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         Geology Research Projects:     more books (81)
  1. The "LARSE" project--working toward a safer future for Los Angeles : understanding earthquake hazards in southern California (SuDoc I 19.127:110-99) by U.S. Geological Survey, 1999
  2. A report on work in progress for the Reno 1° x 2° CUSMAP Project, Nevada, with additional bibliography (Open-file report / United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey) by Gary B Sidder, 1987
  3. Papago Water Supply Project, class III archeological survey for Schuk Toak and San Xavier districts: Research design (Technical report / Institute for American Research) by Allen Dart, 1985
  4. Seismotectonic report by Larry W Anderson, 1987
  5. Magmatic cycles and the evolution of the Archaean granitic crust in the eastern Transvaal and Swaziland (South African Geodynamics Project paper) by C. R Anhaeusser, 1980
  6. North Alaska Range Project: Final report on 1978-1982 geo-archeological studies to the National Geographic Society, Committee for Research and Exploration, ... Division of Cultural Resources Management by Norman W. ten Brink, 1984
  7. Using geologic maps and seismic refraction in pavement-deflection analysis (Project summary report / University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research) by Jeffrey G Paine, 1999
  8. Investigation of the geology and hydrology of the Mogollon Highlands of central Arizona: A project of the Arizona Rural Watershed Initiative (USGS fact sheet) by John T. C Parker, 2000
  9. Investigation of the geology and hydrology of the Coconino Plateau of northern Arizona : a project of the Arizona Rural Watershed Initiative (SuDoc I 19.127:113-02) by Marilyn E. Flynn, 2002
  10. Use of fluorescent tracers to determine foreshore sediment transport, Sandy Hook, New Jersey (United States. Office of Naval Research. Geography Branch. ... 6, Project NR 388-057, Contract Nonr 266) by Warren E Yasso, 1964
  11. IMR project by J. P Dobell, 1965
  12. TRAC-NA final report: Research conducted during fy'92 through fy'95 by Jerry S Szymanski, 1996
  13. Major and trace element loading of central Michigan lakes: Project completion report by Charles M Spooner, 1973
  14. Lithologic interpretation of the De Braga #2 and Richard Weishaupt #1 geothermal wells, Stillwater Project, Churchill County, Nevada (ESL) by Bruce S Sibbett, 1982

61. Research Projects At The Department Of Hydrogeology And Environment - Institute
Institute of geology, Pleicherwall 1, 97070 Würzburg (Germany), Tel. research projects and theses (since 2000). GRCProject Re-evaluation of the



Research Projects

City of Würzburg

Department of Hydrogeology and Environment
Main Fields of Research
German version
Actual areas of interest (thematically)
Actual regions of interest

Research projects and theses

Publications since 1997
Actual areas of interest (thematically)
- Water budget / water balances
- Groundwater recharge - Groundwater flow and particle tracking models - Grundwater quality / chemistry - Protection of groundwater - Landfill sites
Actual regions of interest
- Generally all semiarid and arid areas - Franconia (Bavaria/Germany) - Mediterranean (especially eastern Mediterranean: Cyprus, Jordan, Greece) - Namibia, Botswana - Central Africa - Brasil, Bolivia/Paraguay (Chaco)
Research projects and theses (since 2000)
GRC-Project: Re-evaluation of the Groundwater Resources of Cyprus (since 2001) BayFORREST (Bavarian landfill site project): Projekt F153 - Methods of measuring the water-budget in landfill coverages.

