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81. Indigenous Cultures Of Costa Rica History of Costa Rica s indigenous Cultures. The Montagua Valley in guatemala,is the only site in all the hemisphere where what we know as jade is http://costarica.tourism.co.cr/indian2.htm | |
82. Guatemala Section Population Figures And Profile Sub-section 2 The Agreement on Identity and Rights of indigenous People, signed in 1995,acknowledges that the Guatemalan nation is multiethnic, multicultural and http://www.db.idpproject.org/Sites/IdpProjectDb/idpSurvey.nsf/wViewCountries/99E | |
83. Indigenous People's Opposition To Columbus Day Celebration (WOVOCA.com - Earth M indigenous People s Opposition to Columbus Day Celebration. At this time,murderous acts against the people of guatemala are fresh in mind. http://wovoca.com/controversies-christopher-columbus-colonial-pirate.htm | |
84. Harold Doan And Associates Ltd. - Forgotten People:Internally Displaced Persons Forgotten PeopleInternally Displaced Persons in guatemala The rebel groupsclaimed to be defending the rights of indigenous people and many of their http://www.harolddoan.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=4454 |
85. "the People's Paths!" NAIIP News Path! - Indigenous People Oppose Celebration indigenous People s Opposition to Celebration and Glorification of At thistime, murderous acts against the people of guatemala are fresh in mind. http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/Articles2000/AIMGGC001007columbus.htm | |
86. This Is The Executive Report From The World Bank S Recent Study The report contains findings that indicate that indigenous people have made fewgains Education outcomes are substantially worse for indigenous peoples, http://topics.developmentgateway.org/indigenous/rc/ItemDetail.do~1041065 | |
87. Guatemala According to the Guatemalan Migration (Ministry of Immigration), Much of theLadino community has long regarded indigenous people with disdain. http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2004/35540.htm | |
88. Guatemala guatemala. International Religious Freedom Report 2003 The Ladino communitylong has regarded indigenous people with disdain. http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2003/24493.htm | |
89. Native Lands - CA Map Update indigenous peoples and Natural Ecosystems in Central America and Southern Mexico .In January 2003, Native Lands new map, indigenous peoples and Natural http://www.nativelands.org/bin/view.pl/41215.html | |
90. News - Latin America: Indigenous People Fare Poorly, World Bank Says, Latin Amer /noticias.info/ More than 40 million indigenous people in Latin America suffer In the last 20 years, voters in Bolivia, guatemala, and elsewhere have http://www.noticias.info/asp/aspComunicados.asp?nid=68229&src=0 |
91. Indigenous Divided In The Name Of GodÂwith U.S. Help Among the 40 million indigenous people who live in Latin America today, In guatemala and BoliviaÂwhich along with Mexico, Ecuador and Peru are the Latin http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/article_2006.shtml | |
92. DOCUMENT 82-11964.TXT UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL Distr Statement submitted by the World Council of indigenous peoples. out by membersof the Guatemalan security forces against indigenous Indian peoples, http://www.cwis.org/fwdp/International/82-11964.txt | |
93. AllRefer.com - Maya, Indigenous People Of Mexico And Central America : The Twent Although the political division between Mexico and guatemala occurred early More articles from AllRefer Reference on Maya, indigenous people of Mexico http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/M/Maya-1-the-twentieth-century.html | |
94. Hr-headlines@hrea.org - Americas: Indigenous People At High Risk In many countries in the Americas, indigenous people constitute the most In guatemala where those responsible for the massscale massacres of http://www.hrea.org/lists/hr-headlines/markup/msg00009.html | |
95. LASNET Archive 1996: Fall Caravan To Chiapas, Guatemala, Nicaragua Chiapas, guatemala and Nicaragua this Fall. Gerardo Otero. emergency reliefaid for over 20000 indigenous people who are enduring a protracted military http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/news/arc/lasnet/1996/0266.html | |
96. Indigenous Peoples In Latin America - LANIC Documents and Studies about indigenous peoples WATU Acción IndÃgena http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/indigenous/ | |
97. Refugees International: Articles: Forgotten People: Internally Displaced Persons Forgotten People Internally Displaced Persons in guatemala The rebel groupsclaimed to be defending the rights of indigenous people and many of their http://www.refugeesinternational.org/content/article/detail/6344/ | |
98. Bretton Woods Project In a letter to UK executive director to the Bank, NGO indigenous peoples In May 2004 Guatemalan organisations called on the IFC to delay approval of the http://www.brettonwoodsproject.org/glamisgold44 | |
99. Convention 169 And The Implementation Of The Peace Accords In Guatemala guatemala must comply with its laws permitting indigenous people to expressthemselves freely and to practice their ways of life without restrictions, http://saiic.nativeweb.org/ayn/guatilo.html | |
100. The Maya Struggle For Justice And Participation If we consider that guatemala s entire population is 60% indigenous, the equalparticipation of indigenous people in guatemala s political system, http://isla.igc.org/Features/Guatemala/guate2.html | |
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