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Florida School Media Centers: more detail | ||||
61. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany And Puzzles, Reciprocal Links Math WWW VL Education, Virtual Library, florida State University, FL Ludlow High school Library media Center s Bookmarks, Wilbraham, MA http://www.cut-the-knot.org/ReciprocalUli.shtml | |
62. Florida School For Kids With Learning Disabilities And Learning Problems Central florida school for kids with learning disabilites. a full gym, physicalfitness center, library/media center, pool, and cafeteria. http://www.iser.com/vanguard-FL.html | |
64. AECT Orlando, florida October 1720, 2005 The International Visual Literacy Association This National Standards publication for school media center programs, http://www.aect.org/ |
65. Welcome To Bishop John J. Snyder High School, Jacksonville, Florida school Store Staff Directory Site Map. BJSHS media Center. Order Your RequiredReading Here. Purchase from the links below and help the BJS Library http://www.bishopsnyder.org/bjsreads.htm | |
66. Florida Buck Lake Elementary school media Center Central florida Library Norland High school media Center Northeast florida Library Information Network http://www.webpan.com/msauers/libdir/usa/fl.html | |
67. Florida Choice Resource Center media Lists Speakers Bureau Targets. school Choice Center Materials For moreinformation on florida school Choice Resource Center, http://www.schoolofed.nova.edu/choice/educator/marketing.htm | |
68. Just Read, Florida! Educators A state database of school library media center holdings in florida s K12 publicschools. school-Home Tool Kit Reading Kits that offer tips on creating http://www.justreadflorida.com/educators.asp | |
69. Institute For Justice Media Center And Media Kits media Center. ÂThe Institute for Justice has become a major pillar of our freesociety. school Choice Showdown at the florida Supreme Court http://www.ij.org/media/ | |
70. Study Motivates Florida Librarians - 4/1/2004 - School Library Journal - CA40665 media specialists are urged to improve at least one area of the school library . Study Motivates florida Librarians By Debra Lau Whelan 4/1/2004 media http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/article/CA406654.html | |
71. Florida Atlantic University Libraries Media Center The media Center is the main depository for florida Atlantic University (FAU)produced Copyright for Educators Internet school Library media Center http://www.library.fau.edu/depts/media/media.htm |
72. EContentMag.com The florida program is available to media centers at K12 schools that have beendamaged or destroyed by the storms. The Thomson Gale program, http://www.econtentmag.com/Articles/ArticleReader.aspx?ArticleID=7178&CategoryID |
73. The Ledger: Lakeland, Polk County, Florida *Winter Haven High school. COLLEGES. *florida Metropolitan University Workers were assembling the bookshelves in the media center, and with no trees, http://www.theledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=CAMPUS18 |
74. Macromedia - Macromedia Education Leaders Program : Nancy Parker in the classroom and the school media center for teachers and students. She has worked for several school districts in florida, including Palm Beach http://www.macromedia.com/resources/education/k12/special/leaders/profiles/npark | |
75. Libweb - Libraries On The Web Marathon Middle/High school Library media Center Marathon, FL, florida, USA FL, florida, USA; Walter Johnson High school media Center Bethesda, MD, http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Libweb/usa-special.html | |
76. ALA | Student Achievement California school Library media centers and Student Achievement. FloridaBaumbach, Donna. Making the Grade The Status of school Library media centers http://www.ala.org/aaslTemplate.cfm?Section=resourceguides&Template=/ContentMana |
77. John S. And James L. Knight Foundation florida A M school of Journalism, media and Graphic Arts, mail@sjgc.net.florida International University International media Center, greenc@fiu.edu http://www.knightfdn.org/default.asp?story=journalism/grantees.asp |
78. Florida Association Of Realtors :: Media Center Show me a topnotch school and I ll show you a thriving community with risinghome values. A number of community leaders, media representatives, educators, http://media.living.net/releases/districtwinners05.htm | |
79. Best Of Florida Schools 2005 Issue - Page 3 The computer geeks have staged a coup, and the digital media program at Indian The USF Career Center is the first school in the nation to offer this new http://www.floridaleader.com/best2005_3.htm | |
80. School Library / Media Center Friends Folusa logo. school Library/media Center Friends the book should go to theFlorida City Elementary school media center or to an individual student. http://www.folusa.org/html/slmc.html | |
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