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101. Gender Issues In Supervision. ERIC Digest. Provides fulltext access to the ERIC Digest of this name. http://www.ericdigests.org/1995-1/issues.htm | |
102. Gender Issues In The Language Arts Classroom. ERIC Digest. Provides fulltext access to the ERIC Digest of this name. http://www.ericdigests.org/1999-3/issues.htm | |
103. Gender Issues Need Better Coverage The report Monitoring gender issues in the Nepalese Print Media , which was prepared after a yearlong monitoring, has recommended the to Council to bring http://www.kantipuronline.com/kolnews.php?&nid=41642 |
104. Minsk Gender Center Affiliated with Women's NonState College ENVILA, and concerned with carrying out research in women's and gender issues. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/9237/eng/gender.html | |
105. AAA - Gender Issues Section The gender issues and Worklife Balance Section of the American Accounting Promoting knowledge and encouraging research in gender issues and worklife http://jewel.morgan.edu/~arao/gis.html | |
106. Research Guide For Gender Studies: Web Sites - Francis A. Drexel Library @ SJU Gendercide Watch Project of the gender issues Education Foundation (GIEF) SocioRealm Women s Studies and gender issues - Includes sections on gender http://www.sju.edu/libraries/drexel/netres/gender.htm | |
107. Sacramento California Sexual Harassment Prevention Offering seminars, consulting and keynote speeches on 'human relations' issues. Including gender issues, sexual harassment prevention, dispute resolution, team building and interpersonal communication. http://www.diede.com/ | |
108. GARNET - Global Applied Research Network - Gender Issues The gender issues Network or GENNET has been active from 1991 to 1997. It produced a brochure with information about the meaning of gender and a gender http://info.lut.ac.uk/departments/cv/wedc/garnet/gennet.html | |
109. COUNTRY REPORTS gender issues. Myanmar. By. Dr Leena M Kirjavainen. Gender Specialist been able to obtain only limited data on women and gender issues in the country. http://www.mekonginfo.org/mrc_en/doclib.nsf/0/E7CBA70C87AE6DC2C725682C002C01AC/$ | |
110. Gender Issues In Agricultural An Rural Development Policy In Asia And The Pacifi gender issues in agricultural and rural development policy in Asia and the Pacific gender issues in macroeconomic policy planning for agricultural and http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/x0177e/x0177e00.htm | |
111. Amanda's Transgender Garden Personal website containing crossdressing, transgender life, glamour and gender issues. http://www.amandarichards.com/ | |
112. The Women Parliament Of Slovakia Nongovernmental organization aiming to address gender issues in Slovakia. Contains declarations and statements on women's issues. http://www.zenskyparlament.host.sk/UK/index_uk.htm | |
113. SwopNet.com -- Talented And Gifted Bibliography A list of articles about gifted and talented children. Social and emotional needs, gender issues, learning disabilities, parents, families, teachers, counselors. http://www.swopnet.com/ed/TAG/TAG_Bibliography.html | |
114. Gianna E. Israel Gender Library: Talking With Your Children About Gender Identit Addresses disclosing and discussing one's transgendered status with adolescent and adult children. http://www.firelily.com/gender/gianna/children.html | |
115. MenWeb - Men's Issues: Gender Justice Articles on domestic violence against men, gender polarization of social issues, and other aspects of gender justice for men. http://www.vix.com/menmag/gendjust.htm | |
116. Human Rights Watch: Europe And Central Asia : Ukraine Human rights issues with emphasis on widespread gender discrimination. http://www.hrw.org/europe/ukraine.php | |
117. Spiritual Awakenings Spiritual issues of sexuality and gender, selflove vs. selfishness, spirituality vs. man-made religions. Includes news, articles, and writings. http://SpiritualAwakenings.faithweb.com/ | |
118. Access In order to meet the needs of students in today's world, access to technologies must be equally available to all students. Accessibility issues include social, economic, and educational status, gender, funding, hearing, visual, and other physical disabilities. http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/wp/access/index.html | |
119. INTERSECTIONS: Gender, History & Culture In The Asian Context Refereed academic journal examining issues of gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context. http://wwwsshe.murdoch.edu.au/intersections/ | |
120. CPSR - Women In Computing Personal tools. You are not logged in; Log in Join Home » issues » This Winter 2000 issue features eleven provocative articles on gender in the http://www.cpsr.org/issues/womenintech | |
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