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         Geology Research Projects:     more books (81)
  1. The geology and petrology of the Juneau ice field area, southeastern Alaska by Robert B Forbes, 1959
  2. Catalogue of scientific projects, 1979-80 by M. A Petre, 1979
  3. A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea: The Story of the Mohole Project. by Willard Bascom, 1961-01
  4. UMP-researches in Hungary related to geology, 1963-1966;: Geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, volcanology, tectonics by G Pantó, 1967
  5. Lower cretaceous deposition in the southern North West Shelf: Results of research carried out as MERIWA Project no. 84 at Curtin University of Technology ... Research Institute of Western Australia)
  6. Stratigraphy of the Devonian Harrell and Millboro Shales in parts of Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia: Project final report for Energy Research and Development Administration by Kenneth Owen Hasson, 1978
  7. Tidewater Oil Company research report by W. M Harrison, 1963
  8. Archival research, Houston-Galveston Navigation Channels, Texas Project, Galveston, Harris, Liberty and Chambers counties, Texas by Steven D Hoyt, 1993
  9. Cloncurry mapping project 1990: Geology of the Selwyn Range (McKinlay River and Maramungee Creek areas) (EGRU contribution) by Patrick J Williams, 1992
  10. Geology of the Highvale study site: Plains hydrology and reclamation project (Report) by Anna Maslowski Schutze, 1987
  11. Report on the Conoco Project in German literature and geology by Jim Coleman, 1987
  12. Technical report - Institute of Water Research, Michigan State University by Thomas C Young, 1978
  13. Recent gradational and channel-migration history of the Kansas River: A guide for floodplain management : project completion report (Contribution - Kansas Water Resources Research Institute) by Wakefield Dort, 1980
  14. Madaicheche kyanite project, interim report: The geology and possible ore reserve of the Madaicheche kyanite (Report / University of Zimbabwe, Institute of Mining Research) by K. A Viewing, 1966

41. ARRC : Research Projects
research Groups at the Australian Resources research Centre. Staff in this group have expertise dominantly in geology, geochemistry, soil science,

Research Groups - CSIRO Petroleum
Research Groups - Curtin University of Technology
CSIRO Exploration and Mining
Computational Geoscience
Dr Alison ORD

Paul Roberts
This group is developing technologies for numerically simulating and visualising geology and earth processes to aid the Australian resources industry discover and extract mineral resources.
Giant Ore Deposits
Giant ore Deposits (GODs) research is developing models of resource formation that will promote the effective selection and evaluation of large areas of the Earth's crust for high quality resources.
Magmatic Ore Deposits (MOD)
Dr Robin HILL
The Magmatic Ore Deposits Research group is a multi-disciplinary commodity-focused group of petrologists, geochemists, volcanologists and field geologists developing a detailed knowledge of the processes which produced known 'quality' magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE (Cr, V, Ti, etc) ore deposits and their host provinces, in order to establish criteria that will enable these provinces to be recognised elsewhere, and their contained orebodies to be located, evaluated, delineated and exploited efficiently.
MOD - Analytical
Members of the Magmatic Ore Deposits Analytical Group develop and apply applications in X-Ray and Electron Beam technology to mineral identification and analysis, and the major, minor and trace element analyses at macro and micro scale of materials.

