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61. Special Education/Teaching And Learning Materials/Software - Ilresources.com Tools for getting parents involved in the Exceptional Education Process Section12. Educational videos, posters, games, and other teaching/parenting http://www.ilresources.com/ResourcesEd.htm | |
62. Addional Advice For Parents & Teachers (Schools) On Bullies & Victims before getting you involved (you calling the school or bully s parents). parents really need to get more involved in their children s lives. http://members.aol.com/kthynoll/schools.htm | |
63. Industry Information: AEP Online: Archives as well as ideas, support and training on how to get parents involved. Younger children are more responsive, and it is easier to teach them these http://www.edpress.org/industryinfo/newsletter/marketarchives/character.htm | |
64. (Vol. 3, No. 2 - Fall 1999) He s been overt in getting his parents involved, and he s the first principalanywhere in How do we train staff to use the best teaching practices? http://www.middleweb.com/CSLV6cipl.html | |
65. NUT On The Web that is being done to spread effective teaching and learning to every classroom. getting parents to become more involved in their children s education http://www.teachers.org.uk/showwirearchive.php?id=7666616 |
66. NSTA - Education News In order to teach evolution in the schools in the current cultural and Websites are offering a new connection for parents to become involved in their http://www.nsta.org/educationnews/&category_ID=269 | |
67. Title I ask the school system to hold sessions to teach parents about those things . Find out how to get involved in drafting the schoolparent compact. http://www.cleweb.org/issues/title1/tool.htm | |
68. Judge: Parents Can't Teach Pagan Beliefs | IndyStar.com The parents Wiccan beliefs came to Bradford s attention in a confidential getting the judge s religious restriction lifted should be a slamdunk, http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050526/NEWS01/505260481 |
69. Better Kid Care Past Satellite Workshops Secrets of How to Get parents involved. Help for the new parent and child Talking with children; Discussing problems with parents; getting children to http://betterkidcare.psu.edu/page05b.html |
70. Professional Reading: Teaching And Learning [English Online] Has Accountability Taken All the Fun Out of Teaching and Learning? He reflectson how getting parents involved in their students education also http://english.unitecnology.ac.nz/resources/prof_reading.html?sub_type=Teaching |
71. NYC Dept. Of Ed. Speech By Deputy Chancellor For Teaching And Learning Carmen Fa For too long, we have been teaching children what they already know. strengths and interestsâ¦and getting parents and mentors involved in student work. http://www.nycenet.edu/Administration/mediarelations/SpeechesTestimonials/Speech | |
72. Teaching Children Mathematics : Connecting Mathematics Instruction With The Fami getting math phobic parents involved). Teaching Children Mathematics; October01, 2001; Kyle, Diane W. McIntyre, Ellen Moore, Gayle H. http://static.highbeam.com/t/teachingchildrenmathematics/october012001/connectin | |
73. Education World ® : School Administrators: Increase Parent Involvement With Fir Increase Parent Involvement With First Day of School Activities I think theFirst Day concept is fabulous for getting parents and educators together http://www.education-world.com/a_admin/admin177.shtml | |
74. Teaching Pre K-8: All Around Math Full text of the article, All Around Math from Teaching Pre K8, Gettingparents involved. parents are a huge part of the learning process and when it http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3666/is_200501/ai_n9466533 | |
75. Getting Parents Ready For Kindergarten: The Role Of Early Childhood Education Re Come here for a family involvement teaching case, bibliography, course syllabus,or database of professional getting parents ÂReady for Kindergarten http://www.gse.harvard.edu/hfrp/projects/fine/resources/research/kreider.html | |
76. Want To Teach Children About Money? Dara Ric, this yearÂs results were horrible, and the scores are getting But in many cases, the parent doesnÂt know how to teach about money. http://www.ricedelman.com/planning/kidsncash/teachkids.asp | |
77. Getting Extended Family Members Involved- Parent Talk - My Baby's Hearing Parent Talk getting Extended Family Members involved I made time to teachsign language on a regular basis and shared what I was learning as I was http://www.babyhearing.org/Parent2Parent/parenttalk/ExtendedFamily.asp | |
78. Parent Involvement We want to thank parents for returning the Parent Involvement survey. We hada parent come up with the idea of getting a NEEDS LIST and we are asking http://www.glynn.k12.ga.us/GLY/parent_involvement.htm | |
79. Getting Involved :: San Diego City Schools Research shows that when parents are actively involved with their Servicelearning is a teaching strategy that enables students to learn beyond the http://www.sandi.net/parents/involvement.htm | |
80. Islam : Getting Involved In The Public School System Is A Religious Obligation! Shabbir Mansuri says getting involved in the public school system is a Âreligious The means to involvement are primarily through Parent Teacher http://soundvision.com/Info/education/pubschool/pub.involv.asp | |
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