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101. Finnish Language Support For Pocket PC Language Extender Finnish Pocket PC finnish language Extender (LEng) isdesigned for support (Pocket PC/Windows Mobile Finnish localization) the http://finnish.pocket-pc.penreader.com/Language_Extender_Finnish.html | |
102. Finnish Language. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 finnish language. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/fi/FinnishLan.html | |
103. Learn Swedish, Learn Norwegian, Learn Danish, Learn Finnish Swedish language lessons, Norwegian language lessons, finnish language lessons,Danish language lessons. http://www.caselearning.com/ | |
104. Finnish Language Meetup Groups - Meetup.com Be notified when new finnish language Meetup Groups start nearby! Organize yourown finnish language Meetup Group today! http://finnish.meetup.com/groups/ | |
105. Little Malay Dictionary (English-Malay-Finnish Language Dictionary And Forum) Little Malay Dictionary!, malay english - finnish, browse words by alphabets.Selamat datang - Welcome - Tervetuloa. submit more words, bahasa malaysia, http://koti.mbnet.fi/~amika/dictionary/ | |
106. ECML News: Web Collection On The Finnish Language Web collection on the finnish language The ECML resource section has been enrichedby a new web collection on ÂTeaching and Learning Finnish designed and http://www.ecml.at/news/NewsDetails.asp?n=197 |
107. Introduction: Finland, Basic Facts (the S.c.nordic FAQ) Lots of information about Finland, finnish, its history, language etc. http://www.lysator.liu.se/nordic/scn/faq41.html#index | |
108. Concordia Language Villages Offers language instruction in such languages as Swedish, Norwegian, and finnish. http://home.cord.edu/dept/clv/index.html | |
109. FINLAND AND RELATED PEOPLE: Finno-Ugric, WWII, Maps, Culture, Language History, language and culture of the finnish related people, including sections on WW II in Karelia and Finland. http://peacecountry0.tripod.com/ | |
110. YourDictionary.com  Uralic Languages: Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian Dictionarie The world s most comprehensive and authoritative language community portal withevery resource needed for language study and improvement in more than 350 http://www.yourdictionary.com/languages/uralic.html | |
111. Ethnologue Report For Language Code:fin finnish. A language of Finland. ISO/DIS 6393 fin language name, finnish.Population, 200000 in Sweden (1997 Birger Winsa). Swedish-Finns were 446134 http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=fin |
112. Työterveyslaitos English language description of the Finish Ergonomics Society including goals, membership information and contact data. http://www.occuphealth.fi/org/ery/english.html | |
113. Connexor Oy language parsers and taggers for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, finnish and Swedish. Online parser demos and limited documentation available. http://www.connexor.com/ | |
114. Hariyawa, The Kingdom Of Free Tigers Tigers are humanoids who live on planet Pii. This site contains descriptions of Tiger culture and dictionary that translates their language to finnish. http://mango.rdx.net/index_e.php |
115. Kotus - Home Page Studies and provides advice on the usage of finnish, Swedish, the FinnoUgric languages, finnish Sign language, and Romany, the language of the gypsies in Finland. http://www.kotus.fi/inenglish/ |
116. Bitlips Oy finnish Speech Synthesis, offers small footprint as well as unitselection engine. English language also available. http://www.bitlips.fi | |
117. EUROPA - The EU At A Glance - Eurojargon A plain language guide to EU affairs. Parallel documents in Czech, Danish, German, Estonian, Greek, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, finnish, and Swedish. http://europa.eu.int/abc/eurojargon/index_en.htm | |
118. Speak Finnish Like A Restless Native That s right they re all finnish! Who needs sexist languages such as English finnish (or Suomi) is also a much more compact language than English http://www.kisa.ca/finnish-phrases.html | |
119. Finnish-British Society Offering Professional English Language Teaching And Camb Acts as an agent in Finland for language schools located in the UK. http://www.finnbrit.fi/ |
120. CTF - Connected To Finland Website for foreigners living in Finland with articles on finnish culture and ettiquette, entertainment and language. http://www.connectedtofinland.com/ | |
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