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141. Home NCFM, LA seeks to educate and inform the state and local governments and the public in issues relating to male gender discrimination and propose solutions that are fair and equitable. http://www.ncfmla.org/ | |
142. Heim Group Management consulting firm specializing in gender diversity training, gender communication, workforce diversity, research on women and gender and related issues. http://www.heimgroup.com | |
143. The United Methodists Of Color For A Fully Inclusive Church National organization working around issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. History, leadership, events, resources, links. http://www.umoc.org/ |
144. Social Psychology Links By Subtopic Racism and Other RaceRelated issues. Sexism, gender Discrimination, and Feminism. Antisemitism and Holocaust Information. Heterosexism/Homophobia http://www.socialpsychology.org/social.htm | |
145. Race Relations - Exploring Group Relations And The Dynamics Of Race Links concerning race and information technology. Also has links to sites on other gender and race issues. http://racerelations.about.com/newsissues/racerelations/msubdigdivide.htm?iam=as |
146. Stuart Birks' Gender Page Stuart has editorial content centering on men's issues in New Zealand and a very large collection of links to gender related sites. http://www.massey.ac.nz/~kbirks/gender/gender.htm | |
147. CPSR - CPSR Newsletter: Winter 2000 Explores the digital divide on a gender basis. Newsletter can be downloaded. Has a link to a discussion. http://www.cpsr.org/publications/newsletters/issues/2000/Winter2000/index.html | |
148. Betty Friedan A interview by Tom Knapp about the state of the women's movement. http://www.rambles.net/friedan_gender.html | |
149. Jennifer's Gender & Body Politics Index Page Articles and links relating to bisexuality, polyamory, feminist, and BDSM issues. http://www.uncharted-worlds.org/spindex.htm | |
150. ARC Main Index A UK net magazine which examines the relationship between sexuality and race, gender, media, bodies, laws and other social institutions and issues. Intelligent and interesting reading. http://www.body.arc.co.uk/ | |
151. Solutions To Issues Of Concern To Knoxvillians Solutions to issues of Concern to Knoxvilliansis a grassroots social justice organization that seeks to unite diverse people, regardless of their age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, income, or background, to work for changes on issues of common concern. http://www.korrnet.org/solutions/ | |
152. Gender, Race And Ethnicity In Media: Communication Studies Resources: The Univer Directory of categorized links from the University of Iowa on topics including African and Asian Americans, indigineous peoples, GLB issues, and feminist media. http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/GenderMedia/ | |
153. Gender - The Issues - Bullying. No Way! gender. issues; Communities speak; Challenges; Resources. issues. Sexbased harassment curtails behaviour through sexual stereotyping. http://www.bullyingnoway.com.au/issues/gender.shtml | |
154. Gender Equality Paper arguing that spiritual equality between men and women is not limited to purely spiritual, religious issues, but is the basis for equality in all temporal aspects of human endeavor. http://www.mwlusa.org/publications/positionpapers/gender.html | |
155. IN MIXED COMPANY // MAURA DONOHUE Work often explores issues surrounding an identity specifically regarding racial ties and gender roles, incorporating text with an athletic movement style drawing on gymnastics, stage combat, Peking Opera, martial arts, contact improvisation, and various traditional and contemporary dance / theater forms. (New York) http://www.inmixedcompany.com/ | |
156. Nicholasleichterdance Confronts issues of race, gender, and cultural dominance with dancing that is wellcrafted and fully realized. (NYC) http://www.nldnyc.org/index.html |
157. Gender And Literacy Index Including Boys And Literacy Key related issues Key related issues. Men, fathers and literacy Viewpoints on gender The focus of this section of the website is gender and literacy. http://www.literacytrust.org.uk/Database/boys/ | |
158. Gender Selection - Ethics And Technology Should parents be able to select the gender of their child? Austin Cline discusses the ethical issues of gender selection. http://atheism.about.com/library/weekly/aa100301a.htm | |
159. Tasneem Project [TGP] A group committed to progressive Muslim thinking present a collection of articles on Islam, politics, gender, social and environmental issues, and activism. Includes online news, and newsletter. http://www.bayyinat.org.uk/ | |
160. Canis Lupus Aka Wolfie's Transgendered Den Enjoy looking and exploring issues of gender the fun way as it should be. Filled with humorous and thoughtprovoking articles. http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Heights/2011 | |
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