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61. Cool Pet Sites - Where The Cool Pet Lovers Hang Out: Rodents/Gerbils **pet care Central** popular. 10 out of 10 stars (98 votes) A site concerninggerbil colors and genetics, care and development. http://coolpetsites.com/petlinks/Rodents/Gerbils/ | |
62. MGPL Webrary® - Get A Pet! For information on pet care, health, and training, check out these pet gerbils are inquisitive, inexpensive pets that are particularly popular with http://www.webrary.org/rs/bibpets.html | |
63. Hobbies, Special Interests, And Travel:Pet Care & Advice (pet care Advice). 26 entries found gerbils Around the World review jump gerbils aren t just desert rodents any more. . . . http://www.jumpcity.com/cgi-bin/search?subchap:6.10 |
64. Hobbies, Special Interests, And Travel (pet care Advice). 6 entries found review jump gerbils aren t justdesert rodents any more. . . . Hobbies, Special Interests, and Travel pet http://www.jumpcity.com/cgi-bin/search?subchap:6.10 3086:10 |
65. Exotic Pet Care Library At Harmony Animal Hospital's World Of Pets: Laugh, Learn pet care resources and a library of information on dogs, cats, birds, pet rodents (hamsters, rats, mice, gerbils, and guinea pigs) are very popular pets http://www.petvets.com/petcare/exotics.html | |
66. NEWSWATCH 50 || WWTI Watertown - Pet Care gerbils and guinea pigs have the same basic needs as other pets, but require less Veterinarians who make house calls fill valuable niche in pet care http://www.newswatch50.com/guides/petcare/guide.aspx?guide=Pet Care |
67. NEWSWATCH 50 || WWTI Watertown - Pet Care gerbils and guinea pigs have the same basic needs as other pets, but require less pet medical care becoming as specialized as human health care http://www.newswatch50.com/guides/petcare/ | |
68. Pet Care & Behavior pet care for small animals (ferrets, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, American Animal Hospital Association Their pet care Library includes http://www.hsgkc.org/petcarepage.html | |
69. ReferenceResources:DomesticAnimals Healthy pets pet care library, pet care tips, kid s coloring page and gentlepets, and are easy to care for, as are gerbils, guinea pigs, and hamsters? http://www.kidinfo.com/Science/Domestic_animals.html | |
70. South Orange Village Events take care of other pets, including cats, birds and even gerbils. We pet sit . At Pascal s Friends, we never care for more than one pet or an existing http://southorange.org/news.asp?page=13 |
71. Family Guide To 4-H, Pet Care, Photography, Plant Science, Poultry Family Guide to 4H 2002 pet care 215 Guinea Pig Learn how to select, feed, Species include gerbils, hamsters, mice, rats, chinchillas, ferrets, http://ohioline.osu.edu/4-H/fguide02/4h_14.html | |
72. Family Guide To 4-H, Project Descriptions Family Guide to 4H 2001 pet care 215 Guinea Pig Learn how to select, feed, Species include gerbils, hamsters, mice, rats, chinchillas, ferrets, http://ohioline.osu.edu/4-H/fguide01/4h_16.html | |
73. Gerbil Care Handbook Gerbil care Handbook. Adopting a Gerbil pet store gerbils can be ill, unusedto human hands, and females may be pregnant. http://www.agsgerbils.org/Gerbil_Care_Handbook/adopt.html | |
74. GERBILS FOODS SUPPLIES SUN PRETTY SCARLET BROWNS PET SUPPLY gerbils, gerbils are great pets. Because of their size and affordability, gerbilsare an obvious choice for first time pet owners. http://www.pets-warehouse.com/gerbils.htm | |
75. Gerbil Care, Guinea Pig Care, Hamster Care, Rabbit Care  All About Pets Gerbil care. Guinea pig care, hamster care and rabbit care are covered in freeleaflets from All About pets  the national pet care information service. http://www.allaboutpets.org.uk/spintro.html | |
76. All About Pets, The National Pet Care Information Service From The Blue Cross An The pet care information available from All About pets is provided by The Blue The pet care leaflets can either be downloaded from this site or can be http://www.allaboutpets.org.uk/start.html | |
77. Pet Care: Gerbil Chowtime That means making sure your pets don t get lost in the area or chew on electrical Make sure they have all the necessary cool gerbil toysflower pots, http://www.animaland.org/asp/petcare/gerbilgames.asp | |
78. Alpine Pet Shop Online Pet Shop UK Pet Care Advice For Your Gerbil Lots of Gerbil pet care advice to help keep your pet safe and healthy. Why notget your gerbil pet supplies while your here ! http://www.alpinepetshop.co.uk/Petcare/Gerbil.htm | |
79. Alpine Pet Shop Pet Care Leaflet Gerbil pet care, pet health advice,classified adds,adverts, pet message boards, whereare we ?, Free delivery within Plymouth for orders over £6 and lots more. http://www.alpinepetshop.co.uk/Petcare/Gerbil leaflet.htm | |
80. WHP CBS21 [Harrisburg] - Gerbils And Guinea Pigs gerbils and guinea pigs have the same basic needs as other pets, care ofthese pets consists primarily of a clean, appropriate house and a nutritional http://www.whptv.com/guides/petcare/topic.aspx?content_id=0EB4E60E-B967-4D4B-869 |
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