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61. Heribert Hirt - Curriculum Vitae 1997, assoc. Prof. at inst. of Microbiol. and Genetics, Univ. of Vienna 2002,Executive board member of ÃGGT (Austrian Society of Genetics and Gene http://www.gmi.oeaw.ac.at/cvhhirt.htm | |
62. E-Journals - M Union of Physiological Sciences and the American Physiological Society/HighWire Pr Newsletter for Europe International Plant genetic Resources inst http://www.lib.gla.ac.uk/ejournals/n.shtml | |
63. IFHGS International Federation Of Human Genetics Societies Provides a forum for organized groups including research, clinical practice, and professional and lay education. Includes information on administration, members, meetings, and related links. http://www.ifhgs.org/ | |
64. Human Genetics Society Of Australasia Promote standards, research, and education. Includes constitution and policies, special interest groups, listing of certified DNA laboratories, and links to other societies. http://www.hgsa.com.au/ |
66. Internet Genetics Resources Links to Networked Genetics and Molecular Biology Research Resources American Medical assoc. Journals American Physiological Society APStracts http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/course/gn411/net-resources.html | |
67. Dr. Hales's Genetics Links Genetics Society of America statement in support of GM crops Evolution andthe Fossil Record PDF from Am Geol inst/Paleo Society http://www.bio.davidson.edu/people/kahales/geneticslinks.html |
68. Oscar - Projects Amplification A Model for genetic Instability in Cancer, Hamlin, Joyce L Animal Conservation, Gittleman, John L, Biology, Zoological Society Of London http://oscar.virginia.edu/asp/work.asp | |
69. Resolutions Received assoc. cooperative d economie familiale de l Estrie PQ BC; Lillooet NaturalistSociety, BC; Municipality Saint Georgesde-Windsor, PQ http://www.farmertofarmer.ca/RESOLUTIONS_RECEIVED.html | |
70. Monarch Watch : Reading Room : Scientific Bibliography : Journal Titles And Abbr Soc.; Journal of the New York Entomological Society JNY Entomol. Am. assoc.Adv. Sci.; Proceedings of the Congress of European Lepidopterology - Proc. http://www.monarchwatch.org/read/scibib/journ.htm | |
71. CGN - Published Reports American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting 2003 (poster presentation) . J Am Med Inform assoc 2002;9(4)36982. Griffin CA, Qu Q, Beutler RA, http://epi.grants.cancer.gov/CGN/published.html | |
72. Seminar Series / October 12 Th / Dr. Bob Feldman Levinson Principles of Accountability Leadership, Levinson inst., Burlingame,CA, 2002 Genetics Society of America, Student Travel Award 1993 http://tbi.montana.edu/f04/abstract_feldman.html | |
73. Eye Diseases Assessment of the Red Eye Canadian Ophthalmological Society genetic aspectsof Corneal Dystrophy, Juvenile Epithelial, of Meesmann - OMIM (US) http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/c11.html | |
74. Retrospective Journal Abbreviations List: "J" J Am inst Archit. Journal of the American institute of Architects. JSHG/J.Japanese Journal of Human Genetics. Japan Society of Human Genetics. Tokyo. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/hlas/rjabj.html | |
75. Retrospective Journal Abbreviations: "Am" - "Ao" American Journal of Human Genetics. The American Society of Human Genetics. Ann assoc Am Geogr. Annals of the association of American Geographers. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/hlas/rjabam-ao.html | |
76. Biotech And Genetics News - Simply-info.com Biotech, Genetics, Medical Science News Simply-info.co.uk. Nat PharmaceuticalAssoc. National Sports Medical inst. North Wales Health Auth Society http://www.simply-info.com/biosci/ | |
77. Newsletter, Fall 1997 The American Microscopical Society will meet jointly with the Society for Positions Postdoctoral Research assoc., 19821986, Univ. of Maine; http://www.amicros.org/newsl97f.htm | |
78. DA Information Services -Monograph Publisher Range (Rest Of World) assoc ADV OF ANIMAL BREEDING GENETICS assoc IND RELATIONS ACADEMICS OF AUST AUST NZ HISTORY OF EDUCATION SOCIETY AUST assoc FOR RESEARCH IN http://www.dadirect.com.au/books/publisher_restofworld.asp | |
79. ChappleCV.html 2003, Linnean Society of NSW, Joyce W. Vickery Scientific Research Fund Employed by assoc. Prof. Roy Swain to assist with three separate small ARC http://www.anu.edu.au/BoZo/Scott/KeoghLab/ChappleCV.html | |
80. Max Planck Society - Max Planck Research Reports (ongoing) In particular, the Max Planck Society takes up new and innovative Max PlanckInst Biol, Immunogenet Abt D72076 Tubingen Germany Japan Racing assoc, http://www.mpg.de/english/researchResults/researchPublications/researchReports/E | |
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