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161. Planning Comprehensive online UK government publication outlining the government's policy on the issue. (1997) http://www.planning.odpm.gov.uk/litc/ | |
162. House Of Commons Science And Technology Seventh Report Light Pollution And Astro A comprehensive report, published by Parliament in 2003, outlining what action needs to be taken by all levels of government to regulate photopollution. Also available in PDF at ./747.pdf . http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200203/cmselect/cmsctech/747/74702.ht | |
163. New Hampshire's State, Local And Federal Resources New Hampshire state government s official website. nh.gov web site is for officialstate business, including egovenrment, communication, and information. http://www.nh.gov/government/ | |
164. AII POW-MIA A massive POWMIA Archive featuring news, reports, email news network, documents, daily monthly updates, military, government research links, testimony on Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea - Cold War, World War II, Russia, China and Iraq. http://www.aiipowmia.com/ | |
165. Code Of Federal Regulations: Main Page A codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Registerby the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal government. http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/ | |
166. The Internet Party - Individual Freedom And Politics Polls on many aspects of life. Unleash the power of the Internet to regain control of government and return power to the people. http://www.theinternetparty.com | |
167. Kimbel Library: Government Information government Information Hours, Staff, General Info. Date Last ModifiedNov 03, 2004 Page URL http//www.coastal.edu/library/government/ http://www.coastal.edu/library/government/ | |
168. ACS :: Government governments today must meet the longstanding public-sector demands for economy, government agencies around the world turn to ACS for taking on the http://www.acs-inc.com/government/ | |
169. Division Of Parasitic Diseases - Leishmania Infection Reports Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Emerging Infectious Diseases. From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dpd/parasites/leishmania/default.htm | |
170. Local Government Central Information and tools to help local governments reduce, reuse, recycle and decrease the amount of solid waste going to landfills. Includes waste stream analysis tools. From State of California Integrated Waste Management Board. http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/lgcentral/ | |
171. USAJOBS - Job Search USAJOBS is the official job site of the United States Federal government USAJOBS is the Federal government s official onestop source for Federal jobs http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/ | |
172. The Jennifer Government By Max Barry - Read Review Review of Max Barry's second novel. http://mostlyfiction.com/humor/barry.htm | |
173. Mass.Gov Gateway to all aspects of government, services and programs in the Commonwealth. http://www.mass.gov/ | |
174. New Page 2 An imaginary empire located in the center of the North Atlantic ocean and about the size of Germany. http://members.tripod.com/fiji_de_geus/ | |
175. Economic Statistics Central source of current economic data on the economy, from U.S. government agencies. http://www.whitehouse.gov/fsbr/esbr.html | |
176. THE GOVERNMENT TRAINING INSTITUTE, INC. Law Enforcement Training and Police Training programs for tactical, anti terrorism, and airport safety. http://www.gtitraining.com/ | |
177. Government Menu, City And County Of Honolulu Listing Honolulu online and other services, and the schedule for Honolulu MunicipalTelevision. http://www.co.honolulu.hi.us/menu/government/ | |
178. School Of Film, Meda And Cultural Studies Closed Subject guide to webbased information sources by the Foreign Correspondents Group. Includes links to country and government data as well as to other essential information and tools. http://www.gu.edu.au/school/fmc/foreign/ | |
179. DH Home : The Department Of Health A to Z site index Search tips Web accessibility Speech enable this site Health and social care topics Health Advice for Travellers http://www.dh.gov.uk/ | |
180. Official Web Site For Direct Democracy And Human Rights PGOV is the Triple Law campaign, to prohibit money for political campaigns; to monitor to protect public office; to allow people to repeal any law. Candidates will campaign primarily for a triple law on government , will resign when the triple law is passed, and be uncorrupted by avoiding and opposing private media for election publicity. Opposes corrupt and fraudulent democracy. PGOV espouses direct democratic and anarchist or libertarian and antiwar principles, but throws some odd statements into the immigration and religion topics! http://pgov.org/ | |
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