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61. Iowa Publications Online - Subject: Fruits And Vegetables Subject fruits and vegetables. GILS Topic Tree (2175) Agriculture and foodproduction (46) crops (16). fruits and vegetables (8) http://publications.iowa.gov/view/subjects/AEB.html | |
62. Enterprise Budgets Forage crops; fruits and vegetables. Fruit crops Vegetable crops. Livestock.FEEDVAL Beef Dairy Heifers Poultry; Hogs. Ornamentals; Row crops http://www.ag-econ.ncsu.edu/extension/Ag_budgets.html | |
63. Purdue Extension Garden TIPS - Fruits And Vegetables Additional Resources. Vegetable crops Hotline Purdue Extension Publications fruits vegetables General Horticulture More Links http://www.ces.purdue.edu/gardentips/fruits.html | |
64. Integrated Weed Management In Vegetable Crops IWM is important for vegetable crops because of their high value, Scoutingvegetable crops is the foundation of a sound weed management program. http://www.aces.uiuc.edu/ipm/fruits/iwm/iwm.html | |
65. Vegetable Integrated Pest Management A Guide to Crop Rotations (North Carolina State University, USA); An Online Guideto Plant USA); fruits vegetables IPM (University of Illinois, USA) http://www.ippc.orst.edu/vegnet/resources/index.cfm | |
66. Agricultural Chemical Use Field crops; fruits; Livestock and General Farm; Nursery and Floriculture Agricultural Chemical Usage, Vegetable Crop Summary 1994 Text http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/reports/nassr/other/pcu-bb/ | |
67. Title Crop Estimation Survey for fruits and vegetables (CESF V). Objectives .To obtain reliable estimates of area, yield and production of selected fruit and http://agricoop.nic.in/eco5.htm | |
68. Weights And Processed Yields Of Fruit And Vegetables In Retail Containers Under specific fruit and vegetable crops, retail containers are compared withthe more common containers (bushels, lugs, etc. http://pubs.caes.uga.edu/caespubs/pubcd/C780-w.htm | |
69. Agriculture,Indian Agriculture,Agro Industry Producers,Agricultural Product Expo Rice, Wheat, Corn Farming Dals fruits Fresh vegetables. India Agro IndustryHome Guide To Crop Estimation Survey for fruits and vegetables (CESF V) http://www.agriculture-industry-india.com/agro-programme-schemes/directorate-of- | |
70. Environmental Working Group || Foodnews.org Eating the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables will expose a Others areformulated to bind to the surface of the crop and do not easily wash off. http://www.foodnews.org/reportcard.php | |
71. Potential For Vegetables During The Strawberry Season Virginia Vegetable, Small Fruit and Specialty crops JanuaryFebruary 2004; Volume3, Issue 1. Tony Bratsch, Extension Specialist, Department of Horticulture http://www.ext.vt.edu/news/periodicals/commhort/pulledarticles/january04-2.html | |
72. 1997 NAICS Definitions: 115 Support Activities For Agriculture And Forestry 115114 Postharvest Crop Activities (except Cotton Ginning) 115114, 0723,Packaging fresh or farmdried fruits and vegetables http://www.census.gov/epcd/naics/NDEF115.HTM | |
73. 2002 NAICS Definitions: 115 Support Activities For Agriculture And Forestry Performing crop production that are generally known as farms, orchards, groves,or vineyards 115114, 115114, 0723, Sun drying of fruits and vegetables http://www.census.gov/epcd/naics02/def/NDEF115.HTM | |
74. AMS At USDA - Quality Standards - Fresh Vegetables Quality Standards Menu Bar. Quality Standards Fresh fruits and vegetables Fruit and Vegetable Programs 1400 Independence Ave, SW http://www.ams.usda.gov/standards/vegfm.htm | |
75. Bio-8--Genetically Engineered Fruits And Vegetables Today, genetic engineering may enhance the vegetables and fruits they see on Some fear that a foreign gene may not behave in a new crop the way it did http://www.biotech.iastate.edu/biotech_info_series/bio8.html | |
76. Leopold Center - Iowa Farmers Turn To Fruit, Vegetable Crops - Fall 2002 Newslet Farmers are growing a wider variety of fruit and vegetable crops. Twenty of the23 common vegetables in the survey were grown by more farmers. http://www.leopold.iastate.edu/pubs/nwl/2002/2002-3-leoletter/crops.htm | |
77. Mikal E. Saltveit, Faculty, Department Of Vegetable Crops And Weed Science Progr Professor in the Vegetable crops Department, UC Davis. In Phytochemistry ofFruit and vegetables. (Ed. FA TomásBarberán) Oxford University Press. pp. http://veghome.ucdavis.edu/Faculty/saltveit/saltveit.htm | |
78. Now, They Are Spraying Crops With MSG If you think it s wrong to spray MSG on fruit and vegetable crops, please registeryour concern by contacting Dr. Lynn Goldman at the EPA at the address or http://www.aspartame.com/msgoncrops.html | |
79. Purdue Fruit And Vegetable Connection Access Facts for Fancy Fruit and Vegetable crops Hotline newsletters and thosefrom other states under the Newsletters link. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/fruitveg/ | |
80. UNH Cooperative Extension - Agriculture - Fruit and vegetable crops account for more 6000 acres statewide and are valuedat approximately $18 million. UNH Cooperative Extension works with fruit and http://ceinfo.unh.edu/Agric/AGFVC.htm | |
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