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Global Change: more books (100) |
141. Critical Issues Series - AIChE March 1012, 2002, Los Angeles, California. Forum on global climate change, alternative energy options, and the future of nuclear power. http://www.aiche.org/criticalissues/ | |
142. WELCOME TO ACT Provides training and research on the human dimension of global environment to graduate and undergraduate students. http://www.indiana.edu/~act/home.html | |
143. The World Revolution An idea for a new, global grassroots social movement for progressive social change. It aims to resolve in a definitive and comprehensive manner the major social problems of our world and our era. http://www.worldrevolution.org/ | |
144. Human Dimensions Of Global Environmental Change Discussion List Mailing list subscription information and link to archives. http://sedac.ciesin.org/home-page/hdgec.html | |
145. Global Environmental Change Programme Home Page This is the home page of the global Environmental change Research Programme of the United Kingdom s Economic and Social Research Council. http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Units/gec/ | |
146. CBL - File Not Found a research program organized by oceanographers and fisheries scientists to address the question of how global climate change may affect the abundance and production of animals in the sea. http://cbl.umces.edu/fogarty/usglobec/ | |
147. CIESIN Agriculture Guide Conversely, global climate change could affect agriculture by reducing the amount of land Human Causes of global Climate change Related to Agriculture http://ciesin.columbia.edu/TG/AG/AG-home.html | |
148. Global Climate Change: Market-Based Strategies To Reduce Greenhouse Gases A review of market based initiatives to combat global warming, including tradeable permits and carbon taxes. http://www.policyalmanac.org/environment/archive/crs_climate_change_market.shtml | |
149. Center For Environmental Prediction Homepage Specializes in research and education in regional and global environmental prediction, particularly with reference to climate change modeling. http://www.cep.rutgers.edu | |
150. The Global Warming Information Center Project of the National Center for Public Policy Research; fact sheets, media kits, research, and links critical of the manmade climate change orthodoxy. http://www.nationalcenter.org/Kyoto.html | |
151. Center For Energy And Environmental Studies - Boston University Undergraduate and graduate degrees in environmental policy, environmental science, remote sensing, energy analysis, international relations and policy. Research on global climate change, energy flow modeling and indicators on sustainable development. Includes course contents, international options, project on human development. http://www.bu.edu/cees/ | |
152. Alexander Shlyakhter's Home Page: Variation Of Fundamental Constants; Neutron Ac Researcher at Harvard University. Interests include variation of fundamental constants, nucleosynthesis, neutron cross sections, radiation risk, uncertainty analysis, risk analysis, monte carlo simulation, and global climate change. http://sdg.lcs.mit.edu/~ilya_shl/alex/ | |
153. GLOBEC Home Page aims to advance our understanding of the global ocean ecosystem and how it responds to global climate change. GLOBEC investigates the links between climate and marine ecosystems. http://www.globec.org/ | |
154. Koshland Science Museum - Global Warming Facts And Our Future Learn how a warmer climate will change your life, plus what can be done to alter climate change. http://www.koshlandsciencemuseum.org/exhibitgcc/ | |
155. The Woods Hole Research Center - Home Page Addresses the great issues of environment through scientific research and education and through applications of science in public affairs. Focus is on climate change and the warming of the earth, as well as global forests because of their controlling influence on climate. http://www.whrc.org | |
156. CEI Issues Index of CEI research papers, opinion articles, speeches, and other publications on climate change, the Kyoto Treaty, and related topics. http://cei.org/sections/section17.cfm | |
157. CRYSTAL-FACE Outreach Educational sites and games related to the study of cirrus clouds, rain, climate change, and global warming. http://cloud1.arc.nasa.gov/crystalface/outreach.html | |
158. Nat' Academies Press, Reconciling Observations Of Global Temperature Change (200 A detailed investigation into the relationship and differences between the surface temperature record (provided by weather stations) and that of the lower troposphere (provided by satellites and weather balloons). http://www.nap.edu/books/0309068916/html/ | |
159. Trends Online Contents Methane Emissions Carbon Flux from LandCover change Related data on carbon flux from changes in land use and land cover. Climate. Temperature Clouds http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/trends.htm | |
160. HIA: Hemp Industries Association: Hemp Trade Group, Education & Industry Develop At the forefront of the drive for fair and equal treatment of Industrial Hemp and the installation of a level playing field on which to compete with other natural resources and synthetics. The HIA seeks changes in government policies to encourage global production of hemp as a raw material for industry. http://www.thehia.org/index.html | |
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