42. Engineering Geology (
Engineering geology. Show printerfriendly view Print View switch to nl Discontinued research projects associated with this classification ( Top of
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Engineering geology
Print View
Please choose one of the following aspect associated with the classification "Engineering geology":
Current research programmes etc. associated with this classification:
(the most recent research is placed on top)
  • Geomechanics
  • Geo-technology: Near surface technology Discontinued research programmes etc. associated with this classification: (the most recent research is placed on top)
  • Nuclear fuel cycle Current research projects associated with this classification: (the most recent research is placed on top)
  • Solubility/mobility of arsenic under changing redox conditions as affected by multi-component transport (part II)
  • Air Shock Wave Interaction
  • Improved ground penetration radar
  • STW-project - Seismic Imaging Complex Media ...
  • Tools for non-linear data analysis Discontinued research projects associated with this classification: (the most recent research is placed on top)
  • Techniques for shallow imaging and removal of near-surface effects
  • Stochastic determination of well capture zones at different scales (Optimum design of groundwater monitoring networks at landfill sites)
  • Peer review - Assessment of the EIS (Environmental Impact Study) reports on the removal of gas extraction installations in the North Sea (Frigg Field)
  • Strength and deformation capacity of steel pipelines.
  • 43. Research Projects
    research projects. research activities in the geology Division The research projects in the Division of geology are focused on geological and
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    Research Projects
    Research activities in the Geology Division
    The scientific staff of the Geology Division of the Science Institute consists of eight faculty members of the Department of Natural Sciences, and nine research scientists at the institute as well as two technical asssistants. Additionally, 18 research assistants and students sponsored by different research funds and private companies were employed for longer and shorter periods of time. The research projects in the Division of Geology are focused on geological and geographical problems. In geology the emphasis is on sedimentology, mainly sedimentary facies and lithostratigraphy, tephrochronology, Quaternary geology and Pleistocene and Holocene stratigraphy, geochemistry and experimental petrology, geothermics, the chemistry of surface waters and chemical weathering, palaeontology of Pliocene to Holocene faunas and floras, and natural hazards. In geography the emphasis is upon environmental geography, air photo interpretation and land utilization, and human geography. The Geology Division runs an electronic and mecanical workshop as well as a thin section laboratory. Additionally, the division runs geochemical and sedimenatary laboratories.

    44. DRAM, Florida Geological Survey Mission
    In this way, research projects and programs can be designed to provide data and ith the above guidance, geologic projects are identified and designed to
    Search: DEP Home About DEP Programs Contact ... Site Map Programs
    Florida Geological Survey
    Florida Geological Survey's Mission
    The mission of the Florida Geological Survey is two-fold.
    • To collect, interpret, disseminate, store and maintain geologic data that is used by governmental agencies, industry and the public, thereby contributing to the responsible use, understanding, and conservation of Florida's natural resources. To conserve the state of Florida's oil and gas resources and minimize environmental impacts from exploration and production operations through regulation and inspection activities.
    This statement reflects the Statutory directive passed by the Florida Legislature. It also is in direct support of the Department of Environmental Protection Mission, and the Department's definition of "ecosystem management".

    45. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
    research projects. Marine paleontology, Panama Paleontology Project The general Neogene geology and stratigraphy have been described in 5 core papers in
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    • Earl S. Tupper Research and Conference Center Earl S. Tupper Tropical Sciences Library Center for Tropical Paleoecology and Archaeology
        General information ... Center for Tropical Paleoecology and Archaeology > Research Projects
        Research Projects
        Marine paleontology, Panama Paleontology Project
        The PPP has achieved international recognition as one of the most important and innovative new achievements in paleontology. The primary goal of the PPP is to document the marine biological consequences of the formation of the Isthmus of Panama, and more generally, to determine the extent to which environmental change drives major alterations in ecology and evolution. To do this we need to determine the extent and quality of the geological record, establish a rigorous time-stratigraphic framework, determine environmental changes through time, make very large collections of fossils based on a rigorous sampling plan, and curate, identify, and document the fossils in accessible databases.
        What we have done
        We have met most of the above goals for three Caribbean sedimentary basins: Limon, Bocas del Toro, and Canal ( Central Panama).

    46. Earlham College | Geosciences
    A Geosciences faculty member teaches Field geology on evennumbered years Sometimes these independent research projects are continuations of class
    Geosciences Earlham Home Geosciences links: Geosciences Home Facilities Outcomes More Resources Curriculum Guide Links: About the Department Faculty General Education Requirements The Major ... Courses
    About the Program The study of Earth became increasingly multidisciplinary during the latter third of the 20th century as geochemical, geophysical and geobiological evidence verified the Plate Tectonics paradigm. Earlham's former geology program similarly evolved. Now called Geosciences, our modern major and minor programs integrate the fundamental natural sciences into the investigation of Earth while acknowledging the variety of careers available to skilled geoscientists. Regarding global climate change and earth resource reserves, we need geoscientists who have the analytical skills, integrity, humanity and gumption to formulate and evaluate testable models and humankind's remaining options. These folks must also be prepared to help guide decision-makers along paths that can be sustained. This is why I teach Geosciences at Earlham.
    Professor of Geosciences

