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81. Surrogate Forces: U.S. Foreign Military Training For some time the US government has forged relations with foreign countries by providing military training and equipment. Since the terrorist attacks of http://www.radioproject.org/archive/2002/4502.html | |
82. Irish Taxpayers Pay Â10M For Costs Of Foreign Military Overflights - National A Irish Taxpayers Pay Â10M for Costs of foreign military Overflights by caf Labour Friday, May 13 2005, 222pm national / anti-war / press release http://www.indymedia.ie/newswire.php?story_id=69810 |
83. Appropriations Bill Restricts U.S. Military Assistance To Indonesia ANNUAL foreign military TRAINING REPORT. Chapter 3 of part III of the Foreign Assistance `(1) For each military training activity, the foreign policy http://www.etan.org/news/2000a/2appropr.htm | |
84. 10 CFR 70.14 Foreign Military Aircraft. 70.14 foreign military aircraft. The regulations in this part do not apply to persons who carry special nuclear material (other than plutonium) in aircraft http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/cfr/part070/part070-0014.html | |
85. Försvarets Materielverk - FMS - Foreign Military Sales FMS foreign military Sales. FMV upprätthÃ¥ller en focal point för FMS inom VerksamhetsomrÃ¥de Kommersiella tjänster. FMS avser anskaffning direkt frÃ¥n den http://www.fmv.se/WmTemplates/Page.aspx?id=1139 |
86. TamilNet: 14.09.04 Tamil Students Condemn Foreign Military Assistance TamilNet is a news and feature service that focuses on providing reliable and accurate information on issues concerning the Tamil people in Sri Lanka. http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=12887 |
87. Detail Reports On U.S. Funded Foreign Military Training | 8/7/2002 In reality, these forces have been training foreign military and The longterm legacies of foreign military training must not be excluded from current http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/free/colombia/txt/2002/0709foreign_mili | |
88. The Center For Security Policy A U.S. national security think tank specializing in decision briefs and press releases on critical foreign policy and military defense matters. Site includes an extensive subject area archive dating from 1988, including abstracts. http://www.security-policy.org/ |
89. Military Order Of Foreign Wars Organization open to those in the US military service who served in any of the foreign and civil wars in which the US military took part, and also a heriditary order for descendants of those who served. http://foxfall.com/mofw.htm | |
90. Foreign Report Weekly newsletter with reports on the political, civil and military situation in the world. http://www.foreignreport.com/ | |
91. TCS: Tech Central Station - Where Free Markets Meet Technology :: EUROPE :: European news about technology, economy, politics, trade, taxes, security, military, climate change and foreign policy, with a free market emphasis. http://www.techcentralstation.be/ | |
92. Global War On Terrorism Medal,Defense Of Freedom Medal, Military Medals And Serv Features medals and service ribbons, badges, crests, insignias, medals sets and wings for all branches of the U.S. armed forces. Also includes a foreign award section. Retail, wholesale, government sales, and special orders available. http://www.gracoind.com/ | |
93. U.S. Foreign Aid Watch Organization :: Online Information About Foreign Aid Information and news about U.S. foreign Aid with articles written is six languages. Databases to search military aid by country. Glossary of acronyms related to foreign aid. http://www.ForeignAidWatch.org | |
94. Foreign Government Resources On The Web Comprehensive listings of foreign government web sites. The directory includes information on constitutions, laws, treaties, background, biographies, human rights, politics, elections, demographics, economy, health and the military. Sites can be browsed by continent or by subject. http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/foreignnew.html | |
95. French Foreign Legion Exploring family ties with the French foreign Legion. http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/other/Military/FRENCH-FOREIGN-LEGION.html |
96. Bush Vows Military Pay Raise, Clear Foreign Policy CNN http://cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/02/10/bush.radio.reut/index.html |
97. TCK World - Dedicated To The Support And Understanding Of Third Culture Kids (TC Dedicated to the support and understand military Brats, Missionary Kids, foreign Service and Corporate Kids, and others who have lived as children in foreign cultures. http://www.tckworld.com/ | |
98. Apollo Flag Company, Inc.: Flags Banners Accessories Sells US, historical, state, foreign, military, holiday flags as well as providing custom services, poles and accessories. http://www.apolloflags.com/ | |
99. Lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cstdy@field(DO lcweb2.loc.gov/cgibin/query/r?frd/cstdy@field(DO military bases on foreign territory, http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cstdy:@field(DOCID eg0169) |
100. The Mexico Project US and Mexican government documents relating to the dirty war , foreign policy, and the role of the military. http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/mexico/ | |
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