62. Geology Research At Guilford
Ongoing research projects at Guilford JOVE/NASA (GIS/Image Processing) € Hydrology of the Guilford College Woods € The Quaker Quadrangle. geology homepage.
Ongoing Research Projects at Guilford
€ Reefs of Puerto Rico, JOVE/NASA (GIS/Image Processing)
€ Hydrology of the Guilford College Woods
€ The Quaker Quadrangle

63. Rock Deformation Research - Active Research
The RDR Group is an established market leader in structural geology, research and The programme consists of a series of 12 month research projects
Rock Deformation Research
Integrated Structural Analysis
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NERC - Ocean Mar gins (LI NK) ITF
Active Research
About RDR
The RDR Group is an established market leader in structural geology, research and consultancy. Based in Leeds UK, we offer a wide range of services to hydrocarbon and mineral industries worldwide.
Current Projects
RDR is involved in the following research projects: Foundation Project: Fault Research Consortium 2004-2005 Foundation Project: Fracture Research Consortium 2004-2005 NERC Ocean Margins (LINK) "Fault seal processes and trap development in deep marine reservoirs" ITF: Behaviour and Modelling of Fault / Fracture / Fluid Systems (BMFFFS)
Foundation Project Programme
The programme consists of a series of 12 month research projects sponsored by a consortium of companies. The aim of the Foundation Project Programme is to provide pilot or "proof of concept" research in structural geology and its effects on petroleum flow for the hydrocarbon industry. Every year we run both Fault and Fracture Foundation Project research consortiums.
2005 Fault Foundation
Fault zone architecture: - Small-scale deformation associated with seismic scale faulting
- Clay smear in the Cretaceous sandstones of Utah
- Deformation in poorly lithified sediments
- Fault development in compressional settings Influence of salt on faulting and fluid flow Faulting and fluid flow in carbonate lithologies
2005 Fracture Foundation
Topics to be confirmed with sponsors.

64. Current Research Projects
Recent, current and planned research projects geology, detrital petrology and diagenesis of the Lower Cretaceous Chaswood Formation, including the role
Last updated March, 2005
Recent, current and planned research projects
involving many students and collaborators
The Chaswood Formation of Atlantic Canada
Geology, detrital petrology and diagenesis of the Lower Cretaceous Chaswood Formation, including the role of faulting and volcanism. Funded by the Exxon-Mobil Sable Project, PR-AC, and NSERC.
Recent abstracts, theses, figures and Open Files
[Mid-Cretaceous syn-sedimentary deformation of sands]

[Detrital metalloids, Chaswood Formation]

[X-ray maps of sandstone cements, Chaswood Formation]

[Paleogeography of the Chaswood Formation]
[Sediment types from the Chaswood Formation at Belmont]
Geology, detrital petrology and diagenesis in Lower Cretaceous reservoir rocks of the Scotian basin.
Inferring detrital petrology and dispersal patterns of the Lower Cretaceous sandstones of the Scotian basin. Detailed studies of the geology and tectonic setting of Cretaceous rocks of the Orpheus graben. Early diagenetic phosphorite and septachlorite in the Scotian basin. Funded by the Exxon-Mobil Sable Project, PR-AC, and NSERC. Recent abstracts, theses, figures and Open Files

65. CoRE
CoRE research Staff CoRE research Project CSM geology research Current projects Stratigraphic Modeling Project
CoRE Values CoRE Facilities CoRE Contacts Recruiting ... Current Projects CoRE RESEARCH CoRE
Reducing Uncertainty in Interpretation of Subsurface Geology Through Application of 3D Outcrop Models

Stratigraphic Modeling Project

CSM The CSM Department of Geology and Geological Engineering has several research programs.

66. Research Projects For Geology
This is the research projects page for geology. Graphic for Bobby AAA aproval. research projects. No information available at this time.
Geology UTPB Home The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Library Search Calendar Student Information ... Geology Club Geological Links... Cool Links West Texas Geology Permian Basin Oil Departmental News... What's New! Research Projects Field Trips Faculty... FAQs Contact

Research Projects
No information available at this time.

