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21. Indigenous Peoples And Poverty: The Cases Of Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras And Ni In Bolivia and guatemala, indigenous peoples constitute a majority of the populationand a disproportionate percentage of the poor. http://www.minorityrights.org/Dev/mrg_dev_title12_LatinAmerica/mrg_dev_title12_L | |
22. Indigenous Peoples And Poverty: The Cases Of Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras And Ni No universal definition of indigenous peoples exists and, because power and the The Convention has been ratified by Bolivia, guatemala and Honduras, http://www.minorityrights.org/Dev/mrg_dev_title12_LatinAmerica/mrg_dev_title12_L | |
23. Indigenous People Of Mexico And Guatemala Organize Against Mining Companies press article on the meeting between the indigenous peoples of guatemala andmexico over their opposition to mining, mainly gold mining notably glamis and http://www.minesandcommunities.org/Action/press666.htm | |
24. Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Quiche Mayan This web site is dedicated to the indigenous peoples of the world and to the Rigoberta Mench Tum Human Rights Leader for guatemala/1992 Nobel Peace http://www.indigenouspeople.net/menchu.htm | |
25. Guatemala | MADRE: An International Women's Human Rights Organization has officially ended, indigenous peoples in guatemala face ongoing problems . Meanwhile, in the guatemalan highlands, indigenous communities are http://www.madre.org/countries/Guatemala.html | |
26. Americas: Indigenous Peoples -- Second-class Citizens In The Lands Of Their Ance In guatemala, indigenous people have stood trial in capital cases in Spanish,which they do not speak. In one case, a nonSpanish speaking indigenous man http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGAMR010062002?open&of=ENG-398 |
27. Just Earth! Over the years, the indigenous peoples of guatemala have learned to expect Throughout guatemala, indigenous peoples have experienced widespread human http://www.amnestyusa.org/justearth/indigenous_people/guatemala.html | |
28. Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Quiche Mayan misery and discrimination suffered by the indigenous peoples of guatemala . In the field of rights and values of indigenous peoples, the Foundation http://www.indians.org/welker/menchu.htm | |
29. Indigenous Women Are Being Marginalized Nevertheless, she said, it is inconceivable that even in guatemala, We indigenous peoples have given our opinions at every one of these phases, http://www.indians.org/welker/menchu7.htm | |
30. Dialogue Between Nations: Point Of View DECLARATION OF THE indigenous peoples OF guatemala REGARDING THE DRAFT AMERICANDECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF indigenous peoples http://www.dialoguebetweennations.com/OASdeclaration/english/pointofview.htm | |
31. TVE: Human Rights Catalogue '98 In guatemala, it is estimated that indigenous peoples may earn as little as a Perhaps the most important thing in guatemala is that indigenous peoples, http://www.tve.org/humanrights/doc.cfm?aid=374 |
32. FI: Giving A Voice Back To GuatemalaÂs Indigenous Peoples Giving a Voice back to guatemalaÂs indigenous peoples Mr. Stavenhagen assertedthat indigenous peoples face systemic discrimination in field of http://www.franciscansinternational.org/news/article.php?id=745 |
33. FI: Giving A Voice Back To GuatemalaÂs Indigenous Peoples Giving a Voice back to guatemalaÂs indigenous peoples. Apr. 19, 2005 Mr.Stavenhagen asserted that indigenous peoples face systemic discrimination in http://www.franciscansinternational.org/news/print.php?id=745 |
34. Americas.org - Support Indigenous Opposition To Gold Mine 169) Concerning indigenous and Tribal peoples. guatemala ratified ILO 169 in 1996as part of the guatemalan Peace Plan, but CNPI and many guatemalan human http://americas.org/item_17818 | |
35. Guatemala: Indigenous Rights And Logging Licenses guatemala indigenous rights and logging licenses of the rights of theindigenous peoples and in a better management of forest resources in the region. http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/69/Guatemala.html | |
36. Indigenous Peoples And The Millennium Development Goals Bolivia and guatemala, countries with indigenous peoples composing 50 percent ormore of indigenous peoples and PovertyThe Cases of Bolivia, guatemala, http://www.tebtebba.org/tebtebba_files/ipr/mdg.html | |
37. Recent Developments In The ILO Concerning Indigenous And Tribal Peoples - Intern In guatemala the major aim of the project is to train indigenous organizations As a contribution to the consolidation of indigenous and tribal peoples http://www.ilo.org/public/english/standards/norm/whatare/stndards/ind_tech.htm | |
38. Indigenous People / Indigenous Peoples' Rights in guatemala Agreement on Identity and Rights of indigenous peoples (March31, 1995) Declaration on the Rights of indigenous peoples (Draft), UN http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/ampro/mdtsanjose/indigenous/derecho.htm | |
39. OHCHR - Guatemala guidelines on the human rights for the indigenous peoples of guatemala, andin conducting workshops for indigenous communities and NGOs on human rights http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu2/5/guatemala.htm | |
40. The Terms Âindigenous Peoples, Âindigenous Ethnic Minorities, Âtribal Gro Although there are vast differences among indigenous peoples, For example,in guatemala, more than 80% of girls and women living in rural areas are http://pf.convio.com/pf/pubs/focus/IN FOCUS/Indigenous.htm | |
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