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61. WEBTEKA Directory of countries with flags, basic information and links to country directories and government sites. http://www.webteka.com/ | |
62. FirstGov.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal Reference and General government Acronyms, directories, data, forms, photos, laws, libraries, news, publications, regulations Science and Technology http://www.firstgov.gov/ | |
63. Israel Government Portal A catalog of government resources and public services, including directories, news and information of relevance to specific groups. http://www.gov.il/FirstGov/english |
64. Reference Page - Reference Directory, Business Reference Desk, Maps, Addresses, Links to directories of business information, phone numbers, government resources, maps, FAQs, dictionaries, and financial calculations. http://www.referencepage.com/referencepage.html | |
65. GSA - Electronic-Government & Technology The Federal government's Gateway for Year 2000 Information directories. http://www.itpolicy.gsa.gov/mks/yr2000/y2khome.htm | |
66. Government Contacts | Canada Site government of Canada Employee Directory government Electronic Directory Services ( GEDS ) Directory of government of Canada offices and service points. http://canada.gc.ca/directories/direct_e.html | |
67. EPA - Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines - Welcome Recycled content guidelines and other information for U.S. federal government procurement. Includes directories of manufacturers of a wide range recycled products for industrial, commercial, and household use. http://www.epa.gov/cpg/ | |
68. Blue Pages: Your Online Guide to US government. Home Help About directories Welcome to the Federal government Blue Pages Listings website! http://www.usbluepages.gov/ | |
69. Environmental Directory A sizeable library of links to environmental information resources on the web. Categories include companies (consulting, laboratories, suppliers), education, employment, government, organizations, remediation, water resources, and web directories. http://www.environmental-expert.com/directory.htm | |
70. FCIC National Contact Center - Federal Telephone Directories Federal Telephone directories. Federal government Blue Pages Frequently Requested TollFree Telephone Numbers directories for Members of Congress http://www.info.gov/phone.htm | |
71. Canadian Government Grants - Small Business Grant - Canada Provides government grants and loans directories for Canadian and U.S. businesses. http://www.businessguide.net | |
72. Search Forms Offers access to the major search engines and directories, news, the Internet Movie Database, dictionaries, biography, the Bible, Shakespeare, United States government sites, United States addresses and patents. http://www.acme.com/searches.html | |
73. Hidemarket.com Start Page Online resource for the US cattle hide market. Prices, and supply and export statistics. Global business news. Company directories. Links to government, industry and informational sites. http://www.hidemarket.com/ | |
74. CQ Press: An Independent Publisher Advancing Democracy By Informing Citizens. Bo Books, directories, periodicals, and web products on American government and politics, current events, and world affairs by Congressional Quarterly. http://www.cqpress.com/ | |
75. League Of Women Voters Of St. Mary's County, Maryland Features voting information, events, studies, positions, advocacy, publications, government and legislative directories, a newsletter and membership information. http://www.lwvmd.org/stmary/ | |
76. How To Use The Federal FOI Act Doit-yourselfers guide to how to use the Act as an effective investigative tool and provides sample letters, forms and directories to assist individuals in dealing with the government promptly and effectively. http://www.rcfp.org/foiact/index.html | |
77. Wool Universe Portal for the global wool textile industry. directories of links to wool growers, traders, textile manufacturers, and educational and government institutions. Textile, and general business and internet news. http://www.wooluniverse.com/ |
78. European Textile Network Cooperative partnership of government, industry, educational institutes and museums, promoting and organizing textile related cultural exchanges to further European unity. Searchable directories of exhibitions, conferences and event organizers. English, German and French. http://www.etn-net.org/ | |
79. Conflict In Iraq : Selected Internet Resources (Portals To The World, Library Of Includes links to comprehensive directories and databases related to the Iraq War as well as official government sources, antiwar resources, media resources, archaeology, museums and libraries. http://www.loc.gov/rr/amed/conflictiniraq.html | |
80. Carroll Publishing Products - Print Directories Complete directory information for Federal, State, Municipal and County Publishing has been refining and enhancing its government personnel directories. http://www.carrollpub.com/directories.asp | |
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