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101. Relief Officials Forcing People To Evacuate Ahead Of Floods CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/03/01/mozambique.floods.ap/index.html |
102. Drought, Floods, & Prayer. - Infomation On Natural Disasters & Those Affected By Information for those concerned with the effects of drought floods on farmers and the land. Share prayer, stories, encouragement. http://members.ozemail.com.au/~sjhop/prayer.htm | |
103. Floods Kills Scores In North Korea CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/10/15/nkorea.floods.reut/index.html |
104. Newton's Apple: Teacher's Guides Although we describe floods as disasters, they are, in fact, natural phenomena. floods occur when a watershed receives so much water that its waterways http://www.ktca.org/newtons/12/floods.html | |
105. CNN.com - Bangladesh Floods Affect 200,000 - August 2, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/southeast/08/02/floods.bangladesh/index.html | |
106. Floods floods. A flood occurs when a body of water rises and overflows onto floods occur most commonly when water from heavy rainfall, from melting ice and http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0769015.html | |
107. CNN - Asia Floods Kill Dozens, Thousands Flee - August 2, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WEATHER/9908/02/asia.floods/index.html | |
108. Halfway Down The Danube: Floods floods. fpi_glasses.jpg There is massive flooding all across Romania this week. Massive here means thousands of houses destroyed and nearly 10000 people http://www.bookcase.com/~claudia/mt/archives/000717.html | |
109. CNN.com - Monsoon Floods Recede In Malaysia - January 2, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/southeast/01/02/malaysia.floods/index.html | |
110. CURBE Floods CURBE (Cambridge University Centre for Risk in the Built Environment) conducts interdisciplinary research on risk and disaster issues. http://www.arct.cam.ac.uk/curbe/floods.html | |
111. CNN - Floyd's Floods Hit N.C., N.J. Hardest - September 17, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WEATHER/9909/17/floyd.floods.01/index.html | |
112. Floods, Avalanches, And Tidal Waves 5, northwest Europe storm followed by floods devastated North Sea coastal floods and mudslides from heavy rains caused widespread property damage; http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001440.html | |
113. Floods Sweep Away Five In India CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WEATHER/09/05/india.floods.reut/index.html |
114. FloodsTheme Page floods Theme Page. Below are the CLN Theme Pages which supplement the study of floods. CLN s theme pages are collections of useful Internet educational http://www.cln.org/themes/floods.html | |
115. Two Dead As Floods Swamp Eastern Australia CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WEATHER/03/11/australia.floods.reut/index.html |
116. Natural Hazards Earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods all of these are dangerous, hazardous events that occur in the natural world as a result of http://www.oup.com/us/companion.websites/naturalhazards/ | |
117. Northwest Mozambique Hit By Floods CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/01/05/mozambique.flooding.ap/index.html |
118. Special Event Imagery Special Event Imagery 2005 - Index Special The following image files have recently been added to the floods archive Current Events Dust Storms Fires floods Icebergs Ocean http://www.osei.noaa.gov/Events/Floods/ | |
119. Strong Storm, Floods Kill Four In Western Turkey CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/meast/08/02/turkey.floods.reut/index.html |
120. NESEC - Floods floods frequently cause loss of life; property damage and destruction; The Spring floods of 1936, which affected all of New England, caused $113000000 http://www.serve.com/NESEC/hazards/Floods.cfm | |
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