67. UCC Geology - Research
The geology Department has a wide range of research interests including igneous A feature of many of the research projects is that they involve
Research Themes
Geological Research
The Department has a wide range of research interests and details of recent research projects carried out in these areas can be accessed via the links to the left. A feature of many of the research projects is that they involve extensive field work. The principal research strengths of the Department are:
  • Palaeozoic and Mesozoic palynology Studies of the Irish offshore sedimentary basins Paleozoic stratigraphy Fluid inclusion thermobarometry The structural evolution of high grade gneiss terrains Caledonian and Hercynian tectonics of the British Isles and adjacent areas The geochemistry of andesitic volcanoes Trace element geochemistry of the lithospheric mantle Petrogenetic and structural studies of Caledonian magmatism Engineering and environmental geology Geophysical modelling
These projects are funded by the University, Local Authorities and petroleum and mineral exploration companies, a limited number of postgraduate studentships being available each year. In addition, other sources of funding may be available and information can be obtained from the Research Directors. A First or Upper Second Class Honours degree in geology or earth science is essential and the studentships are tenable for up to two years (M.Sc.) or up to four years (Ph.D.).

68. Renard Centre Of Marine Geology, University Of Ghent, Belgium
Selected relevant research projects ECMAST3 Very-high resolution 3D seismics Selected relevant research projects ESF-Programme Polar North Atlantic
Research at RCMG is focused on the following topics and themes:
Development of (seismic) methods and techniques
Development of seismic methods and new technologies for very high-resolution geological investigations in marine and lacustrine environments. Ultra high-resolution marine 3D seismics, a.o. for geotechnical applications. Development of a multi-functional deep-sea exploration system, including high-resolution deep-tow seismics. Development of a deep-water ROV for marine and lacustrine exploration. In-situ heat-flow measurements in marine and lacustrine environments. Seismic exploration on rivers and canals. Development of a seismic mini-vessel - the 'Opus-3D' - for the study of crater lakes, high-altitude mountain lakes and other poorly accessible or very shallow-water areas. 2D and 3D seismic processing, computer-aided interpretation and seismic modeling.
Selected relevant research projects:
EC -MAST3 "Very-high resolution 3D seismics (VHR3D)"
-MAST3 "European North Atlantic Margins 2 (ENAM2)"
FP5-EESD European Co-ordination on Mediterranean and Black Sea Prodeltas (EURODELTA)
"Antarctic shelf-slope dynamics - an innovative geophysical approach"
University of Gent Research Fund "Marine Geophysics" Continental margins
Geodynamic, seismic- and sequence-stratigraphic and paleoclimatically oriented studies of medium- to high-latitude continental margins, with special emphasis on processes of sediment deposition, destabilisation and/or erosion and redeposition on shelf-edge, slope and basin-floor environments. Research areas include the Weddell Sea margin (Antarctica), Bransfield Basin (Antarctica), the Antarctic Peninsula margin, the East-Greenland margin, the Barents Sea margin, Porcupine Basin, the Celtic Sea margin, the Black Sea margin and the NW Mediterranean margins...

69. Department Of Geology: Research Facilities
research Facilities, Department of geology Examples of research projects include hydrologic analysis, petrographic analysis, paleoclimatology,
Equipment Research
GeoScience Research at California State University, Bakersfield
Bakersfield is the center of the southern San Joaquin Valley, the fourth-largest oil-producing area in the United States and one of the most productive and heavily groundwater- dependent agricultural regions in the world. Diverse geological environments including the Sierra Nevada, the Pacific Coast, San Andreas Fault, Mojave Desert, and the Basin and Range province are nearby. Proximity of the campus to the petroleum industry, easy access to diverse geological environments, the broad range of faculty research interests, the excellent student/faculty ratio, and a range of modern research facilities permit the student to select from a broad spectrum of research topics. Abundant opportunities exist for cooperation with local petroleum and environmental companies and regulatory agencies. Due to excellent access to these local employers, students are highly successful in obtaining a diverse range of professional positions. Specific areas of recent research include hydrogeology, aqueous geochemistry, petroleum geology, sedimentary petrology, paleoclimate studies, environmental geophysics, and seismology.

70. UW-Madison Department Of Geology And Geophysics - Redirect
The Quaternary research Lab is located in Weeks Hall for Geological Science at The lab is used primarily by students working on their thesis projects.

