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21. South Africa: Regulation Of Foreign Military Assistance Act, 1998 15 of 1998 Regulation of foreign military Assistance Act, 1998. ACT. To regulate the rendering of foreign military assistance by South African juristic http://projects.sipri.se/expcon/natexpcon/SAfrica/formilass.htm | |
22. UNCLE SAM'S FOREIGN MILITARY BASES UNCLE SAM S foreign military BASES. NARRATOR In the words of George M. Cohan s To get a closer look at the tugof-war over US foreign military bases, http://www.cdi.org/adm/Transcripts/505/ | |
23. AllRefer.com - Indonesia - Foreign Military Relations | Indonesian Information R allRefer Reference provides detailed information on this topic. Browse through this article and follow related links for complete research. http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/indonesia/indonesia186.html | |
24. AllRefer.com - Yugoslavia - Foreign Military Relations | Yugoslavian Or Yugoslav allRefer Reference provides detailed information on this topic. Browse through this article and follow related links for complete research. http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/yugoslavia/yugoslavia197.html | |
25. Foreign Military Financing (1999-2000) Cyber encyclopedia of Jewish history and culture that covers everythingfrom antiSemitism to Zionism. It includes a glossary, bibliography of web sites and http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/FMF2000.html | |
26. Women And Armed Conflict -- Foreign Military Bases As A Source Of Violence Again The women and children living in areas where foreign military bases are present have been and still are exposed to severe cases of rape and other forms of http://www.aworc.org/bpfa/gov/escap/vaww.html | |
27. US Foreign Military Training Global Reach, Global Power - Global US governmentrun or -supported training programs for foreign military and police Reform the curricula for foreign military trainees away from a focus http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/peacekpg/training/us.htm | |
28. Government Executive Magazine - 8/1/01 August 1, 2001. DoD Foreign Contractors and foreign military Sales DoD foreign military Sales. TOTAL PURCHASES $8576475000 http://www.govexec.com/top200/01top/s3chart2.htm | |
29. Government Executive Magazine - 8/15/02 August 15, 2002. DoD Foreign Contractors and foreign military Sales DoD foreign military Sales. Total Purchases $6127864000 http://www.govexec.com/top200/02top/s3chart2.htm | |
30. Totse.com | Foreign Military & Intelligence Agencies totse.com foreign military Intelligence Agencies - All sorts of facts and rumors about our enemies and allies. http://www.totse.com/en/politics/foreign_military_intelligence_agencies/ | |
31. AIUSA Action Center Take Action! foreign military Financing to Indonesia. The Department of State is planning to request foreign military financing (FMF) for Indonesia for the http://takeaction.amnestyusa.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=11387 |
32. Foreign Military Training - FCNL The Friends Committee on National Legislation lobbies the US Government on death penalty, military spending, landmines, disarmament, Native Americans, http://www.fcnl.org/issues/issue.php?issue_id=106 |
33. 1999 Shareholder Proposal On Foreign Military Sales At Raytheon Criteria used to promote foreign military sales; What percentage is commercial military sales and what is foreign military sales? http://www.foe.org/international/shareholder/Raytheon.html | |
34. Foreign Military Police foreign military Police page. The SA Corps of Military Police are part of the military police fraternity of the world. These worldwide military police http://home.mweb.co.za/re/redcap/new-mps.htm | |
35. DefenseLINK News: Proposed Foreign Military Sale To Saudi Arabia Announced PROPOSED foreign military SALE TO SAUDI ARABIA ANNOUNCED. The government of Saudi Arabia has requested a possible sale for the continuation of US Air Force http://www.dod.mil/releases/2000/b09082000_bt548-00.html | |
36. ZNet |Asia | U.S. Foreign Military Bases & Military Colonialism If they are dimly aware that the US has some foreign military bases, they have little idea ÷ To function as jumping off points for US foreign military http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=44&ItemID=4621 |
37. Foreign Military Sales foreign military Financing. Practical instruction on export licensing of defense foreign military Financing. Types Of Sales Financed; Types Of Financing http://www.fedpubseminars.com/seminar/fmsfmf.html | |
38. Military.com - Flags foreign military US Historic PATCHES SEALS/DECALS Military and Historic Flags. Germany WW1 Naval, Japanese Imperial, Japanese Naval Ensign. http://www.flagline.com/military/list.php?title=milfrgn |
39. DLA Policy for Supply Support of foreign military Sales (FMS) FMS Handbook Cover Letter FMS Handbook FMS Policy Recap http://www.dla.mil/j-4/FMS.asp | |
40. Foreign Arms Sales Haynes, Jacob N. foreign military Sales Shaping Foreign Policy and The Current Status of the United States foreign military Sales (FMS) Program. http://www.au.af.mil/au/aul/bibs/arm/armsales.htm |
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