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161. The Horse: City Of God Review making comparisons with other South American films and looking at the director's inventiveness. http://www.the-horse.net/cityofgod.htm | |
162. Online Courses In Screenwriting, Filmmaking, Media & Video Production ONLINE SCREENWRITING FILMMAKING COURSES. Learn how to write a screenplay! Courses in Screenwriting, Filmmaking Video Production http://www.worldwidelearn.com/online-courses/screenwriting-film-course.htm | |
163. Quake Done Quick Films: Long-running Movies A collective of people who enjoy making recordbreaking runs through first-person shooter computer games such as Quake, and releasing recordings of these runs for the entertainment of others. http://www.machinima.com/qdqfilms/ | |
164. TheatreBooks: Films: Independent Filmmaking Short films 101 How to Make a Short film and Launch Your filmmaking Career Shoot Me Independent filmmaking from Creative Concept to Rousing Release http://www.theatrebooks.com/film/independent_filmmaking.html | |
165. Tar Heel Films - NC Film Filmmaking Video Production Independent Production Announcements The School of Filmmaking at the North Carolina School You may believe a thorough knowledge of filmmaking and the entertainment http://www.tarheelfilms.com/ | |
166. Unhollywood - Movie Making From A New Angle Unhollywood website for microbudget independent production, using the new tools made available by digital technology - featuring movie making methods, http://unhollywood.com/ | |
167. Indiefilmpage.com - Filmmakers & Filmmaking Dedicated to the Business of Independent filmmaking. filmmaking resource for professional independent filmmakers working with 16mm, 35mm film and http://www.indiefilmpage.com/film.html | |
168. Turku Polytechnic film Art (Turku) Photography (Turku) Design (Mynämäki ja Salo) Fashion Design (Mynämäki) Handicrafts Design (Mynämäki) Industrial Design (Salo) http://www.turkuamk.fi/polytechnic2/yleinen info/Arts_and_media/Digital_arts.htm | |
169. Movie Makers Forum - Forum No New Content, Discussion Topic A short film Flashback, JG52_Manteo, 12, 343 To Forum Categories 1CMaddox Games Hop To Forums Movie Makers Forum http://forums.ubi.com/eve/ubb.x?a=frm&s=400102&f=65710358 |
170. Filmmaking Film School Workshops For students contemplating a longer term education in filmmaking or a career in the industry, it is an excellent introduction. This oneweek course gives http://www.nyfa.com/program/filmmaking/ad_film_1W_P1.html | |
171. Acting School Workshops - New York Film Academy Acting School The filmmaking program was designed to serve the needs of different types of students. For students contemplating a longer term education in filmmaking or a http://www.nyfa.com/program/filmmaking/ad_film_1_week_cruise_P1.html | |
172. Redandblack.com - Three University Alumni Involved In Movie Making Process University of Georgia, Bulldogs, The Red and Black, The official Student Newspaper of the University of Georgia. http://www.redandblack.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2005/07/21/42df022bf3e67 | |
173. Kids.net.au Filmmaking Cliposcope profile Make animated films and produce clips online - just First Light profile - Dedicated to inspiring the making of films by http://www.kids.net.au/kidscategories/Kids_and_Teens/Arts/Filmmaking | |
174. Netribution > Links > Filmmaking > Filmmaking Help o a virtual film school with our how to filmmaking guides film Secrets with information on Super 8 and guerilla filmmaking. http://www.netribution.co.uk/links/Filmmaking/filmmaking_help.html | |
175. Solutions - Digital Filmmaking Digital filmmaking Matrox realtime editing platforms give you all the creative freedom you need Digital filmmaking Shooting on film for a film finish? http://www.matrox.com/video/solutions/film.cfm | |
176. Videos On Film & Television History Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley History of the motion picture made by Black film makers between 1900 and 1950 Emphasizes the attempt by Black film makers to provide alternatives to the http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/FilmonVideoVid.html | |
177. FILMSECRETS - Film Resource film SECRETS, filmmaking moviemaking Web site with instruction, tips, advice, techniques on how to make, produce, direct, shoot, light and edit TV, films, http://www.rivalquest.com/guerilla/ |
178. CSIRO - South Australian Film-makers In SCINEMA 2005 The work of two South Australian film makers features in this year s SCINEMA science film festival and will be screened in 39 cities around Australian from http://www.csiro.au/index.asp?type=mediaRelease&id=122SA |
179. Writing / Screenwriting / Writing Software / Screenwriting Software / Software F for Screenwriters, How to Make Your Movie An Interactive film School, Writing Porn for Fun and Profit! by Katy Terrega, How to Make $$$ with Travel http://www.masterfreelancer.com/search/pages/Newsstand/Movie_Making/ | |
180. The Los Angeles Film School The Los Angeles film School offers a year long handson training course in filmmaking. http://www.lafilm.com/ | |
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