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21. The Math Forum - Math Library - Fractals This page contains sites relating to fractals. A list of mathematics journalswith articles on the Web and a list of Web sites for printed journals, http://mathforum.org/library/topics/fractals/?keyid=14240478&start_at=301&num_to |
22. The Math Forum - Math Library - Search Engines Equations; Ethnomathematics; Formal Logic; fractals; Geometry; History; journals; An extensive searchable collection of sites dealing with fractals, http://mathforum.org/library/resource_types/search_engines/ | |
23. APPLIED MATHEMATICS: ROMANESQUE BROCCOLI AND COMPLEX SYSTEMS 5) It is odd that networks should find themselves configured as fractals. The Avnir group, reviewing a large number of Physics Review journals papers, http://scienceweek.com/2005/sc050218-1.htm | |
24. Martindale's Mathematics Center MATHEMATICS journals ONLINE INDEX - American Mathematical Society For more fractals 3D STRANGE ATTRACTORS AND SIMILAR OBJECTS - T. Stilson, http://www.martindalecenter.com/GradMath.html | |
25. University Of Evansville Libraries: Physics Internet Resources Astronomy Particles fractals Other Topics journals Databases. Astronomy.Astronomy Unbound Subtitled A Virtual Astronomy Text, this site presents http://libraries.evansville.edu/iresearch/guides/physics.html | |
26. Directory Of Open Access Journals Key words, fractals; ceramics; fracture surface; total energy of fracture; Rcurve.DOAJ - Directory of Open Access journals, 2005, Lund University http://www.doaj.org/abstract?id=41680&toc=y |
27. Directory Of Open Access Journals We start by presenting a brief, but general, introduction to fractals, whichemphasizes DOAJ Directory of Open Access journals, 2005, Lund University http://www.doaj.org/abstract?id=35684&toc=y |
28. Accessing Article Nature Publishing Group, publisher of Nature, and other science journals and In fact, by using fractal image analysis techniques, we find that tumor http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v4/n9/full/nm0998_984a.html | |
29. Guides - Information Division - The University Of Melbourne Chaos, solitons and fractals (electronically through buddy at Library cataloguesdo not index journals down to the level of individual papers or http://dydo.infodiv.unimelb.edu.au/index.php?view=html;docid=1597 |
30. Mathematics -> E-Links -> E-Resources -> U Of R Library Famous Problems and Theorems; fractals; Geometry; journals; Math Tables Mathematics on the Web Over 500 websites of printed journals, http://www.uregina.ca/library/eresources/elinks/science/math.shtml | |
31. What Is Chaos Theory, Anyway? The Chaos Network (of Which Margaret Q28a What are some general references on fractals and chaos? 4.2 Whattechnical journals have nonlinear science articles? http://www.cc.utah.edu/~jtm26960/chaos/frac.htm | |
32. We Talk Journals V.1.0 (Beta) , Total Entries 73 If we are touse fractals to form dimensionality within cyberspace, we need to have a......Journal title ethank s Journal http://www.murmurs.com/talk/journal.php?&page=4&pp=5&do=getj&id=1 |
33. Mathematics Sites with Links; Chaos and fractals. Reference Works and Texts ElectronicLibrary of Mathematics Mathematical journals (FIZ Karlsruhe, Dept. Math. http://library.uww.edu/subject/math.htm | |
34. Owens Library Mathematics WWW Resources This site lists research databases, electronic journals, fractals, Geometry,History, Humor, journals, Libraries, Linear Algebra, Logic, http://www.nwmissouri.edu/library/courses/math/mathwww.htm | |
35. Chaos Theory So pick a topic you re interested in. Chaos Theory; fractals; Books and journals;Videos; Other useful stuff. Chaos Theory. The Applied Chaos Laboratory http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/~aster/ | |
36. FractSurf - FAQ I want to learn about fractals. What should I read first? What is a fractal? What are some relevant journals? Are there any special notices? http://www.fractsurf.de/faq.html | |
37. Chaos, Solitons And Fractals How to access this electronic journal. Other information includes what is Chaos, solitons and fractals. This journal is supplied by ScienceDirect http://www.library.soton.ac.uk/info/journals/10571.shtml | |
38. EvoWeb - Books & Journals - Chaos And Order In The Capital Markets: A New View O FRACTAL STRUCTURE IN THE CAPITAL MARKETS. Introduction to fractals. The FractalDimension. Fractal Time Series?Biased Random Walks. http://evonet.lri.fr/evoweb/resources/books_journals/record.php?id=437 |
39. Two Lessons From Fractals And Chaos We will see how fractals and chaos lead to two important lessons for how we Articles in scientific journals and presentations at scientific meetings http://www.ccs.fau.edu/~liebovitch/complexity-20.html | |
40. ScienceDaily Browse Topics Science/Math/Chaos_and_Fractals Chaos Interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science. Chaos, Solitons fractals - Applications in science and engineering. http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Math/Chaos_and_Fractals/Chaos/Jour |
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