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41. The Republic Of Turkey, SRB 97-01 Luxembourg, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland, former ussr, UnitedKingdom, USA. general Directorate of Agricultural Product Development http://www.nal.usda.gov/atmic/pubs/srb9701.htm | |
42. Vignettes, No. 13, August 1993 Contents Economic reform in former ussr, recent changes in Ukrainian Washington, DC general Government Division, US general Accounting Office, http://www.nal.usda.gov/atmic/news/vign0893.htm | |
43. Access To THE WORLD FACTBOOK 1993 Provided Courtesy Of The 1969) Head of Government Chairman of the general People s Committee (Premier) refined petroleum products, natural gas partners Italy, former ussr, http://permanent.access.gpo.gov/lps35389/1993/wf940139.txt |
44. CIA WORLD FACTBOOK 1995 Via The Libraries Of The University Of Missouri-St. Loui other 64 Judicial branch Prosecutor general Government Political parties and Tajikistan had the nextto-lowest per capita GDP in the former ussr, http://permanent.access.gpo.gov/lps35389/1995/wf950232.htm | |
45. Country Website http//www.abs.gov.au. System of trade general trade. ValuationImports Fob (Free on Board) BEN, Benin, KAZ, Kazakhstan, SUN, former ussr http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/17/2/1947934.htm | |
46. NARA - IWG - General Records Of The Department Of State (RG 59 Other residual WWII related problems include disputes between the former Educational Cultural Exchange Agreementsussr-general-Publication Amerika http://www.archives.gov/iwg/declassified-records/rg-59-state-department/rg-059-g | |
47. US Government Sales::Multicultural Manners: Essential Rules Of Etiquette For The general SelfHelp general Self-Help Independent Members of the former ussr.Middle Easterners. Bibliography. http://gov.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471684287,descCd-tableOfCont | |
48. Article On Gov't Remote Viewing Program In JSE They present the first released drawings of the Semipalatinsk, ussr facilitycomparing a former Major general, and internationally known professors of http://www.ufomind.com/misc/1997/oct/d15-001.shtml | |
49. Embassy Of Ukraine In Japan It was because of Ukraine got only some fragments of the former ussr militarymachine. Armed Forces general Staff as a main body of executive military http://www.ukremb-japan.gov.ua/eng/ukraine/army/ | |
50. 2. Cooperation Between Space Agencies In 1958, the United Nations general Assembly created an ad hoc Committee on the The restructuring of the former ussr space program in 1992 has led to a http://lifesci.arc.nasa.gov/lis/Space_Agencies/Space_Agencies.html | |
51. CIA - The World Factbook -- Germany The decline of the ussr and the end of the Cold War allowed for German general assessment Germany has one of the world s most technologically advanced http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gm.html | |
52. Russia (08/05) After the war, the ussr became one of the Permanent Members of the UN Security Russia is one of the most industrialized of the former Soviet republics. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3183.htm | |
53. Bangladesh (08/05) A new government, headed by former Mujib associate Khandakar Moshtaque, was formed . In 1989, the ussr ranked 14th among aid donors to Bangladesh. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3452.htm | |
54. Statistical Resources Sources under each category are topically arranged with the more general toolsat the for 27 transition countries in Central Europe and the former ussr. http://www.library.uiuc.edu/doc/statistics.htm | |
55. Find Articles Foreign general. AgExporter / Agricultural Trade of the United States (FATUS) /FAO Bulletin of former ussr. 338.10947UN3, 19841992 ACES Stacks http://www.library.uiuc.edu/agx/agstats/foreign/foreigngeneral.htm | |
56. áðùàÃÂÃÂá ãúÃÂðÃÂýø - ÃÂþòøàmilitary service in the ussr Navy headquarters, in the fleet and flotilla organs, Directorategeneral of the Archives of the Republic of Lithuania http://www.mfa.gov.ua/eng/consul/?documents/arch_1.html |
57. General Collections -- Library Of Congress Geography And Maps: An Illustrated Gu The division s general collections, which number over 3.5 million map sheets, The fall of the iron curtain and the liberalization of the former http://www.loc.gov/rr/geogmap/guide/gmillgen.html | |
58. Skidmore College - Government Department End or Renewal Argentine and Brazilian Relations with the ussr and After , Paper delivered at the Conference on The Transformation of the former ussr http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/gov/faculty/vacs/ | |
59. VirtualTourist.com - Serbia And Montenegro Tips - Pictures, Tips And Reviews Popular general Tips Miscellaneous general Tips Tips All Tips (130) Russian Orthodox Church covers all former ussr states except Georgia http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/Europe/Serbia_and_Montenegro/General_Tips-S | |
60. Turkmenistan - Country Information - Australian Department Of Foreign Affairs An general. Turkmenistan is a small Central Asian country covering some 488000 The country gained its independence from the former Soviet Union on 27 http://www.dfat.gov.au/geo/turkmenistan/turkmenistan_brief.html | |
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