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161. Scottish Government, Scottish Office - Devolved Government Scottish Office news and information covering government publications, Crown Copyright; Privacy Policy and Content Disclaimer; general Enquiries http://www.scotland.gov.uk/ |
162. Links To Latvia And Riga Includes information about general facts, current news, education, business, travel, government, culture, internet, and details about Latvia. http://www.muench-dalstein.de/Latvia.html | |
163. SGEU - Saskatchewan Government And General Employees' Union union news about us campaigns contact directory union shop usefullinks for members. image image image image. latest news http://www.sgeu.org/ | |
164. CIA - The World Factbook -- Russia Presents general facts on the country and focuses on its economy, government, people, transportation, communications, and geography. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/rs.html | |
165. REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA - COUNCIL OF MINISTERS Provides news on current government activities and priorities. Includes general information about the country's economy and history, useful tips, and links to state institutions. http://www.government.bg/english/ | |
166. Kunnat.net - Etusivu Organization of the municipalities and towns of the country. general information and statistics about local government. http://www.kuntaliitto.fi/english/indexeng.htm | |
167. AL State Government Finances Appropriations for the general fund and education trust fund, revenues, operatingfunds and budget cycle. http://www.budget.state.al.us/stgovfin.html | |
168. About New Brunswick Provincial symbols, geography, tradition, history and general information. Features service in French, phone queries, email, news, news links, government and a search function. http://www.gnb.ca/cnb/nb/nb-e.htm | |
169. Index A studentcreated site featuring information on Roman government, religion, daily life, emperors and decline of the empire. Also includes a general map. http://members.fortunecity.com/jenmoa/Rome/indexx.html | |
170. Anautics, Inc. Innovative Technology Solutions Assists government agencies with software customization, program management and general technology solutions. http://www.anautics.com | |
171. Government Of Ontario, Canada / Gouvernement De L'Ontario, Canada Main site of the provincial government that includes links to government sitesand agencies, tourism and economic information. http://www.gov.on.ca/ | |
172. GAO: Reports And Testimony (updated Daily) The government Accountability Office Accountability, Integrity, Reliability.Search. All, GAO Reports, Legal Products. Keyword or Report http://www.gao.gov/docsearch/repandtest.html | |
173. 2005 Salary Tables And Related Information general Schedule and Locality Pay Tables Law Enforcement Special Salary Rateand Locality Pay Tables Locality Pay Area Definitions (2005) http://www.opm.gov/oca/payrates/ | |
174. OPM Retirement Services As a current or former employee of the Federal government, you can find generaland personal information about retirement benefits and make changes http://www.opm.gov/retire/ | |
175. FedStats Home Page Easy access to statistics produced by more than 70 agencies of the United StatesFederal government. http://www.fedstats.gov/ | |
176. Tennessee.gov Gateway to state government internet resources. http://www.tennesseeanytime.org/ | |
177. TexasOnline Government Conduct Business with Texas government File a Consumer Complaint GeneralInformation (17 links). Governor and Executive Branch (2 links) http://www.state.tx.us/category.jsp?language=eng&categoryId=6 |
178. Overview: US Standard General Ledger: Publications & Guidance: Financial Managem The United States Standard general Ledger (USSGL) provides a uniform Chart ofAccounts and technical guidance to be used in standardizing federal agency http://www.fms.treas.gov/ussgl/ | |
179. Consumer Information & Alerts Alberta government Services. Location Alberta government Home governmentServices Home Consumer Information Alerts http://www3.gov.ab.ca/gs/information/consumer/index.cfm | |
180. Networked Government Resources This page contains a variety of government information resources that we have The Judicial Branch of government is also accessible via gopher. http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/iiip/government.html | |
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