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41. Alpuente Technical University of Valencia, Spain Logic programming semantics, extensions and applications integration of functional and logic programming languages, abstract interpretation, program manipulation. http://www.dsic.upv.es/users/elp/alpuente.html | |
42. Escher Declarative, generalpurpose language, merges best features of functional and logic languages. Has types and modules, higher-order and meta-programming facilities, declarative input/output. Set of system modules provides many operations on standard data types integers, lists, characters, strings, sets, programs. http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~jwl/escher.html | |
43. Lambda The Ultimate | Programming Languages Weblog such as parameterized higherorder modules in functional languages, or Haskell stypeclasses. programming Paradigms of the Andorra Kernel Language http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/ | |
44. Today's Status Of Functional Programming Languages For Verification Tools ? | La Today s Status of functional programming languages for Verification Tools ?An interesting conclusion based on the ML and Haskell implementations existing http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/view/745 | |
45. Bigloo Homepage System with one goal enable Schemebased programming style where C(++) is usually needed; makes Scheme practical via features found in most traditional languages but not Scheme and functional programming. Open Source, GPL http://www-sop.inria.fr/mimosa/fp/Bigloo/ | |
46. Journal Of Functional Programming Journal of functional programming. Edited by Professor Paul Hudak Finally,under Applications we consider the use of functional languages in solving http://www.cambridge.org/jfp | |
47. Programming Languages FISh is an array programming language based on the idea Function = Imperative+ Shape. Epigram is a dependently typed functional programming language. http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/franka/lang | |
48. PLI 2002: ICFP The 2002 International Conference on functional programming covers the entire spectrum of functional programming, from practice to theory, and from established functional programming languages (Scheme, ML, Haskell) to novel language designs and to the functional aspects of objectoriented or concurrent languages. October 4-6, 2002 Pittsburgh, PA, USA. http://icfp2002.cs.brown.edu/ | |
49. Functional Logic Programming functional logic programming aims to amalgamate the most important In comparisonwith pure functional languages, functional logic languages have more http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~mh/FLP/ | |
50. Implementations Of Functional Logic Languages functional Logic programming. languages and Systems Mercury Mercury is alogic/functional programming language, which uses a highly optimized execution http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~mh/FLP/implementations.html | |
51. Parallel And Distributed Computing Practices Vol. 3 No. 4 Editorial DO functional languages HAVE A REAL FUTURE IN SCIENTIFIC programming? Given the advantages of functional programming languages, why aren t they used http://www.cs.okstate.edu/~pdcp/vols/vol03/vol03no4editorial.html |
52. Commercial Users Of Functional Programming Workshop 2005 In short anyone who uses functional programming as a means, but not an end.functional languages have been under academic development for over 25 years, http://www.galois.com/cufp/ | |
53. The Implementation Of Functional Programming Languages The Implementation of functional programming languages. Simon Peyton Jones,published by Prentice Hall, 1987. My 1987 book is now out of print, http://research.microsoft.com/Users/simonpj/papers/slpj-book-1987/ | |
54. Programming Language And Compiler Research Groups The functional programming Group. Haskell language and implementation; state, Implementation of functional and logic programming languages, program http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/mleone/web/language/projects.html | |
55. Functional Language Programming functional Language programming PLT (The programming languages Team) How to Design Programs How to Design Programs DrScheme Companion http://www.cs.trinity.edu/About/The_Courses/cs316/ | |
56. Andrew Cooke: An Introduction To Programming Languages More Object Oriented programming; Declarative languages; functional programming;Flexible Syntax; Compilation; Threads; Error Handling; Data Structures http://www.acooke.org/andrew/writing/lang.html | |
57. Cprogramming.com - Comparing Programming Languages The primary focus of functional programming is on the return values of functional languages are often simpler syntactically and make it easier to work http://www.cprogramming.com/langs.html | |
58. The Scala Programming Language: Rationale There are hundreds of programming languages in active use, and many more are Scala is also a functional language in the sense that every function is a http://scala.epfl.ch/docu/rationale.html | |
59. Refactoring Functional Programs Sometimes, refactoring is of anticipatory nature bringing a program into a functional Programs (7th Brazilian Symposium on programming languages, http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/projects/refactor-fp/ | |
60. Claus Reinke 's Bookmarks: Functional Programming programming in type theory. Formalized theory of functional languages. Toolkit for the functional programming language Haskell and the X Windows system. http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/cr3/FP/ | |
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