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41. FEMA: Guides To Disaster Resistant Coastal Construction Being Distributed To Flo Resistant Coastal Construction Being Distributed To florida libraries More than 350 libraries are slated to receive copies of the information for http://www.fema.gov/news/newsrelease_print.fema?id=17922 |
42. University Of Florida Libraries: Administrative Commitment University of florida libraries Mission Statement Support and the Libraries The Mission Statement of the University of Florida Smathers Libraries http://www.arl.org/olms/staffdev/florida_admin.html | |
43. University Of Florida Libraries: Staff Dedicated To The Program Coordination University of florida libraries Staff Development Officer and Committee as well as Core Teaching Staff. To support the provision of information in a http://www.arl.org/olms/staffdev/florida_staff.html | |
44. IMLS A Closer Look Highlights Of The Month Archives The museum joined forces with the University of florida libraries, The new online library also will prove useful to Florida secondary teachers and http://www.imls.gov/closer/archive/hlt_c0600.htm |
45. IMLS A Closer Look Highlights Of The Month Archives institutions in Florida with bibliographic databases held in florida libraries. The museum joined forces with the University of florida libraries, http://www.imls.gov/scripts/text.cgi?/closer/archive/hlt_c0600.htm |
46. Lawrence W. Tyree Library, Gainesville, FL - Other Libraries florida libraries. Alachua County Public Library Baker County Emily Taber Public Library Bradford County Public Library Brevard Community College http://cisit.sfcc.edu/~library/regional.htm | |
47. LISNews.com | "Common Threads" In Florida Libraries Florida Library Association · Dean of the Library System · · Common Threads Highlighting Collaborations Between florida libraries and Museums and Other http://www.lisnews.com/article.pl?sid=05/07/27/1854201 |
48. Law-Lib: Re: Help Needed From Florida Libraries Maybe in reply to Carmela Kinslow Help needed from florida libraries ; Messages sorted by date thread subject author http://lawlibrary.ucdavis.edu/LAWLIB/March05/0389.html | |
49. Law-Lib: Help Needed From Florida Libraries Help needed from florida libraries My name is Carmela Kinslow and I am a librarian at the Kresge Library, Notre Dame Law School. http://lawlibrary.ucdavis.edu/LAWLIB/March05/0381.html | |
50. Associate Director For Collections And Technical Services The University of Central florida libraries seeks an experienced and innovative leader to facilitate the identification and implementation of best practices http://allanet.org/www/jobs/adctsfl.htm | |
51. George A. Smathers Libraries Send suggestions and comments to the library web manager. © 2004 2005 University of florida George A. Smathers libraries. All rights reserved. http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/ | |
52. Central Florida Library Cooperative Nonprofit organization of libraries, information providers, and businesses. Bulletin boards, vendor discounts, reference desk, and location map. http://cflc.net/ | |
53. Home Page - FIU - Libraries Principal facilities are located in Miami, florida. Principal areas of research include religious studies, Latin American history and Everglades restoration. Research affiliation Center for Research libraries. http://weblib.fiu.edu/index.cfm | |
54. Redirect For Florida Atlantic University Libraries Research affiliation Center for Research libraries. http://www.fau.edu/library/homehome.htm | |
55. SFALL Home Page Provides access to information about the chapter, including membership information, chapter newsletter, news and events, history, jobs in the South florida area, and florida legal research resources. http://www.aallnet.org/chapter/sfall/ | |
56. Information Literacy At FIU florida International University Library's Information Literacy section enables links to various academic and practical resources on Literacy research, opinion and training. http://www.fiu.edu/~library/ili/ | |
57. Index Of /fol Student book award contest, mission statement, publications, programs, and memorial gift program. http://www.fsu.edu/library/fol/ | |
58. State Library & Archives Of Florida - Florida Department Of State Welcome to the State Library and Archives of florida This is a list of libraries in florida. Click on the name of the library to be automatically http://dlis.dos.state.fl.us/ | |
59. Tale Tellers Of St. Augustine Master Storytellers from the Nation's Oldest City perform at festivals, schools, libraries, and special events throughout florida and beyond. http://taletellers.org | |
60. UF HSCL - PubMed Tutorial How to use and navigate the many search features of PubMed. University of florida, Health Science Center libraries. http://www.library.health.ufl.edu/pubmed/pubmed2/ | |
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