    47. Keck Geology Consortium Application Information
    Students accepted into Consortium projects will spend approximately four weeks in with participation in the annual Keck research Symposium in geology,
    Eligibility Application Procedure Deadlines ... For Students

    2005 Application Information: The 2005 application process has closed. Please bookmark our home page and visit us again in the fall for information on the 2006 projects and applications.
    Applicants will be notified of their application status during the first week of March.
    2005 Applicants and Faculty: If you have comments that will help us refine this electronic application process, please email Marlene at the Keck office to share your ideas.
    Program Overview Students accepted into Consortium projects will spend approximately four weeks in the field or laboratory collecting data. See the project announcements for specific descriptions of the time and activities involved. Preparation: Project faculty help the students prepare for the summer work by preparing reading lists designed to provide an introduction to the field area and problem as well as providing information on project logistics. In the field : Students receive a short introduction to the field area or laboratory, which will help them identify their individual research project within the context of the research group's overall problem. Students spend the rest of the field time collecting their data, assisting other students, and discussing problems and results with the rest of the group. Continuing Research: During the following academic year, the students continue their work as independent research projects or senior honors theses at their home institutions under the

    48. Geology Department - Colorado College
    Keck Consortium for Undergraduate research in geology has allowed many of our students to take part in consortiumsponsored and -funded research projects.

    About CC
    Academics Athletics Directory ... Links
    The Geology Department at Colorado College offers introductory and advanced courses in earth sciences that may lead to a BA in geology. The courses in the major are designed to (1) provide a foundation for a professional career in the earth sciences, (2) provide the background for graduate school, which has increasingly become a necessary prerequisite to a professional career, (3) provide an opportunity for students majoring in other fields to combine their expertise with geology, and (4) educate students about the physical environment and our place in it, as part of a liberal arts education. Students with strong interests in both geology and environmental issues may major in Geology and take elective courses in other environmental sciences and environmental issues. Alternatively, such students may major in Environmental Science complimented with coursework in Geology.

    49. UMD Geology: Research
    However, research projects are not restricted to this area faculty have in joint research projects in the fields of economic geology, hydrology,
    Search People Departments Events ... ciences
    About Us
    University of Minnesota Duluth, Department of Geological Sciences
    Research Areas
    Remote field work in Antarctica The UMD campus, located on the Canadian Shield, is in and near classic areas of Precambrian geology with spectacular Pleistocene glacial deposits and Lake Superior on our doorstep. Paleozoic strata are readily accessible in southern Minnesota, and hydrogeology opportunities abound. However, research projects are not restricted to this area: faculty have research interests as far afield as Wyoming, the Four Corners, Barbados, Spain, Malawi, Krygystan, Papua New Guinea, Antarctica and Venus. Faculty at UMD conduct research in many fields of geoscience, including:

    50. Student Research Projects; Geology/Environmental Science
    And research Project Available For the Future Listed By Faculty Supervisor. Below is a list of prospective student research projects available in the
    Research Projects By Former Students
    And Research Project Available For the Future
    Listed By Faculty Supervisor
    Below is a list of prospective student research projects available in the Department of Geology and Environmental Studies, listed by faculty. Projects done by former students are also sometimes shown to give some guidence in identifying a research problem.
    The list is not exhaustive, and is meant to give viewers an idea of the kinds of projects that are possible, and the interestes of faculty in the department. If you find projects that are in a discipline that interests you then go talk about furture projects with that professor. Many times students are able to come up with research ideas of their own, and just need to find the right advisor, or by brainstorming a student and faculty member may be able to define a research project different from those listed here.
    Amenta, Roddy
    Baedke, Steve
    Eaton, Scott
    Fichter, Lynn ...
    Ulanski, Stan

    Dr. Roddy Amenta Available Research Projects Previous Student Research Projects
    Dr. Steve Baedke

