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41. Maritime Underwater Nautical Archaeology - Maritime Museums By Location Rostock Maritime Museum (Schiffahrtsmuseum Rostock) Rostock, germany Technik-Museum - Speyer, germany. Underwater archaeology Museum (Museum für http://www.munarchaeology.com/munarchaeology/museums/locational.htm | |
42. Maritime Underwater Nautical Archaeology - Government Programs archaeological national offices in germany Archäologische Landesämter in Society for Promotion of Underwater archaeology in germany (DEGUWA) A concern http://www.munarchaeology.com/munarchaeology/programs/government.htm | |
43. Bristol University - Faculty Of Arts - Research Area Details germany); Nationalism, Heritage and archaeology; History of social anthropology (esp.twentieth century); Methodology; Philosophy of the Social Sciences. http://www.bris.ac.uk/prospectus/postgraduate/2006/dept/ARTF/ARCH | |
44. Maya-Archaeology.Org, FLAAR Informative Network Facts and artifacts relative to Mayan archaeology, prehispanic pyramid for everyone concept FLAAR volunteer Tanja Rathjen (from germany) has spent http://www.maya-archaeology.org/ | |
45. General Information On Underwater Archaeology And Other Maritime Unterwasserarchaeologie Underwater archaeology in germany. The site is a windowinto professional German underwater archaeology. http://www.anthro.fsu.edu/research/uw/links/directory_files/info.html | |
46. USNews.com: Archaeology: Barbarians Get Sophisticated (11/24/03) In the past decade, German archaeology itself has undergone a sea change.The former East germany is now open to aerial photography and surveying, http://www.usnews.com/usnews/culture/articles/031124/24german.htm | |
47. Archaeometry Editorial Board M Pollard, Research Laboratory for archaeology the History of Art, 6 KebleRoad, Oxford OX1 3QJ, UK D Klemm, Buzallee 32, D86991 Diessen, germany http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/editors.asp?ref=0003-813X |
48. Archaeometry Home Page RESEARCH LABORATORY FOR archaeology THE HISTORY OF ART Buzallee 32, D86991Diessen, germany AR Millard, Dept. of archaeology, University of Durham, http://www.rlaha.ox.ac.uk/archy/editors.php | |
49. Archaeometry Editors germany; REM Hedges, Research Laboratory for archaeology the History of Buzallee 32, D86991 Diessen, germany AR Millard, Dept. of archaeology, http://www.rlaha.ox.ac.uk/archy/editors.html | |
50. The Archaeology Channel Video Guide Streaming media and educational resources about archaeology and indigenous THE VIKING SHIP OF HEDEBY (germany); WPA archaeology LEGACY OF AN ERA http://www.archaeologychannel.org/content/videoguide.asp | |
51. The Archaeology Channel - Film Festivals germany. Cinarchea Internationales ArchäologieFilm-Kunst Festival (International The archaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival http://www.archaeologychannel.org/content/filmfestivals.asp | |
52. Anthropology And Archaeology Lecturing and Research archaeology and Spanish Colonization in Southwestern Campeche South germany; archaeology of the Pleistocene/Holocene Transition http://www.cies.org/schlr_directories/usdir02/Anth5.htm | |
53. Internet Resources For Archaeology materials relevant to the history of archaeology in Belgium, Britain, France,germany, Greece, From Tautavel Man to l Abbaye SaintGerman d Auxerre, http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/anth/arch/internet.htm | |
54. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 97.10.13 archaeology and Philhellenism in germany, 17501970. Princeton Princeton UniversityPress, 1996. Pp. xxiv + 400, 35 figs. $39.50. ISBN 0-691-04393-0. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/1997/97.10.13.html | |
55. School Of History, Classics And Archaeology - Birkbeck, University School of History, Classics and archaeology at Birkbeck college, The Reconstructionof Public Health in germany under Allied Occupation, 19431949 http://www.bbk.ac.uk/hca/staff/reinisch.shtml |
56. Athena Review: Guide To Archaeology On The Internet and environment at the Neander Valley in germany; South Tyrol Museum ofArchaeology The official site for the non Egyptian Mummy, in German and English. http://www.athenapub.com/inet/guide2.htm | |
57. NUI Galway, Department Of Archaeology, Undergraduate Courses FRANK McLYNN, President, GermanIrish Association, Bavaria, germany; Department of archaeology National University of Ireland, Galway, http://www.nuigalway.ie/faculties_departments/archaeology/Tara_Statement_Irish-E | |
58. INSIDER TOUR, BERLIN TRAVEL PACKAGES Private Tour Idea Art, Art History, archaeology Degenerate Art The Fateof the Avant-Garde in Nazi germany When the National Socialists came to http://www.insidertour.com/templates/showtravelpackages.php/aid/94 | |
59. Archaeology And Nationalism archaeology in Contemporary Society. between archaeology and nationalism,using examples ranging from Nazi germany, the Near East, Greece and Macedonia, http://www.gla.ac.uk/archaeology/resources/archcont/archnat.html | |
60. Archaeology In Europe Archaeological news from the archaeology in Europe web site Tubingen, germany A stone phallus 28 000 years old has been discovered in a cave in http://www.archaeology.eu.com/weblog/ | |
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