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81. Functional Programming At The University Of Bristol with increasing the expressive power of functional languages so that they can be Proceedings of the workshop functional programming, Glasgow 1995 , http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~ian/Functional/ | |
82. ICFP Functional Programming Contest Convinced your favorite functional programming language provides Perhaps it sjust the case that functional programming languages attract better http://www.ai.mit.edu/extra/icfp-contest/ | |
83. FPCA Search within FPCA functional programming languages and Computer ArchitectureAdvanced Search. Browse FPCA functional programming languages and Computer http://portal.acm.org/browse_dl.cfm?coll=portal&dl=ACM&idx=SERIES420&linked=1&pa |
84. Exception Handlers In Functional Programming Languages Exception Handlers in functional programming languages. Full text, Full textavailable on the Publisher site Publisher Site http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=631072 |
85. Functional Programming Languages FP was one of the earliest functional programming languages, created by John Backus . Unlambda Your functional programming Language Nightmares Come True http://linuxfinances.info/info/functional.html | |
86. Functional Programming Hume is a novel programming language based on concurrent finite state machinesdriven by Int. Workshop on Implementation of functional languages, http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/Research/funct_prog.html | |
87. Singapore Science Centre ScienceNet Computer Science / IT Is the end product generated by a functional programming language different Why is functional programming languages such as Haskell only popular among http://www.science.edu.sg/ssc/detailed.jsp?artid=4120&type=6&root=1&parent=1&cat |
88. CTO : Programming Languages unpure functional/whatever programming language with quite a popular implementationon the AmigaOS; AML Array Manipulation Language (AML), an algebra for http://cliki.tunes.org/Programming Languages | |
89. GameSpy.com - Articles Let s start by looking at the evolution of programming languages over the last 20 of languages missing, the functional languages represented by Lisp, http://archive.gamespy.com/legacy/articles/devweek_b.shtm | |
90. TFP 2004 The Symposium on Trends in functional programming is an international forum for with interests in all aspects of functional programming languages. http://www.tcs.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/~hwloidl/TFP04/ | |
91. CS252r-Advanced Functional Programming CS 252r will study advanced techniques in functional programming, with two endsin mind We will emphasize lazy functional languages such as Haskell; http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~nr/cs252r/ | |
92. Main Page For The Programming Language JOY Joy is a programming language based on the composition of functions. Joy compared with other functional languages (46K); 9. http://www.latrobe.edu.au/philosophy/phimvt/joy.html | |
93. Annie Liu's CSE526: Principles Of Programming Languages (Spring `05) We will consider imperative programming languages, functional programming languages,objectoriented programming languages, logic programming languages, http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~liu/cse526/ | |
94. LISP And Functional Programming 1986 LISP and functional programming 1986 Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Jon Fairbairn, Stuart Wray Code Generation Techniques for functional languages. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/lfp/lfp1986.html | |
95. Computer Science - CS 457 Functional Languages (4 Credits) Ability to solve programming problems with a functional language; basic understandingof theoretical foundations of the functional paradigm. http://www.cs.pdx.edu/course.php?cid=160 |
96. Compilation Of Functional Programming Languages Using GCC -- Tail Calls In the late 1980s, functional programming language implementations commonlytranslated a program into aC output file which could then be processed by an http://home.in.tum.de/~baueran/thesis/ | |
97. Embedded.com - Changing Networks Need Functional Languages In a sense, functional programming is a language paradigm that fits somewherebetween assembly/machine programming (move a bit to a register, http://www.embedded.com/story/OEG20011130S0065 | |
98. SS > Factoids > Programming Languages Rationale for the Design of the Ada programming Language A functional languagewith modules, developed at the University of Edinburgh. http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~susan/cyc/p/prog.htm | |
99. Functional Domain-Specific Languages functional languages meet these requirements well. We would like to see more useof functional programming languages and concepts in the design of dsl s. http://www-sal.cs.uiuc.edu/~kamin/dslresearch.html | |
100. State In Functional Programming: An Annotated Bibliography State in functional programming An Annotated Bibliography. We have taken aflexible approach to defining functional languages we want to enable http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Compiler/state.functional.programming.htm | |
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