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181. Famous Frenchmen & Women - French Culture Famous Frenchmen Women at frenchculture Napoleon, Marie Antoinette, Louis XIV, Edith Piaf, Louis Jourdan and Juliette Binoche they´re all here. http://www.bellaonline.com/subjects/3331.asp | |
182. Creating French Culture (Library Of Congress Exhibition) Creating French culture traces the history of this relationship from Charlemagne (b. 742?d. 814) to Charles de Gaulle (b. 1890-d. 1970), through the prism http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/bnf/bnf0002.html | |
183. Creating French Culture (Library Of Congress Exhibition) Creating French culture traces the history of this relationship from Charlemagne (b. 742?d. 814) to Charles de Gaulle (b. 1890-d. 1970), through the prism http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/bnf/bnf0006.html | |
184. Reason Magazine -- July 1998 Pathé, france s leading production company, controlled onethird of the world Benefiting from such French cultural imperialism, Charlie Chaplin drew http://www.reason.com/9807/fe.cowen.html | |
185. Radio France > Accueil Translate this page Radio france, les programmes et les fréquences des stations de Radio france, informations politiques, régionales, économiques, culturelles et http://www.franceinter.com/ | |
186. CorporateBloggingBlog: Blogs Fit The French Culture Guide to Corporate and Organizational Blogging basic facts, possibilities, blogger interviews, news and European Corporate Blog listings. http://www.corporateblogging.info/2005/04/blogs-fit-french-culture.asp | |
187. People's Daily Online -- French Culture Year Opens In Beijing A website by the People s Daily newspaper; China, business, world, science, education, sports news. http://english.people.com.cn/200410/11/eng20041011_159672.html | |
188. French Cultural Studies The MA in French Cultural Studies program provides a methodological framework for on aspects of cultural studies as applied to modern france. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/gsas/departments/french-cultural-studies/bulletin.htm | |
189. USATODAY.com - Effort To Ban Head Scarves In France Sets Off Culture Clash The small number of Muslim girls in france who wear religious scarves have uncovered deep tensions across the country. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2004-02-03-head-scarves_x.htm | |
190. Pena Paris Passion Association qui promeut les arts et cultures du sudouest de la france et des r©gions hispaniques. Actions et actualit©. http://pena-paris-passion.org |
191. Homepage Promotion des cultures europ©ennes en france. Pr©sentation de la semaine du cin©ma autrichien  Paris. http://www.laterna-magica.asso.fr | |
192. Woonsocket, Rhode Island - My Home Town - French Canadian Culture By the midnineteenth century, Woonsocket had grown to become one of the largest textile manufacturing centers in the United States. http://www.woonsocket.org/french.html | |
193. AvenueFrance - French Culture French culture including art, literature, poetry, films, music, books, and more. http://www.avenuefrance.com/culture.htm | |
194. CNN.com - Messier: Threat To French Culture? - April 17, 2002 JeanMarie Messier managed to turn an unglamorous water utility, the Compagnie Generale des Eaux, into Vivendi Universal the world s second largest media http://europe.cnn.com/2002/BUSINESS/04/17/messier/ | |
195. French Language, Literature And Culture In Tours, France - MSU Office Of Study A French Language, Literature and culture in Tours. MSU Office of Study Abroad Summer Semester. College of Arts and Letters; Dept. of French, Classics and http://studyabroad.msu.edu/programs/francefrench.html | |
196. [Musée National De Préhistoire] Son objectif est de faire d©couvrir les cultures de la p©riode pal©olithique. Les Eyziesde-Tayac, Dordogne (24), Aquitaine, france. http://www.musee-prehistoire-eyzies.fr/ |
197. Mimi Soleil Création Cr©atrice de bijoux  base de perles de cultures et semipr©cieuses en provenance du monde entier. Pr©sentation des collections et de l'atelier. france. http://mimisoleil1.free.fr | |
198. Frances Arnett Sbrocchi's Poetry Lyrical poetry about place and culture. http://www.geocities.com/frances_sbrocchi/ | |
199. People's Daily Online -- French Aerobatics Show To Open French Culture Year A website by the People s Daily newspaper; China, business, world, science, education, sports news. http://english.people.com.cn/200410/07/eng20041007_159202.html | |
200. http://www.economist.com/research/backgrounders/displaystory.cfm?Story_ID=S&+H - |
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