71. Student Research- Geology Program- Western State College Of Colorado
Thornton research projects. geology students can also participate in the Thornton Biology research Grants program through collaborative projects.
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Western State College of Colorado
wsc academics academic programs ... geology
Geology Student Research
Bartleson-Prather Research Scholarships
In 1998 we first received a $10,000 donation Paul Rady ('78) and Peter Dea ('76) ) to start a student summer research scholarship program. The Bartleson Prather Fund for Excellence in Geology provides a scholarship and research stipend for students, who are between their junior and senior year. The stipend enables students to conduct geologic research in the summer without taking a financial beating. The vast majority of our students work full-time in the summer and part-time all year to be able to go to college, so this scholarship allows them to make some money in the summer but also learn and grow, and thus get a head start on their career. This fund has continued to grow since then with over donated by different WSC geology alumni. If you or your company might be interested in contributing to the fund let us know.

72. CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS - Michael S. Smith - Geology, Geochemistry, Metamorphi
My research in this area has been addressed at using optical petrology techniques to Here are a few examples of the projects I have been involved.
I am looking for a hard rock masters level graduate student(s) to work on a variety of suites of prehistoric (or historic) ceramics. Project will involve field work, petrographic investigation (hand sample and optical mineralogy), and geochemical characterization (mostly by XRF and microprobe).
Interested? Drop me an email
The application of petrographic techniques to the study of archaeological ceramics.
My research in this area has been addressed at using optical petrology techniques to determine the provenance of the tempering material, as well as the clays, in pottery. I have also been investigating how chemical characterization of the paste (clay minerals) component of the pottery may or may not be useful in determining the provenance. Here are a few examples of the projects I have been involved. For further references and links on ceramic petrology and the connections between archaeology, mineralogy and geology, click on the Ceramic Petrology link.
Smith, M.S

73. Scotiabank Marine Geology Research Laboratory _ Introduction
Scott, director of the marine geology research lab at the University of and shiptime by developing collaborative research projects with scientists from
Scotiabank Marine Geology Research Laboratory
For Steven Scott, excitement is seeing a big, billowing plume of black smoke. No, Scott isn't an arsonist, and the smoke he looks for isn't on land – it's underwater. Scott, director of the marine geology research lab at the University of Toronto , spends about four months a year at sea, mapping the ocean floor and looking for his specialty, underwater ore deposits. Ottawa Citizen The Scotiabank Marine Geology Research Laboratory was established in 1989 with a grant from the Bank of Nova Scotia , the first such grant in their "Excellence in Education" program. The laboratory is dedicated to the scientific study of the deep ocean floor, to the development of new technologies for ocean exploration and to the education of students in marine geology and geophysics. Its focus is on metal deposits currently forming on the seafloor, both for the information they can provide to aid the on-going search for ancient base and precious metal massive sulphide deposits on land and for their in situ economic potential. The laboratory has also applied marine geophysical methods to the study of large lakes, the formation of marine sedimentary basins and active geologic processes.

74. EESJ - Science Research Project.
The research projects of past and present E ESJ students have been Laura Wright, geology, Colgate Universtiy, Assessing the utility of combined
Columbia University
Dual Master's Degree Program
Research projects can be based at any of the institutions with which the Department of Earth and Environmental Science faculty have research affiliations. These are: Institution Disciplines For further information: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Center for Environmental Research and Conservation (CERC) biodiversity, ecology, evolution, conservation, environmental management, population biology. Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) climate modeling, remote sensing, atmospheric sciences, paleoclimate, astrophysics. American Museum of Natural History vertebrate paleontology, mineralogy. Year Student Undergrad Background Research Project Title Advisory Committee (a) Krista [McKenzie] West Zoology, Univ. of Washington "Effects of pond acidity levels on distribution of turtle populations at Black Rock Forest, NY." Chris Raxworthy,
Jim Simpson Dina Capiello Biology, Georgetown Univ.

75. Gustavus Geology-Research
Students may do research projects independently prior to the geology research course. Students present results at the spring Sigma Xi research Symposium;
Geology Home
Why Geology Rocks!

