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41. Press Release media Contacts Mike Fetters, 703/2842895. 102 HIGH school SENIORS TO ATTEND AL Honolulu, hawaii Punahou school. Abraham Mitnik Princeville, hawaii http://www.newseum.org/newseum/pressroom/releases/free_spirit_award_2004.htm | |
42. Assistive Technology Resource Centers Of Hawaii hawaii Assistive Technology (HAT) Loan Program offers hawaii residents low accessible media (web portal); Serving as a resource for schools as they seek http://www.atrc.org/programs.htm | |
43. Headlines/Breaking News From Pacific Business News (Honolulu) - Bizjournals.com Kaiser Permanente s Center for Health Research hawaii is launching a new study to visit the nearly complete Waianae High school media center this week. http://pacific.bizjournals.com/site_map/pacific_sitemap_103.html | |
44. (IRAYLS) - Education - Section Of Libraries For Children And Young Adults Keywords school Library media Specialist; Continuing Education; Identifierschool of Library and Information Science, University of hawaii, US http://www.ifla.org/VII/s10/irayls/educat.htm | |
45. Projects - UCLA Health And Media Research Group HMRG has worked with St. John s Regional Medical Center in Oxnard, of PublicHealth and the University of hawaii s school of Nursing and Dental Hygiene. http://www.ph.ucla.edu/chs/hmrg/projects.html | |
46. UTAH EDUCATIONAL LIBRARY MEDIA ASSOCIATION Promoting Children Reading And Teachi Internet school Library media Center; Index to Internet Lesson Plan Sites forK12 Educators hawaii Library Association http//www.hlaweb.org/index.htm http://www.uelma.org/links.htm | |
47. Honolulu Star-Bulletin News /2005/03/11/ by the Honolulu Communitymedia Council, East-West Center, hawaii and Universityof Thursday The film Orwell Rolls in His Grave at UH school of http://starbulletin.com/2005/03/11/news/story13.html | |
48. Moanalua High School - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Awarded hawaii s Best Public High school by Honolulu Magazine in May 2003. Website Moanalua High school media Communications Learning Center http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moanalua_High_School | |
49. Vita Electronic References for a school media Center, Iowa media Message (Winter University of hawaii school of Library and Information Science, Fall, 1995 http://people.cornellcollege.edu/jdonham/vita/vita.htm | |
50. St. Francis School Hawaii Academic Requirements A student on academic probation may not hold school office, or positions of media Center The Center contains 39 computers housed in three areas of the http://www.stfrancis-oahu.org/academic.htm | |
51. EC Project Directory and school library media centers and case studies of six school library media The Center is evaluating program implementation and impacts on school http://ec.wmich.edu/ec/projectdirectory.htf | |
52. EJ List By Initials, Keio Univ. Media Centers (J) Yale human rights and development law journal , Yale Law school, OPAC?Titles Common to All Campuses LexisNexis Keio University media centers. http://ejopac.lib.keio.ac.jp:8888/ejbyinit.asp?iletter=y&campus=KBS |
53. MSSC Breaking News: This Week The Ironman Hawaii Triathlon World Championships 1 MULTISPORT school OF CHAMPIONS. Online Coaching from Huddle and Frey Where doyou guys watch the race from, a media center with a video feed, http://www.multisports.com/konanews98.html | |
54. NASA - NASA To Share Exploration Vision With Hawaii Explorer Schools Jonas Dino NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. 31, and ChiefessKamakahelei Middle school in Lihue, on Tuesday Feb 1, 2005. http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/news/releases/2005/05_03AR.html | |
55. HiTechHawaii.com - The Gateway To Hawaii's Technology Industry (http//www.otted.hawaii.edu) OTTED is a serviceoriented revenue center organized Pacific New media is a program of the University of hawaii Outreach http://www.hitechhawaii.com/weblinks.asp?filter=10 |
56. ALA | AASL Presents 1999 Awards the operations of an exemplary school library media center and to advancing Middle school. The award is given to a school library media specialist http://www.ala.org/ala/aaslbucket/aaslpresents1999.htm | |
57. Pacific Islands Brigham Young Universityhawaii and hawaii Pacific University 50 academicprograms, state-of-the-art facilities such as the media and Technology Center, http://www.pacificislands.cc/pm92001/pmdefault.php?urlarticleid=0015 |
58. School Library Services - Librarian's Corner DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STATE OF hawaii. school LIBRARIAN Prepares for theopening of the instructional technology center so that services are available http://sls.k12.hi.us/position.html | |
59. Windows Dancer For Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 Download Windows Desktop Dancers for Windows XP media Center Edition 2005. She has been a member of hiphop dance groups in hawaii and Washington. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/desktop/dancers.mspx | |
60. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany And Puzzles, Reciprocal Links SVHS Library media Center, Spring Valley High school, Columbia, SC MathematicsGames, Inidian Hill High school Library media Center, OH http://www.cut-the-knot.org/ReciprocalUli.shtml | |
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