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Georgia Education Staff Development: more detail | ||||
61. Archive Of Featured State - Georgia The primary focus has become the summer staff development Unit courses for The courses have been very well received by georgia educators and they have http://www.agclassroom.org/feature/georgia.htm | |
62. EDUCAUSE | About EDUCAUSE | Annual Business Meeting Minutes October 4, 2002, Atl EDUCAUSE welcomed new communication services staff who have brought a Continued development of the Higher education Bridge Certification Authority. http://www.educause.edu/October42002/803 | |
63. Chapter Information georgia Nursing staff development Organization (GNSDO) Kathy Wyatt Duluth, GA staff development Educators of Western New York (SDEWNY) Karen Chwodjak http://www.nnsdo.org/Chapters.htm | |
64. Sustainable Agriculture Research And Education - Contacts SARE national staff, clockwise from top left Mandy Rodrigues, Elaine Hauhn, Paula Ford, Professional development Program (PDP) Coordinator http://www.sare.org/about/contacts.htm | |
65. Graduate Credit And Professional Development Credit Options For Staff Developmen staff development for Educators (SDE) offers seminars, gradespecific georgia educators may receive 1.0 IACET CEUs for 2 day s attendance at our http://www.sde.com/GraduateCredit.html | |
66. Senior Accreditation Advisor, Republic Of Georgia Education Senior Accreditation Advisor, Republic of georgia education Decentralization The Sr. Accreditation Advisor will assist in the development of a national http://www.economist.com/classifieds/view_classified.cfm?sitd=3898&key=&sitd_typ |
67. Middle School Teacher Professional Development What Works in the Middle ResultsBased staff development Professional developmentfor Technology The CEO Forum on education and Technology report, http://www.middleweb.com/ContntsTchDev.html | |
68. Recruiter: April 2005 University Continuing education Association, companytagline for a visionaryleader to direct its marketing staff in the development, coordination, http://www.ucea.edu/pages/page030405.html | |
69. National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium - Members A natural resource for adult education state directors and staff members. NAEPDC Committees National Adult education Professional development Consortium http://www.naepdc.org/members/members.html | |
70. Georgia O'Keeffe Museum | News/Press Releases Professional development for Teachers and Art Educators The education staffand artists also lead workshops for programs held at school sites offering http://www.okeeffemuseum.org/visit/press/0801edupubprograms0.html | |
71. Southwest Georgia Technical College - Continuing Education Continuing education, Located in Thomasville, georgia, Southwest georgia Tech offers and seminars for professional development and personal enrichment. http://www.swgtc.net/coned/ | |
72. State Support And Incentives workshops conducted by professional development staff, consultants and georgiaNBCTs. The Professional Association of georgia Educators (PAGE) has http://www.nbpts.org/about/stateinfo.cfm?state=Georgia |
73. America's Career InfoNet: Reading Room georgia hopes to attract teachers of math, science, special education and foreign District professionaldevelopment activities in Florida will focus on http://www.acinet.org/acinet/rr_doc_display.asp?docn=6078 |
74. NSDC Annual Conference - Philadelphia - December 5-7, 2005 Discover the components of jobembedded staff development and the impact on teacher Beth Reynolds, georgia s Leadershp Institute for School Improvement, http://www.nsdc.org/conference05/findasession/findround.cfm?timeslot=RT1 |
75. ECS Literacy Programs -- Profile Of Georgia Administrative Agency, georgia Department of education Reading Challengestaff should undergo professional development. Certified teachers must lead http://www.ecs.org/dbsearches/search_info/Literacy_Programprofile.asp?state=GA |
76. Professional Development Course Instructors Atlanta, georgia www.emcengineers.com education; Bachelor of Science, Physics, 1979 Energy Professional development Award from the Association of Energy http://www.bcxa.org/events/prod_instructors.shtm | |
77. Open Society - Georgia Foundation The aim of the education development Project is to promote education reform inGeorgia, to facilitate democratization of educational institutions and http://osgf.ge/?lang=en&show=annrep&year=2001&action=cpxview&id=3 |
78. Practitioner Research As Staff Development Practitioner research is for new and experienced educators who want the georgia Adult Literacy staff development Practitioner Inquiry Project http://www.aelweb.vcu.edu/publications/research/introduction.htm | |
79. IREX - Alumni > Past Alumni Events In Georgia Workshop education and educational Exchange in georgia The government ofgeorgia has applied to the International development Association (IDA) of http://www.irex.org/alumni/highlights/georgia02.asp | |
80. USNews.com: America's Best Colleges 2006: University Of West Georgia: Mission The State University of West georgia, a charter member of the University System of of continuing education for personal and professional development. http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/college/directory/brief/drmiss_1601_brief.php | |
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