. http://www.applyesl.com/un/school/Sel,0,0,011,0106800 | |
92. Punahou School | About Punahou: History Today, this coeducational college preparatory day school enrolls 3700 The Morita Sony media Center was dedicated in December, a gift from Akio Morita. http://www.punahou.edu/index.cfm?fuseaction=ig.page&PageID=379 |
93. NASEO - Assisting States In Reducing School Energy Costs The hawaii school DecisionMaker forum, Techniques and Tools to Enhance October 8, 2002, at the Paul G. Rizzo Conference Center in Chapel Hill. http://www.naseo.org/projects/schoolenergy/default.htm | |
94. NASA - NASA To Share Exploration Vision With Hawaii Explorer Schools Jonas Dino NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Phone 650/6045612650/207- NASA to Share Exploration Vision with hawaii Explorer Schools http://www.nasa.gov/lb/centers/ames/news/releases/2005/05_03AR.html | |
95. Independent Media Center Of Philadelphia | A Mom's FYI: Reality Bites National Center for Preservation Technology Training Lana Kitchel,media/Outreach Coordinator, Department of Peace Campaign, 2nd CD of CA*, http://www.phillyimc.org/en/2005/07/16203.shtml | |
96. Thousands Protest Ruling On Hawaii Schools The Kamehameha Schools were established under the 1883 will of a hawaiian Admission is highly prized in hawaii because of the quality of education and http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/07/AR2005080700025. |
97. Tripler Army Medical Center, Hawaii HI Community Profile: Data, Info And Resourc Tripler Army Medical Center, hawaii (HI) HTL Profile includes Tripler Army MedicalCenter, HI census, demographic and income data, parks, schools, http://www.hometownlocator.com/City/Tripler-Army-Medical-Center-Hawaii.cfm | |
98. ETS Develops Online Item Bank Of K-12 Test Questions Aligned To The ETS Formative Assessment Item Bank enables schools to use questions that are Additional Navigation. media Center. Story Ideas media Contacts http://www.ets.org/news/05060301.html |
99. Vault College Admissions And Academics Surveys All of Vault s College and Grad school Surveys are available to Vault Gold Members . Go to our Help Center Vault is a registered servicemark and http://www.vault.com/graddegree/school/schoolsurveylists.jsp?ch_id=408&pt=1 |
100. Campus Activism :: Student Activist Resources An extensive database of tools for student activists, groups, resources, and events. http://www.campusactivism.org/ | |
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