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61. Genealogy.com: Research Tip 6: Gazetteers And Atlases The maps librarian may be able to help you locate atlases at other He is a specialist on genealogical records in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. http://www.genealogy.com/tip6.html | |
62. A Selective List Of Genealogical Sources For Norwegian And Norwegian-American Ge General Guides to genealogy; Handbooks, Manuals, Bibliographies; maps and atlases and Place Names maps and atlases and Place Names. Fiskaa, HM (editor). http://wilson.lib.umn.edu/reference/nor-gene.html | |
63. Old Maps - Genealogy genealogy » Old maps Antique maps, antique atlases books on antique maps atlases the. raremaps.com Featuring fine and rare antique maps from the http://www.earl.org.uk/Old-Maps.html | |
65. Maps & Atlases < Reference < Library - 4ppl Dir maps and atlases from Europe. Google PR 5. On the genealogy Unlimited home page you will find variety of maps atlases and books from Europe. http://www.4ppl.com/directory/Library/Reference/Maps-and-Atlases/ | |
66. Worcester Public Library genealogy is included as it is so closely entwined with history. maps AND atlases. 1. Massachusetts. Micro 912.744 M4142m 17941830 http://www.worcpublib.org/resources/genealogy.html | |
67. Maps And Atlases The Ellen Payne Odom genealogy Library Family Tree Note maps and atlases have been moved to the Government Publications section in the lower level. http://www.electricscotland.com/alastair/canada/library13.htm | |
68. Land, Maps, Atlases, Gazetteers, Houses And Geographic Information on houses, maps, atlases, land, gazetteers, and geographic genealogy and History Resources by State ~ includes all fifty states and the http://home.ptd.net/~nikki/geographic.htm | |
69. German Genealogy: Austria We are seeking a volunteer knowledgable about genealogy in Austria to help with this page. Gazetteers; atlases and maps. Online Country Map http://www.genealogienetz.de/reg/AUT/austria-en.html | |
70. German Genealogy: Historical Maps Karten / atlases and maps (historical and modern) CENTENNIA is a mapbased guide to the history of Europe and the Middle East from the beginning of the http://www.genealogienetz.de/misc/maps.html | |
71. Oregon Genealogical Libraries And Collections Libraries close to the conference site with comprehensive genealogy maps Metsker atlases, Sanborn Insurance Company maps, and other Oregon maps http://www.gfo.org/orlibs.html | |
72. Los Angeles Public Library | Central Library | The History & Genealogy Departmen one of the largest in American public libraries, with 80000 maps, 2000 atlases, Census Tract maps for Los Angeles County User s Guide genealogy at http://www.lapl.org/central/history.html | |
73. Toronto Public Library Unique Collections Genealogy And Local The Special Collections, genealogy and maps Centre collects all available genealogical For detailed information about maps, atlases and gazetteers, see http://www.tpl.toronto.on.ca/uni_spe_genealogy_research.jsp |
74. Toronto Public Library Unique Collections The Special Collections, genealogy and maps Centre is housed in the Toronto Contemporary maps, atlases and gazetteers for all parts of the world http://www.tpl.toronto.on.ca/uni_spe_index.jsp |
75. Edinburgh University Library: Special Collections: Maps All maps and atlases are for reference only. They are to be found in genealogy and family history can be studied on the maps. The online collection is http://www.lib.ed.ac.uk/resources/collections/specdivision/maps.shtml | |
76. BPL - Social Sciences Department Geneology Resources by the genealogy and Local History Collection. maps and atlases Micro, Soc, RLS Irish Townland maps (for selected counties), 1846; Bromley atlases http://www.bpl.org/research/socsci/genealogy.htm | |
77. Commonwealth Libraries Maps And Geographical Information maps and Geographical Information Abstract genealogy maps Historical and military maps and atlases will help clarify where records are now located http://www.statelibrary.state.pa.us/libraries/cwp/view.asp?a=3&Q=40932 |
78. Guide To Genealogical Resources At UVa Library Virginia genealogy A Guide to Genealogical Resources at the University of Virginia and of Modern maps and atlases, first published in 1969. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/genealogy/general/maps.html | |
79. Guide To Genealogical Resources At UVa Library This is a series of atlases for each of the United States. Using maps in genealogy. Reston, Va. US Dept. of the Interior, US Geological Survey, http://www.lib.virginia.edu/genealogy/us/maps.html | |
80. Maps And Atlases Information At Business.com Publishers of maps and atlases. Provider of maps, guides, globes, mapping CDROMs, genealogy and local history materials. www.elstead.co.uk http://www.business.com/directory/media_and_entertainment/publishing/educational | |
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