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81. Dr. Raymond A. Christopher - Research Projects Current and recent research projects are located in the USA, UK, Lebanon and Jamaica. In collaboration with the British Geological Survey the elemental http://www.ces.clemson.edu/geology/christopher/research.html | |
82. Dr. John R. Wagner - Research Projects Tennessee, Geological Society of America Committee on research Grants, A Study of the geology of Table Rock State Park, Clemson University http://www.ces.clemson.edu/geology/wagner/research.html | |
83. Student Opportunities Our geology department is linked with the Byrd Polar research Center, I currently have several active research projects focused on Antarctica below I http://www.geology.ohio-state.edu/TerryWilson/futureproj.html | |
84. Recent Research Projects Recent Antarctic research projects Journal of Structural geology, 24 12331238. Wilson, TJ, and Paulsen, TS, 2001. Fracture patterns in CRP-3 http://www.geology.ohio-state.edu/TerryWilson/recentproj.html | |
85. Research Project In The Geology Department Following is a list of ongoing research and cooperation projects currently running with the Department. . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Back to Top. http://www.unza.zm/schools/mines/geopages/georsrch.html |
86. Environmental Research Institute : Research Projects - Geology And Geophysics geology AND GEOPHYSICS. Principal Investigator, Project Title, Project Sponsor. Gary A. Robbins, Evaluation of Vertical Containment Spreading in Ground http://www.eri.uconn.edu/eri/geophysics.htm | |
87. Coastal Geology Research Consequently, research that aids in understanding the geologic Over the last decade, we have conducted a number of research projects examining http://marine.unh.edu/jel/coastal_geology/research.htm | |
88. Saint Mary's University Academic Plan to which undergraduate students have been included in faculty research projects. research and Scholarship geology R and D Grants Create Offshore http://www.smu.ca/whatsnew/ap/meeting-geology.html | |
89. Research Projects - USGS WCMG Trout Spawning Habitat and Geologic Mapping in Northern Lake Michigan Melanie; Southern California Coastal Water research Project/POC Allen, Jim http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/research/projects/nearshorehab.html | |
90. PLATES Project A program of research into plate tectonics and geologic reconstructions that The plate model developed by the PLATES Project describes the evolution of http://www.ig.utexas.edu/research/projects/plates/plates.htm | |
91. AutoTheme Sevilleta LTER Long term Ecological research geology research Digs Deep On Sevilleta NWR (Mar 22, 2005) · 2005 Sevilleta Symposium Regional In Scope http://sev.lternet.edu/ | |
92. ISGS - Research Projects Our research and service programs encompass geologic mapping, To read more about our research projects, see research Activity Highlights. http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu/isgshome/res-proj.htm | |
93. Geology Research Papers On The Web Conference on the geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York Earth Science research Project GEO 589 research for Earth Science Teacher Reports http://pbisotopes.ess.sunysb.edu/reports/ | |
94. UW-Eau Claire Summer Times News: Geology Research Takes First Place In Canada The sandstone studied in the research project is part of a failed He also liked doing the field research. Beaster said geology interests him because http://www.uwec.edu/newsbureau/SummerTimes/STpast/Summer00/07-24-00/geology.html | |
95. UNSW Handbook Course - Geology Honours Research Project - GEOL4204 geology Honours research Project GEOL4204 A major field and laboratory project, which may include geological mapping, laboratory experimental work and http://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/undergraduate/courses/2005/GEOL4204.html | |
96. Keck Geology Consortium 05 Sponsor Information The research project is selected by the student within the bounds set out by the Keck research Symposium in geology. A professional style symposium, http://keck.wooster.edu/05SponsorInformation.html | |
97. Geology Field project, research project, and six option modules in geology, Field project, research project, laboratory methods and five option modules in geology http://www.keele.ac.uk/undergraduate/prospectus/2006/geology.htm | |
98. Dickinson Geology Prize moneys will be used to fund a research project in geology. This prize is awarded in the Spring with moneys being available for use either in the http://www.dickinson.edu/departments/geol/independent.html | |
99. UL Lafayette: Geology: Students: Grad Fellowships through instruction, research, and service, promotes regional economic and describe how the research project relates to an aspect of the geology of the http://geology.louisiana.edu/students/gradfellow.shtml | |
100. SEG - Students The Hugo Dummett Fund supports applied economic geology research including Section 3 is the why of the project. Economic geology is concerned with http://segweb.org/StudentGrantAnnouncements2.htm | |
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