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81. Geological Survey Of Canada The geological Survey of Canada (GSC) is Canada s premier agency for geoscientificinformation and research, with worldclass expertise focusing on http://gsc.nrcan.gc.ca/index_e.php | |
82. Geological Survey Of Botswana The Government of Botswana Web Site the official Botswana place on the Web.The Botswana Government and Index of Ministries. http://www.gov.bw/government/geology.htm | |
83. Ministry Of Minerals, Energy And Water Affairs - Index Of Ministries - Republic energy and water resources. For prospecting licenses and mining leases contactthe geological Survey and Mines Department respectively. http://www.gov.bw/government/ministry_of_minerals_energy_and_water_affairs.html | |
84. Association Of American State Geologists Click on a State to Visit their geological Survey. Text links are below.Corrections and additions are welcome! Clickable USA mapText links below http://www.stategeologists.org/ | |
85. Welcome To The Zimbabwe Geological Survey Website Principal curator of all national geoscientific data. http://www.geosurvey.co.zw/ | |
86. MoDNR Geological Survey And Resource Assessment Division Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation and Cultural ResourcePreservation. http://www.dnr.mo.gov/geology/ |
87. New York State Geological Surveyunofficial Gateway The unofficial gateway to the resources of the New York State geological Survey. http://www.albany.net/~go/survey/ | |
88. NWHC: West Nile Virus Project The US geological Survey (USGS) is committed to understanding the effects of WNV.To do that and better answer the remaining questions surrounding the http://www.nwhc.usgs.gov/research/west_nile/west_nile.html | |
89. Welcome To Geomagnetism Information from the British geological Survey. http://www.geomag.bgs.ac.uk/ | |
90. Welcome To Access USGS--SF Bay & Delta Water Information Wetlands. Current Highlight. Historical Topographic Mapsfor The Greater San Francisco Bay Area Published by the US geological Survey http://sfbay.wr.usgs.gov/ | |
91. Office Of Geological Survey The Office of geological Survey (OGS) is responsible for geological resources.The mission of the OGS is to promote the best use of these resources for http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135-3306_28607---,00.html | |
92. USGS Geologic Information -- Books Fact Sheets are available, at no cost, from US geological Survey, CDROM sin the series are available by mail from US geological Survey, http://pubs.usgs.gov/products/books/ | |
93. US Geological Survey Circular 1050 The United States geological Survey 18791989. By Mary C. Rabbitt A history ofthe relation of US geological Survey, US Department of the Interior http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/c1050/ | |
94. IDNR/IGS-Browse Area Iowa geological Survey 109 Trowbridge Hall Iowa City, IA 522421319 Phone1-319-335-1575 Fax 1-319-335-2754. geological Survey. http://www.igsb.uiowa.edu/Browse/browse.htm |
95. The Energy Resources Program The US geological Survey (USGS) recently completed a new assessment of undiscoveredoil and gas resources in the Central North Slope of Alaska. http://energy.usgs.gov/ | |
96. Survey Notes - Utah Geological Survey The Utah geological Survey investigates and reports on Utah s geologic hazards,mineral, energy, water, and paleontological resources, maps the state s http://geology.utah.gov/surveynotes/ | |
97. USGS Radon Information US geological Survey site on radon in earth, air and water. Site resources includeeducational information on radon, and multiple maps on the geologic and http://energy.cr.usgs.gov/radon/radonhome.html | |
98. TDEC Geology Main Page Tennessee Division of Geology Main Page. of Geology is the lineal descendentof the first Tennessee geological Survey that was established in 1831. http://www.state.tn.us/environment/tdg/ |
99. South Dakota Geological Survey History The South Dakota geological Survey (SDGS) is a program in the Division of Mission of the SD geological Survey. To conduct geologic studies, http://www.sdgs.usd.edu/history/ | |
100. Maine Geological Survey - Bedrock Geology by professional geologists under summer contract with the Maine geologicalSurvey. US geological Survey bedrock geologists have also worked in Maine at http://www.state.me.us/doc/nrimc/mgs/bedrock/bedrock.htm | |
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