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61. Appendix 1. Leadership Development In The UM Libraries (Dr. Diane Weingand, Univ. of hawaii) offered (3/303/31 Â 80 attendees The Ubiquitous Library University of Maryland libaries in the Next Five http://www.lib.umd.edu/groups/learning/evalapp1.html | |
62. Chieftalk - Assertion Failures 2 old libaries in V9 so I don t think thats the problem. Dennis Chandler. 0509-20030608 PM, roy W V9.54 user Registered Apr 2002 Location Kona, hawaii Posts http://chiefarchitect.com/chieftalk/showthread.php?s=7e431dab593360aec432f49b862 |
63. TheHawaiiChannel - KITV 4 News - Army Completes Makua Report Friday. It will be available at public libaries and will also be postedon the internet at the US Army, hawaii web site. Copyright http://www.thehawaiichannel.com/news/205498/detail.html | |
64. The Ornithological Newsletter On-Line libaries at a dramatic discount$1875 for a full Charter Subscription. ORNITHOLOGIST SEEKS FIELD WORK in hawaii, Puerto Rico, or Central America. http://www.osnabirds.org/on/123.htm | |
65. 404 Not Found - Kapi'olani Community College Library May I borrow books from Hamilton Library at UH Manoa or other UH System libaries?Find out more about borrowing books from other UH System libraries here. http://library.kcc.hawaii.edu/main/faq_new.html | |
66. äô÷åìèä ìîãòé äçáøä libaries Atchives. Student s Dean Office. Academic Calander. ZOOM Magazine Honolulu University of hawaii Press and London Curzon Press. 384411. http://social.huji.ac.il/eng/socio.htm | |
67. 2/3 Sc. Softw. Map/LinUX [79 Kb] WWW http//www.soest.hawaii.edu/soest/gmt.html series of graphical utilitiesusing the underlying pixcon libaries, * source code, manual, and examples. http://ces.iisc.ernet.in/hpg/envis/mapdoc1712.html |
68. Cannabisnews.com: DEA: Drug Money Funds Terror Group Several weeks ago there was an article about a study in hawaii about the ICE I don t have a laptop so I ll have to depend on internet cafes, libaries http://www.cannabisnews.com/news/thread13955.shtml | |
69. Darwin-L Message Log 10 66-102 (June 1994) hawaii.Edu Tue Jun 21 215353 1994 Date Tue, 21 Jun 1994 165400 1000 of attempts to remove objectionable literature from classrooms and libaries. http://rjohara.net/darwin/logs/1994/9406b.html |
70. Jason Raads Labreports In Psy 409 If it were people would flock to the libaries of the world in a mad rush. Go totop of document. Week 5 . Webcrawler=anchor. Week five was great. http://www.soc.hawaii.edu/leonj/leonj/leonpsy/psy409a/raad/labreport.html | |
71. G14forum12 I think this is only hurting the students and hawaii s economy. I hate itwhen there cell phone goes off in movies, libaries, labs and business meeting. http://www.soc.hawaii.edu/leonj/updates/aihara/forumfiles/g14forum12.htm | |
72. Kansas Voter Registration Form UMKC Lib Voter Registration University of MissouriKansas City libaries. Arizona,California, Colorado, hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota http://www.chinesehoroscope101.com/2004election/113/kansas-voter-registration-fo |
73. Libraries Arizona State University ASU libaries Gateway to the libraries of Special LibrariesAssociation SLA, Special Libraries Association. hawaii State Public http://www.efoam.biz/jb/site/search?q=libraries&s=90&type=web&ctx= |
74. Libraries University of Denver, Colorado Libraries and Research Links to DU libaries andinformation Ann Schindler, HSPLS, who can be contacted at jms@hcc.hawaii.edu http://www.efoam.biz/jb/site/search?q=libraries&s=420&type=web&ctx= |
75. ³ÃºÃ¤h½Ã¤å Etd-0714104-105307 ¸Ã²Ã¸ê°T In Proceeding of 32nd hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1999 . Advances in Digital libaries Conf., Santa Barbara, CA, 1998, pp.1929. http://etd.lib.nsysu.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0714104-105307 |
76. ALiNUS Directory - View All Oregon State University, What s New at OSU libaries. Otterbein College, What s New University of hawaii,Hilo, What s New http://rhakotis.snhu.edu/alinus/alinuslist.asp | |
77. Betty Bowen Papers - Special Collections, UW Libraries 24415 were donated to the UW libaries between 1975 and 1978 by Betty Bowenand her husband, John Bowen. 13/12, hawaii, ca. 1973. Houriuchi, Paul http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcoll/findaids/docs/papersrecords/BowenBetty | |
79. Programme And Proceedings, IFLA World Library And Information Congress, Berlin 2 REBECCA KNUTH (University of hawaii, Honolulu, hawaii) MARGARET ROBB and MARKJANES (Social Studies libaries, Oxford University, Oxford, UK) http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla69/prog03.htm | |
80. ResourceShelf hawaii Lawmakers fret over libraries Public libaries Source The SeattleTimes Investing in libraries connects us to the future http://www.resourceshelf.com/2003_02_01_resourceshelf_archive.html | |
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