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81. Citations Silicon Graphics Computer Systems - Galles, Williams Technical report, Silicon graphics computer Systems, Mountain View, CA, May 1994. Various schemes have been used to enforce cache coherence in hardware. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/57126/0 |
82. Interop White Papers: Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI) : Computer Hardware Connect with Technology, Knowledge, and Vision at the Definitive Networking Event. Search here for indepth information from the leading networking vendors http://whitepapers.interop.com/rlist/946999145_480/Computer-Hardware.html | |
83. Government Executive Magazine - 8/1/00 August 1, 2000. Top 200 Cover Top 200 Contractors 2000. computer hardware. TOTAL PURCHASES $6268039000. Rank, Parent Company, Amount ($000s), Market Share http://www.govexec.com/top200/2000top/00charts/00ch.htm | |
84. The Tech Zone Computer Hardware Reviews The Tech Zone offers computer hardware reviews and news on the computer The XBOX uses a custom ATI processor with 48 graphics pipelines and the PS3 has http://www.thetechzone.com/?m=show&id=306 |
85. Hardware-Accelerated High-Quality Filtering On PC Graphics Hardware the visualization research at the Institute of computer graphics and Algorithms at the Vienna HiqhQuality Volume graphics on Consumer PC hardware http://www.vrvis.at/via/research/hq-hw-reco/ | |
86. Implementing Shadow Maps On Mainstream Graphics Hardware - Intel Learn to use shadow maps on the mainstream graphics hardware based on the Shadow Algorithms for computer graphics. computer graphics, Vol. 11, No. 2. http://www.intel.com/cd/ids/developer/asmo-na/eng/dc/threading/218769.htm | |
87. PC 3D Graphics Accelerators FAQ (Part 1 Of 2) The NCGA (National computer graphics Association) GPC (graphics 3D ACCELERATION * 100% OpenGL compliant rendering operations in hardware * Point, line, http://www.faqs.org/faqs/pc-hardware-faq/3dgraphics-cards/part1/ | |
88. Imagination Graphics Minority representation in the field of computer graphics and animation is The new era of graphics hardware advances, such as NWX technology and the new http://www.black-collegian.com/issues/1997-10/imagin.shtml | |
89. Tom's Hardware Guide General hardware news,as well as reviews and benchmarks of the latest 3D graphics adapters, examining also overclocking of the Voodoo3, Voodoo5, Geforce256, http://www.tomshardware.com/ | |
90. The PC Technology Guide Want to know just exactly what s happening inside your computer and how it s put together? Includes many explanatory graphics, an integrated glossary, http://www.pctechguide.com/ | |
91. CNET - Product Reviews - Consumer Reviews - Unbiased Reviews - Hardware Reviews Pentium 4, Athlon XP, Business desktops, graphics sound cards, computer components Subscribe to computer Shopper Magazine and Get Free Software http://reviews.cnet.com/2001-1_7-0.html | |
92. Desktop Computers - Desktop Computer Hardware - Desktop Computer Store - CNET Re Buying guides include reviews and price comparisons of computer hardware. http://reviews.cnet.com/Desktops/2001-3118_7-0.html | |
93. AnandTech: Your Source For Hardware Analysis And News Independent handson reviews of computer hardware such as motherboards, graphic cards, and CPUs. http://www.anandtech.com/ | |
94. HardwareCentral - Your Source For In-depth Computer Hardware Info. hardwareCentral is the 1 hardware Information Resource on the Net. hardwareCentral Your source for in-depth computer hardware info. http://www.hardwarecentral.com/hardwarecentral | |
95. HotHardware - The Hottest PC Hardware Tested And Burned In A PC hardware review and news site with detailed analysis on the latest 3D graphics Cards and technologies. http://www.hothardware.com/ | |
96. Ace's Hardware Previews of the newest processors of AMD, Intel, Cyrix, IDTof the newest hardware, tips to optimize your PC, insight in the computer industry. http://www.aceshardware.com/ | |
97. Ultimate Macintosh Web Designer Computer Hardware And Software Setup This top pick shows the topof-the-line hardware and software that a With this computer setup you ll be able to do the design work you need to do http://webdesign.about.com/od/webdesignhtmlatoz/tp/aamacultsetup.htm | |
98. Hardware Extreme - The Next Generation Of Computers And Technology This had been a great year and we at hardware Extreme would like to thank everyone that make NVIDIAbased graphics Cards Will Have a Bug in Half-Life 2? http://www.hwextreme.com/ | |
99. OCworkbench Redirect hardware reviews with a focus on mainboards, graphics cards. http://www.ocworkbench.com/ |
100. Companies Owned By Christopher D. Watkins - Software, Hardware And Technology Fo PCbased Simulation and graphics for Training, Education, Medicine and hardware and Software Engineering Industrial Invention and Technology http://www.algorithm.com/ | |
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