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121. Composition Of The French Government - France In The UK government, Foreign EU Policy Discover france france from A to Z Importing personal goods COMPOSITION OF THE FRENCH government (2 June 2005) http://www.ambafrance-uk.org/article.php3?id_article=266 |
122. Composition Of The French Government - France In The UK government, Foreign EU Policy Discover france france from A to Z Composition of the French government The members of the government are classified http://www.ambafrance-uk.org/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=96 |
123. Afrol News - France "should Be Charged" For Rwanda Genocide france, which supported Rwanda s Hutu government in power when the genocidestarted, has kept a distance to Rwanda s new leadership. French government and http://www.afrol.com/articles/16082 | |
124. Successes Crises Relaunch Eec French Political Policy France Nato 1966 french government sends aidememoire partners north atlantic treaty organisationnato Rapport de l UEO sur la france et l OTAN (Paris, juin 1966) http://www.ena.lu/europe/success crisis/aide memoire french government 1966.htm |
125. CNN.com - French Police In BSE Government Raid - January 17, 2001 Police have raided offices of French government ministries and seized documentsas part of a possible manslaughter inquiry into the BSE outbreak. http://edition.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/france/01/17/france.madcow.02/ | |
126. President Roosevelt To The Appointed Ambassador To France (Leahy), 20 December 1 As Ambassador of the United States near the French government, The hearts ofthe American people go out to the people of france in their distress. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/WorldWar2/leahy.htm | |
127. Human Rights Watch: Europe And Central Asia : France The US and france Should Release Files on 1965 ÂDisappearance of Mehdi Ben Human Rights Watch expressed dismay with the French government s failure to http://hrw.org/doc?t=europe&c=france |
128. The Scientist :: France Plans National Agency, Jul. 2, 2004 The French government has unveiled ambitious plans to set up a national agency for Angelita de Francisco from france Biotech, an organization that http://www.the-scientist.com/news/20040702/03 | |
129. MIT France Program Gets $1M Challenge Grant From French Government - MIT News Of The MIT france Program has gotten a $1 million boost to expand the cooperationbetween MIT and france, a sum that will be matched by MIT. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2001/france-0718.html | |
130. The Art Newspaper -- News Figures put forward by the French government reveal this france has few privatedonors and a pitiful number of foundations (only about 1000, compared with http://www.theartnewspaper.com/news/article.asp?idart=10714 |
131. Refugee Problem In France, January 1941 REFUGEE PROBLEM IN france A NOTE SENT BY SECRETARY OF STATE CORDELL HULL TO The French government, in consequence, is obliged to care for and feed these http://www.ess.uwe.ac.uk/documents/fr_refugee.htm | |
132. Home Page - French Prime Minister - French Government Portal A concise presentation of the Prime minister s role, along with a few figures,some facts about the Republic s symbols and an introduction to the European http://www.premier-ministre.gouv.fr/en/ | |
133. France Diplomatie - Ministère Des Affaires étrangères Cette page sera affichée dans les navigateurs noncadres. Sélectionnez ce modeafin de personnaliser la page pour les navigateurs incompatibles. http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/index.gb.html |
134. Telopea Park School Binational Kindergarten to Year 10 FrenchAustralian school, established as the result of an agreement between the Governments of france and Australia. Information and history, curriculum, and special programs. English and French versions. http://www.telopea.act.edu.au/ | |
135. French Government Translate this page 1. A research tool for Lawyers or Business or Corporate use. http://www.lawresearch.com/v2/global/zfr.htm | |
136. LinuxWorld | French Government To Test Open Source On The Desktop Welcome to LinuxWorld.com.au. LinuxWorld is Australia s leading source on Linuxnews, feature articles and howtos help consumers, businesses and experts http://www.linuxworld.com.au/index.php?id=1508859977&fp=2&fpid=1 |
137. French Tourist Office For France Tourism, Travel & Tours; Paris Provence Normand Information on traveling to, and touring, france, the French West Indies, Tahiti,Martinique, Club france, and special events. http://www.francetourism.com/ | |
138. Portail Du Gouvernement Villepin Translate this page Site officiel. Informations sur les activités de la primature et dossiersthématiques sur les chantiers gouvernementaux. http://www.premier-ministre.gouv.fr/ | |
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