Faculty and Staff

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Research in the Geology Department
We regard research, and particularly field-based research, to be an integral part of our department's program. The faculty is engaged in research and the students have opportunities to be involved. Nearly every class includes research questions and problem solving. The 'capstone' course of the Geology Department is GEO 392-393 Geology Research , a two-semester research course taken during the junior and senior years. Students are encouraged to pursue their own research questions or to help with faculty, on-going projects, some of which are listed below.
Students may do research projects independently prior to the Geology Research course. Students present results at the spring Sigma Xi Research Symposium; several have delivered papers at regional and national Geological Society of America Meetings and the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. There are opportunities for both on-campus and off-campus funding for research including the Youngquist Fund (Geology Department) and Sigma Xi (college). Our majors have been successful in gaining positions on other REU projects throughout the country.
Faculty Research
Current faculty research areas are in the subdisciplines of metamorphic petrology, glacial sedimentology and geomorphology, tectonics and stratigraphy, vertebrate paleontology, and microbial paleontology. Active research areas include Permian amphibians and reptiles of Oklahoma, history of glacial deposits in western Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota, development of the Minnesota River valley and Glacial Lake Agassiz, Cretaceous fluvial deposits of Colorado and Utah, Cambrian-Ordovician sequence stratigraphy of the Great Basin, methane-seep carbonates of Colorado, and the development of Archean rocks in the Virginia Horn area of Minnesota. Please contact the individual faculty members to learn more about their research projects.

76. Research Projects At Environmental Geology, Hydrology And Geohazards Section, Ui
research projects at Environmental geology, Hydrology and Geohazards.
UiO - web pages UiO - persons WWW - Google About The University Academics Student Life University Library ... RESEARCH - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Department of Geosciences About the Department Academics Research ... Meteorology and Oceanography - Petroleum Geology and Geophysics - Physical Geography - Tectonics, Petrology and Geochemistry
Research projects at Environmental Geology, Hydrology and Geohazards
Palaeoecological interpretations of fossil benthic foraminiferal assemblages using modern analogues: possibilities and limitations The response of hyperbenthos , infauna, and foraminifera to hypoxia in fjord-basins:
Searching for indicator organisms and controlling environmental factors. FRIEND - Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data ASTHyDA - Analysis, Synthesis and Transfer of Knowledge and Tools on Hydrological Drought Assessment through a European Network EDC - European Drought Centre ENVITools - New Spaceborne Radar Methods for Glacier Characterisation as Tools for Arctic Environment and Resource Monitoring
- Groundbased INterferometric SAR
Faculty and staff
Research MSc - projects
Phd - projects
CoE: Geohazards
Editors: Web-gruppa

77. Undergraduate Research
WIU Department of geology Here is a sampling of some of the undergraduate research projects that our faculty have overseen in recent years.
Field Camp Field Trips Alumni News Geology Careers ... Geology Links Here is a sampling of some of the undergraduate research projects that our faculty have overseen in recent years. The projects are grouped according to the faculty advisor. Dr. Kyle Mayborn's Undergraduate Research Projects Troy Markin: Field investigation of Mafic Dikes in Labrador, Canada This project was a four week field investigation of mafic dikes for the propose of describing their relative chronology, orientations, and mesoscopic textures. Troy and I camped at numerous localities and were transport from one camp to the next by boat or helicopter. (Photo shows Dr. Mayborn and Troy Markin in Labrador.) Lauren Hunt: Characterization and Identification of Precambrian Mafic Dike Suites from Labrador Canada This project was a petrographic study of samples previously collected from Labrador for the purpose of classifying the dikes into related suites. For part of the project, Lauren and I traveled to the University of Iowa to use their photomicrography equipment. (Photo shows a calcite-bearing amygdule in a Labrador dike) Andy Brehm: The role of titanomagnetite in the evolution of Mesoproterozoic mafic dikes, Labrador, Canada

