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101. DfES - Jobs4U Careers Database Geneticist (Clinical Laboratory Jobs are available mainly in 25 Regional Medical Genetics Laboratories of The NHS has an established careers structure, currently consisting of three http://www.connexions-direct.com/jobs4u/jobfamily/sciencemathematicsandstatistic |
102. Plant Breeding, Genetics, And Cytogenetics - Grad Programs In Crop Sciences Career Opportunities; Faculty Researching Plant Breeding, genetics, improve varieties and genetic stocks for grain quality, yielding ability, http://cropsci.uiuc.edu/academics/grad/breeding.cfm | |
103. Undergraduate Studies In Genetics careers in genetics are varied and extensive. They include. laboratory research; field work; college teaching; plant and animal breeding http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/genetics/undergrad.html | |
104. Degrees Of Success Faculty Of Science University Of Sydney Just Genes careers in Molecular Biology Genetics. In 1992 some of the worldÂs leading scientists were asked which science speciality they felt held the http://www.science.usyd.edu.au/future/careers/careers_mbio.html |
105. Science Career Information For Undergrads And High School Students The Biotechnology Industry Career Guide. (Access Excellence). Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals careers. (monster.com). Genetics careers in the Genetics http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/4707/hs-career.html | |
106. JOBS At The University Of Michigan Salary Plan/Career Band Salary Grade/Job Role none Provide genetic counseling in a research setting and make referrals as necessary. http://websvcs.itcs.umich.edu/jobnet/job_posting_archived.php?postingnumber=0370 |
107. Happiness Is Mostly Genetic - Forbes.com Obesity also is heavily influenced by genetics, notes Carnegie Mellon economist George Loewenstein, Career Information Career News - Work News http://www.forbes.com/technology/sciences/2004/09/23/cx_mh_0923happiness.html | |
108. AAPA Career Information There are many academic careers for appropriately trained physical anthropologists. University departments of genetics, zoology, and biology also offer http://www.physanth.org/careers/ | |
109. Careers - Science - Trinity College Dublin Traditionally they take up positions in a wide variety of careers such as of genetics graduates undertake study for higher degrees and careers in http://www.tcd.ie/Science/careers.php | |
110. BioMedNet The BioMedNet web site closed on 30 June 2004. Please use the links below for further information on how to access content and services that were previously http://www.bmn.com/ | |
111. Special Report : Science Career Issues And Alternative Jobs For Scientists : Nat Genetics is in a state of the many relying on the few. The many are the scientists Science career features coming soon. August 11 Spotlight on Malaysia http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/2001/011004/full/nj6855-04a0.html | |
112. Genetics Technology Interested in a career in genetics technology? Why become a Genetics Technologist? Career Opportunities How long does it take? Admission requirements http://www.michener.ca/ce/postdiploma/genetics_technology.php | |
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