    His current research projects include microgravity and resistivity techniques for the detection His research interests include aspects of coal geology,
    QUICK LINKS: Department Mission Geology Program Home Faculty ... Webmaster
    Dr. KATIE ALGEO Southern Cultures Southeastern Geographer and Names . Before coming to Western, Katie taught at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, where she enjoyed leading field trips to explore aspects of Wisconsin culture such as vernacular shrines and grottos, polka masses, concrete art, dairy barns, and ginseng farms. For more information about her teaching and research interests, contact Katie via email at
    Dr. JOHN ALL
    Locally, Dr. All is examining radon in the Western Kentucky region with Dr. Wulff and others in the Department. Physical studies of radon distribution are being combined with a policy analysis to help inform local stakeholders. Also, they are working to create a radon evaluation scheme that other communities can utilize when addressing this issue. Water quality is also a key local issue that Dr. All examines; as the karst environment create a variety of problems. Long-term planning strategies that maximize water quality while minimizing the cost to individual stakeholders is the goal of this work. In his scarce free time, Dr. All is an alpinist who has climbed on three continents using technical rock, ice, and aid-climbing techniques. He is a certified Rescue Diver, a triathlete, a nature photographer, and spent several years on Southern Arizona Search and Rescue. For further information about these and other environment-related projects, contact

    52. NPS: Nature & Science» Geology: Coastal Geology - Research
    Coastal geology in our National Parks. research in Coastal National Parks Additional GIP projects in coastal National Park units
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    U.S. Department of the Interior
    NPS Advanced Search
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    Air Biology ... Explore Geology: Explore Geology NPS Geology Coastal Geology Skip to Content
    Coastal Geology in our National Parks
    Research in Coastal National Parks
    There are virtually unlimited opportunities for scientific research in coastal National Parks. The relatively unspoiled natural resources found in these areas provide a unique setting for the investigation of coastal features and processes. Research greatly benefits coastal park managers by providing the scientific information necessary to protect and preserve coastal resources. The National Park Service is currently involved in numerous research partnerships with the private sector, universities, and other government agencies. In addition, the park service's GeoScientists-in-the-Parks program places experienced students and professionals in scientific research positions in parks. (To learn more about the Geoscientists in the Parks program and some of it's contributions to coastal research in the National Parks continue reading below.) It is very important that coastal park managers be actively involved in the research conducted within their park boundaries. To facilitate this researchers and park managers should form close working relationships. Unfortunately, much of the scientific research that could benefit National Park management is lost due to a lack of communication between organizations.

    53. Regional Geology Of The Southern Pyrenees
    Currently, this line of research is pursuing projects on geological cartography, biostratigraphy, and lithostratigraphy to contribute objective data to the

    54. UniSA Applied Geology Research Group - Geology, Earth Science, GIS, Remote Sensi
    Applied geology research Group within the School of Natural and Built Environments. The major projects undertaken recently in petroleum geology were
    @import url("/commonfiles/stylesheets/layout.css"); @import url("/commonfiles/stylesheets/text_style.css"); @import url("/commonfiles/nbe_inc/section_layout.css"); Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment
    School of Natural and Built Environments Resources and Tools UniSA home Directory Email myUniSA ... Library Section Navigation About UniSA Study at UniSA Research Resources for staff ... NBE staff access only
    Geoscience research group
    Unearth your potential and discover the world!
    Planet Earth is a dynamic place. Geological processes, driven by the internal heat of Earth and energy from the sun, mould vast mountain ranges and deep ocean basins, which are constantly being carved up by the erosive action of water and air. The Earth system is composed of numerous, interacting sub-systems such as rivers, beaches, oceans, soils, biosphere, volcanoes and faults that result in a continually changing surface expression. The diversity of landforms makes Earth an interesting place to live and has allowed life itself to flourish.
    By enrolling in a Geoscience major (Bachelor of Science) or a post-graduate program (Masters, PhD) you will learn about and investigate geological processes that are fundamental to our understanding of the ground beneath our feet. A Geoscience major will give you a broad knowledge in the fields of environmental geology, natural hazards (eg. earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, floods, drought, climate change, el nino), coastal and fluvial processes, plate tectonics, mountain building, earth resources, mining and rehabilitation, palaeontology, sedimentology, igneous and metamorphic processes, mineralogy, geochemistry, structural geology and field mapping.

