RETURN TO HOME PAGE A CONSULTATION ON RELIGION AND MEDIA IN AFRICA Sponsors : International Study Commission on Media, Religion and Culture Consultation Program Director : Professor Rosalind I. J. Hackett, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Location : Accra, Ghana ( Ghana Institute of Management and Public Adminstration (GIMPA) Greenhill, Achimota) [ close to University of Ghana, Legon] Date: May 20-27, 2000 Kente cloth, Ghana Background The International Study Commission on Media, Religion, and Culture is a group of scholars and practitioners who gather to consider the shape and direction of both productive and reflective work in these three intersecting fields. It is part of the wider ongoing process of reflection and study currently being conducted by various organizations and individuals throughout the world. The International Study Commission on Media, Religion, and Culture is intended to facilitate continuing dialogue and to stimulate and support both scholarship and media production in the area (for further details and core members, see Website below). Following meetings in Denver and Uppsala, the Commission has identified four core issues for consideration: 1.In what ways can we say that the media have come to occupy the spaces | |