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21. International Socialist Review civil rights in Peril. Arundhati Roy on American Empire Castro s Cuba Today Women and Islam; haiti Under Siege. ISR 34 MarchApril 2004 http://www.isreview.org/archive.shtml | |
22. Sept 25/04: Call For Int'l Day Of Action For The Iraqi Resistance | Autonomy & S Damascus Centre for Theoretical Studies and civil rights, Syria UN troops accused in deaths of haiti residents Ojibway Nation of Saugeen and http://auto_sol.tao.ca/node/view/521 | |
23. IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: A. Philip Randolph Institute Its purpose was to broaden the southern civil rights movement led by The AFLCIO s Department of intl Affairs is a far-reaching international operation. http://rightweb.irc-online.org/groupwatch/apri.php | |
24. 1970: Reviving The Fighting Spirit Of Int'l Women's Day inspired by the power of a people s fightthe Black civil rights and antiwar movements, haiti A Slave Revolution. haiti A Slave Revolution http://www.workers.org/2005/us/womens-day-0303/ | |
25. 1970: Reviving The Fighting Spirit Of Int'l Women's Day inspired by the power of a people s fightthe Black civil rights and antiwar movements, haiti A Slave Revolution haiti A Slave Revolution http://www.workers.org/us/2005/womens-day-0303/ | |
26. Haiti News Human rights Watch. New Report on haiti by Joanne Mariner. JeanMichel, Center for Int l Policy, Chéry, Irvelt, Chomsky, Noam, civil Society Initiative http://www.haitipolicy.org/archives/Archives/Dec2000-Feb01/dec00-feb01main2.htm |
27. Haiti News Calls haiti s Human rights Performance Generally Poor Center for Int l Policy, Chéry, Irvelt, Chomsky, Noam, civil Society Initiative communique http://www.haitipolicy.org/archives/Archives/Dec2000-Feb01/dec00-feb01main1.htm |
28. Conference Activities Marie LourdesElgirus, Founder, Toussaint-King Cultural Center, haiti UAW civil rights Department Jennifer Hennings Victory Over Violence The Rev. http://www.nonviolenceeducation.org/confer_leadership.htm | |
29. Aristide's Kidnapping Claims Upset Central African Hosts - World News - MSNBC.co haiti Maps, facts and figures civil rights activist Jesse Jackson, who arranged the AP phone interview with Aristide, said Congress should investigate http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4244322/ | |
30. Wbai.org Author and historian Jonathan Rosenberg on The Secret civil rights Tapes of for Labor rights From Iraq to the US with Clarence Thomas, intl. Longshore http://www.wbai.org/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=1240&Itemid=42 |
31. State Department Releases 2003 Human Rights Country Reports The United States stands ready to work with other governments and civil society to The political impasse continued in haiti, where President Aristide http://japan.usembassy.gov/e/p/tp-20040226-15.html | |
32. Terrorism And American Foreign Policy For compliance with intl Court of Justice decision for Nicaragua vs. US. **For a conference and measures to civil rights (30 years after its creation) http://www.robert-fisk.com/robert_elias_25sept2001.htm |
33. Human Rights As Victim Of Politics - Council On Foreign Relations Mr. Shattuck, a former American civil Liberties Union lawyer, vice chairman of But although United States troops occupied haiti in 1995, Mr. Clinton was http://www.cfr.org/pub6632/max_boot/human_rights_as_victim_of_politics.php | |
34. Call For A United Antiwar Movement Dr. Colia Clark Longtime civil rights activist, co-organizer with Medgar Charlie Hinton - haiti Action Committee, San Francisco, CA http://www.thestruggle.org/Call.htm | |
35. Snowshoe Documentaries: For Social And Economic Justice SUPPORT civil rights ATTORNEY LYNNE STEWART (A 4part series) Snowshoefilms interview of May 27, 2004 Toronto (phase 2)intl Citizens Inquiry into 9-11. http://www.snowshoefilms.com/filmmakersnotebook.html | |
36. THE WBAI ELECTION RESCUE ACT the power of those wanting to roll back 40 years of civilrights advances. (co-producer/co-host, haiti The Struggle Continues; haitian community http://kpftx.org/archives/pnb/pnb050114/sunday/heffley.html | |
37. Untitled Document Political rights and civil liberties are more limited in these countries, In the Americas, 23 countries are Free, 10 are Partly Free, and 2 (haiti and http://www.ncgub.net/Int'l Action/FH PressRelease 18 Dec 2003.htm | |
38. EDUCATION Welcome to further democratic governance and the rule of law in haiti http//www.nchr.org A coalition of labor, community, civil rights, immigrant rights, http://childlabor.social.uiuc.edu/childlabor_files/orgs/us.ngo.orgs.htm | |
39. Congressional Human Rights Caucus - Testimony Of Bill Frelick Both the International Covenant on civil and Political rights (ICCPR) and the Although some might be considered citizens of haiti , many have never been http://lantos.house.gov/HoR/CA12/Human Rights Caucus/Briefing Testimonies/05-31- | |
40. FLASHPOINTS RADIO Evelyn Sanchez, Workplace Immigrant and civil rights Organizer with EBASE JeanBertrand Aristide - duky-elected President of haiti Today on http://www.flashpoints.net/ | |
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