78. WSU: ResearchFacilities
It also assists in securing financial support for research projects involving The GeoAnalytical Laboratory is a Service Center within the geology
Washington State University Home
Laboratory for Atmospheric Research

Laboratory for Biotechnology and Bioanalysis

The Laboratory for Biotechnology and Bioanalysis (LBB) is a campus-wide research service center that provides a number of important analyses including: DNA and protein sequencing. The goal of the LBB is to provide equipment and expertise for support of research that utilizes costly and state-of-the-art equipment in the disciplines of biology and chemistry. In LBB-1, equipment and trained personnel are available for DNA array construction and analysis while LBB-2 is primarily set up for analysis of small molecules. Mass spectrometry for biological or synthetic agents is available through LBB-2. LBB is located in several rooms in Fulmer Hall. Biomolecular X-ray Crystallography (BXC) Center
The Biomolecular X-ray Crystallography (BXC) Center is a research and training facility for the study of macromolecules. This Washington State University facility is the only macromolecular X-ray facility in eastern Washington and northern Idaho. The BXC Center serves three colleges: the College of Sciences, the College of Agriculture, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences, and the College of Veterinary Medicine. The X-ray laboratory is used for teaching, training, classroom instruction, and laboratory experiments at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

79. K.U.Leuven - Structural Geology & Tectonics - Projects
This research project aims at comparing the tectonic evolution of the of this research project aims at a comparison of the structural geology in the
Hydraulic fracturing, High-Ardenne slate belt
Bastogne, Belgium
Manuel Sintubin © 2000-2005
Ongoing Project
Deformation history of slate belts
The main research topic of the research unit focuses on different aspects related to the development of and the evolution within slate belts. Particular attention is paid to the determination of the kinematic significance of the slaty cleavage development, which is approached qualitatively as well as quantitatively by means of microstructural fabric analysis, X-ray pole figure goniometry and magnetic fabric analysis (AMS). Further research concerns the recognition of early, soft-sediment, deformation features and the influence of heterogeneous sediment geometries on the subsequent deformation history, as well as the interaction between fluids and deformation in low-grade metamorphic conditions in siliciclastic sediments and rocks. The structural architecture of a slate belt
The objectives of this project is to study different aspects related to the evolution of siliciclastic-dominated sedimentary basin during basin development and orogenesis, leading to the development of a slate belt (F.W.O. KAN2005 - Special attention is paid to different aspect of slaty cleavage development, the behaviour of pre-structured basement inliers, the interaction between fluïda and deformation (e.g. hydraulic fracturing, pressure solution), and the significance of sediment deformation in the basin dynamics.

80. USGS Coastal And Marine Geology Program FY2000 Research Projects
The US Geological Survey s Coastal and Marine geology Program research projects for 2000.
Search CMGP Coastal and Marine Geology Program
FY2000 Research Projects
    See the Program Information Sheet for a description of the
    Program's Issues and Goals. Theme 1: Environmental Quality and Preservation
      Fundamental Studies
    • Large Scale Coastal Dynamics, Methods and Modeling Origin of Marine Stratification (Support to STRATAFORM) Mechanisms of Sorting in Mixed Sediments Coastal Hydrocarbon Surveys Sediment Transport Pathways on Continental Slope of California Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms

    • Pollution and Waste Disposal Studies
    • Pollutant Transport and Accumulation in the New York - New Jersey Metropolitan Region Monitoring Pollution and Sediment Transport in Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay Los Angeles Shelf Pollution Sedimentation and Water Quality in Florida Bay Sediment and Pollutant Transport in Central San Francisco Bay Dredge Spoil Dumpsite, Mamala Bay, Hawaii Long Island Sound Environmental Studies Fragile Environments Studies Gulf of Mexico/Southeast US Wetlands: Changes Paleoenvironment and Geologic History, Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem Assessment and Vitality of Coral Reef Systems

    • Geomorphology of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Marine Reserves and Biologic Habitats Studies
    • Oculina Bank Shelf-Edge Reef Habitats, Florida

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