    55. Geology Institute, Research Activities And Projects
    research in the principal geological sciences is performed, Joint research Project Moment deformations in young sediments - geological indicators of
    Research Activities of
    the Geological Institute, BAS
    Scientific research and applications in the fields:

    The priorities in the international activities of the Geological Institute are as follows:
    • The broadest development of relations with the other Balkan countries in view of resolving important regional problems, and cooperation in the frame of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association
    • Development of collaboration within the frame of bilateral contracts of BAS with other countries, for resoving problems of common interest;
    • Development of multilateral collaboration within programmes of UNESCO the International Geological Correlation Programme ) and of European and subregional organizations, as, e.g., the European Association for Conservation of the Geological Heritage ( ProGEO
    • Development of relations with similar institutions of the developed countries that can contribute with their laboratory and information facilities for joint solution of significant problems of the Bulgarian and Balkan geology;

    56. Untitled Document
    Both undergraduate research projects are supervised by Dr. Tim Callahan. Coastal geology, GIS, and Lidar Remote Sensing. Jordan Felber has been working with
    Undergraduate Research Funding Opportunities: College of Charleston Undergraduate Research : This recently developed initiative provides up to $5000 to fund undergraduate students-faculty research projects. Mini-grants ($250) are also available. More detailed information is available at the Undergraduate Research website. School of Science and Math Summer Research Assistantship: Currently this assistantship, funded by the School of Science and Mathematics, provides $2500 of summer research support for 1 or 2 students selected by the Geology faculty each spring. Katuna Endowment : This recently formed endowment currently provides $2500 to support students conducting summer research. Students are selected by the faculty in the Department of Geology each spring. South Carolina Space Grant : Each spring, the South Carolina Space Grant Consortium funds students with an interest in aerospace or space-related research. Awards in the Undergraduate Scholarship/Research Program range from $1,500 to $2,500. Selection of undergraduate students for this award is made in January at a meeting of Space Grant campus directors across the state.

    57. Applied Geology Research Unit
    Applied geology has been a feature of research within Civil Engineering at the New projects in this area, including investigations of the fate of
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    • study ...
      Applied Geology Research Unit (AGRU)
      Applied geology has been a feature of research within Civil Engineering at the University of Brighton since the 1960's. With the development of new Earth Science degrees and the appointment of new staff a research group ranging across the breadth of applied geology has been developed. AGRU brings together staff from Geology and Civil Engineering with common interests in engineering geology, geotechnics, hydrogeology and environmental geology/engineering. Members of the group are also actively involved in Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary research, ore genesis, geochemistry and geomorphology. Chalk has been the focus of much of the work in the group for 20 years. The development of a stratigraphy in conjunction with the BGS has led to the re-mapping of much of Southern Britain, and more recently Northern France, based primarily on research carried out at Brighton. This work has been applied to geological investigations for the Channel Tunnel, and some 20 other tunnels and other major engineering projects in the region. It has also been applied to the development of aquifer and oil reservoir modelling.

    58. Descriptions Of General Geology Research Expertise At UMass Geosciences
    They have active research projects dealing with the middle and late Miocene of the Recent projects include preparing detailed geological maps of
    About us... Programs in Geology Geography , and Earth Systems Comments or
    Write us!
    Geology Research Expertise Biogeochemistry
    Research in biogeochemistry examines chemical (composition, isotopes) and biological (genetic assays, populations surveys) of microbial activities in interesting geologic environments. These most recently include CH production and SO reduction in deep sedimentary basins ( Petsch ), carbonate cement precipitation in anoxic marine sediments ( Burns and Petsch natural remediation of acid mine drainage Yuretich ), and DOM/POM liberation and utilization during sedimentary rock weathering and riverine transport ( Petsch
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    Climatology, Paleoclimatology, and Atmospheric Research
    Research in climatology and paleoclimatology is carried out in the Climate System Research Center ) of the Department by a large group of faculty, post-docs, and graduate students . At the CSRC research is focused on the climate system, climate variability and global change issues, from contemporary climate variations, their causes and consequences, to paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes. Atmospheric Research is carried out in the Robotic Platform Atmospheric Research Lab

    59. School Of Ocean & Earth Science - SOES 3027: Independent Research Project
    Multidisciplinary and singlescience based research projects involving Those students reading geology with Environmental Science, geology with

    60. School Of Ocean & Earth Science - SOES3027 INDEPENDENT RESEARCH PROJECT (GEOLOGY
    SOES3027 INDEPENDENT research PROJECT (geology). Not timetabled. CP value 30 Course Coordinator Dr JR Andrews. Prerequisite Restricted to Honours geology

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