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Forth Programming: more books (70) | ||||
61. Forth Programming Some graphical effects for DOS written in Forth (for ForthEC). 641byte lava effect Binary Source 595-byte fire effect Binary Source. http://www.cyd.liu.se/~micol972/site/forthec/forth.html | |
62. Forth - Internet Resources (forth) overview 15 star rating for this site forth programming language Forth is a computer programming environment developed by Chuck Moore then at the US http://www.cera2.com/WebID/software/forth/blank/overview/a-z.htm | |
63. BTI FORTH Interpreters Page Forthlike programming environment. It is includes forth programming environment with wide choice of libraries. fpcl1-7.zip (347K) http://www.bti.secna.ru/forth/archive.e.html | |
64. Filebasket - Programming  Forth Programming Language  Mina.com 4.0.6 mina ciforth ISO Forth Language And Environment br / br / DESCRIPTION br / Forth is a tried and proven language for evolutionary ( check as you br http://www.filebasket.com/product.php[id]63372[cid]124[SiteID]filebasket | |
65. Forth Find It Computers Programming Languages Forth Webring forth programming Webring Easy signup submission page, with some content. http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/dir/Computers/Programming/Languages/Forth/ | |
66. DPANS94 The first meeting of the Technical Committee on forth programming Systems was convened the forms that a program written in the Forth language may take; http://www.taygeta.com/forth/dpans1.htm | |
67. Compilers.net > Paedia > Forth In a forth programming class, ten users have been supported on an 8MHz PDP11, One mainstream use of the forth programming language is in Open Firmware, http://www.compilers.net/paedia/forth/ | |
68. Comp.lang.forth Frequently Asked Questions (1/6): General/Misc: General Question However, there are many reports of cases where Forth programs beat others The basic skill required for comfortable, efficient forth programming is good http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/faq/faq-general-3.html | |
69. MSU Libraries - Electronic Resources - SIGFORTH: ACM Special Interest Group On F Connect to SIGFORTH ACM Special Interest Group on forth programming Language SIGFORTH ACM Special Interest Group on forth programming Language http://er.lib.msu.edu/item.cfm?item=008395 |
70. Forth Forth is a programming langauge invented by Charles Moore. There are many experts of forth programming who have their own web pages on Forth. http://www.kt.rim.or.jp/~tyamamot/forth/forth.html |
71. Docs.sun.com: Writing FCode 3.x Programs For further information about Forth and forth programming. Mastering Forth, Anita Anderson and Martin Tracy, Brady Communications Co., Inc., 1989 http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/806-1379-10/6jalunvb9?a=view |
72. Win32 Programming Examples Using Win32For Regarding, SwiftForth from Forth, Inc. The program has been updated Unfortunately, there is no common forth programming language out there that has much http://www.concentric.net/~jkelm/win32for/ | |
73. Guru.com - Forth Programming At Guru.com, connect with thousands of professionals relating to your search, forth programmingFree! http://www.guru.com/freelance-jobs.cfm/1383/Forth programming | |
74. Guru.com - Freelance Forth Programming At Guru.com, connect with thousands of professionals relating to your search, freelance forth programmingFree! http://www.guru.com/freelance-jobs.cfm/1580/freelance Forth programming | |
75. /public/ftp/pub/linux/devel/lang/forth What you ll find here tools for forth programming unusual implementation of the forth programming language, targetted especially at Linux for the IA32 http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/devel/lang/forth/!INDEX.html | |
76. 110232 FORTH: Programming System For The PDP-11 Version: October 1978 110232 forth programming System for the PDP11 Version October 1978 Submitted by Martin S. Ewing, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/computer-science/history/pdp-11/decus/110232 | |
77. Theodore M. Norton - Deterritorializing Programming Systems For A The supporting forth programming system was appropriated in a similar spirit. In most cases the installation included a fiveday forth programming http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/symploke/v006/6.1norton.html |
78. Open Firmware Commands | Forth Programming Language open firmware commands forth programming language Open Firmware is software that is used after powering a machine to bring the operating system online http://www.developers.net/external/641 | |
79. Forth, A Programming Language For Real Programmers A dozen links, and a short explanation of forth benefits which concludes with an enjoyable rant about the state of programming. http://www.phact.org/e/forth.htm | |
80. Thoughtful Programming And Forth Philosophy, Essay By Michael Misamore By Michael Misamore; essay with text and references, on a flexible, proven, backto-basics, minimalist philosophy that operates consistently from low to high abstraction levels; with ideas for future improvements. Freely Distributable http://www.ultratechnology.com/forththoughts.htm | |
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