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41. Amnesty International Slams Guantanamo 'Gulag' Amnesty s report also pointed to haiti, where human rights violators were the human rights movement is to harness the power of civil society and push http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2005/5/25/91015.shtml | |
42. Terrorism And US Foreign Policy For compliance with intl Court of Justice decision for Nicaragua vs. to sign the UN Covenant on Political civil rights (30 years after its creation) http://www.labournet.net/other/0303/history1.html | |
43. OneWorld AIDSRadio File details. Format audio/mp3 Extent 138 secs 2167 bytes. Language the audio is in. English. Country Region City. haiti. rights. UNICEF. {intlscript} http://www.aidschannel.org/link/gotolink/addhit/46665 | |
44. EPIIC: Archives: 2001: Workshops United Nations Mission in BosniaHerzegovina, (haiti, Macedonia) Margaret Burnham, civil rights Attorney, Burnham and Hines; Board Member, http://www.epiic.com/archives/2001/work01.html | |
45. EPIIC: Archives: 2003: Jean Mayer Award restore a democraticallyelected government to haiti; administer US assistance He was involved in all major civil-rights and civil-liberties issues http://www.epiic.com/archives/2003/shattuck.html | |
46. Seattle.indymedia.org Dr. Colia Clark Longtime civil rights activist, co-organizer with Medgar Glenn Fieldman, Ph.D. - Lecturer, intl. Relations/Environmental Studies, San http://www.seattle.indymedia.org/en/2005/07/247235.shtml | |
47. Untitled Document to conspiring to violate civil rights and are cooperating in the investigation. Ashcroft described haiti as a staging point for Pakistanis and http://www.agrnews.org/issues/224/nationbriefs.html | |
48. EMM haitiÂs own police force remains decimated; its law enforcement and judicial systems Washington Lawyers Committee for civil rights and Urban Affairs http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3687_53358_ENG_HTM.htm | |
49. Oge, Vincent. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 the outbreak of the French Revolution for the concession of civil rights to free mulattoes Failing in his mission, he returned to haiti in 1790 and, http://www.bartleby.com/65/og/Oge-Vinc.html | |
50. Carter, Jimmy. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 and formed alliances with such civilrights leaders as Andrew Young. He has served as an international mediator in North Korea, haiti, Bosnia, http://www.bartleby.com/65/ca/CarterJ.html | |
51. Wisconsin Green Party News: February 2005 Archives democracy and human rights in haiti, the first democratic republic in the Western Hemisphere, beating by more than http//www.gp.org/committees/intl/ http://wisconsingreenparty.org/blogs/WIGPnews/archives/2005_02.shtml | |
52. YOUNG SCHOLARÂS SYMPOSIUM train observers of elections in haiti and South Africa , including South Africa (2003); In Defense of civil Redress The Enforcement of Human rights http://sjil.stanford.edu/yss/moderator.htm | |
53. North American NGOs Canada, Disabled Peoples International (DPI), civil rights, UN ECOSOC haiti, National Coalition for haitian rights (NCHR), Human rights, Independent http://billie.lib.duke.edu/pubdocs/ngo/namerica.asp | |
55. BlackBBS African And Black Run BBSs White House SuperHighway (202)5011920 144 iitf.doc.gov civil rights Div. alt.current-events.haiti What s happening in haiti alt.current-events.somalia http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/BBS_Internet/BlackBBS_African_9968.html | |
56. LobbyWatch - The Center For Public Integrity Census, Economic Analysis, - Economic Dvlpmt, - Export Admin, - intl Trade Admin, - Minority Business, - NOAA civil rights civil Liberties http://www.publicintegrity.org/lobby/profile.aspx?act=issues&year=2003&is=CIV |
57. LobbyWatch - The Center For Public Integrity Botanic Garden, Capitol Planning Cmsn, Capitol Architect, CFTC (Commodities), CIA, civil rights Cmsn, Coast Guard Agency. intl Trade Administration http://www.publicintegrity.org/lobby/profile.aspx?act=agencies&year=2003&ag=109 |
58. 96/05/01 Gelbard-Implementation Of Intl Law Enforcement Policies Police officers protect the rights of the people. haiti is a classic case. While permanent democracybuilding in haiti is still a work in progress, http://www.fas.org/irp/congress/1996_hr/h960501g.htm | |
59. 2005 SOA Watch/NE Schedule Of Events In the past year Linda has traveled to Iraq, Colombia and haiti and is able to share slides and photo The Patriot Act and our disappearing civil rights. http://www.soawne.org/workshops.html | |
60. UrgentCall.org | For A Better Path To Security In the 1950s WRL members worked in the civil rights movement, But the crises of Bosnia, haiti, Rwanda and Somalia offer new challenges to those seeking http://www.urgentcall.org/php/wrl.php | |
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