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81. Searching For Asian America . Resources | PBS APAICS asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies. filipinoDoctors / Oklahoma National Federation of filipino American Associations http://www.pbs.org/searching/res_main.html | |
82. Asian American Empowerment: ModelMinority.com - Filipino Classes In California A Register on the home page for full site privileges. http://www.modelminority.com/article983.html | |
83. Asian Media Watch | Home China Doll, the exotic and submissive filipino Woman on NBC s premiere of LAX Racist Comedy is No Laughing Matter An asian American confronts racist http://www.asianmediawatch.net/ | |
84. Asian Media Watch | Feature | "China Doll," The Exotic And Submissive Filipino W Photo Though engaged to another man, the unnamed filipino woman seduces a young and Although the LAX takes place in a city which is 12% asian American, http://www.asianmediawatch.net/lax/ | |
85. NFAYA - National Filipino American Youth Association asian American Student Association. University of Georgia. filipino Student asian American Student Union filipinoAmerican Association of Greater http://www.nfaya.org/brownpages/southern.html | |
86. Asian American Studies Resources asian American Studies Resources filipino American National Historical Society Korean American Historical Society http://firestone.princeton.edu/asianamerican/ | |
87. Filipino American Information Site: Filipino Recipes, Asian Recipes, Celebrities Host of filipino American news and information, exclusive articles, celebrityprofiles, and jokes. Also features free personal ads, emails, business and http://www.epilipinas.com/ | |
88. CMMR - Asian - Pacific Island Resources National asian American Telecommunications Association A web journal dedicatedto the Philippines, the filipino People and the filipino Diaspora, http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~cmmr/Asian.html | |
89. Ancestors In The Americas: Asian American History Timeline filipinos in Los Angeles form filipino American Christian Fellowship. Patsy Takemoto Mink becomes first asian American woman to serve in Congress as http://www.cetel.org/timeline.html | |
90. CET -- RESOURCES: Asian American History Web Sites And Resources A comprehensive list of asian American history Web sites, media sources and A lengthy article on filipino American history presented by Alex Chung. http://www.cetel.org/res.html | |
91. S.F. International Asian American Film Festival 2005 offers a glimpse of the future and a peek at the past of asian American cinema . Two filipino American feature narrative films make their Bay Area http://www.naatanet.org/festival/2005/html/press_filipino.html | |
92. AsianBib Korean American. 1951Present. Chinese American. Japanese American. filipino American.Korean American. Vietnamese American. Southeast asian American http://ivy.csustan.edu/pcrawford/asianlit/ | |
93. Philippine News Online: Home Harry Potter and the asian American image in media NEW YORK Â filipino novelistNinotchka Rosca, who won the American Book award in the 1993, http://www.philippinenews.com/ | |
94. Asian American Literature: A Brief Introduction And Selected Bibliography asian American literature is the newest and the smallest branch of American filipino American Literature. Bulosan, Carlos. America Is in the Heart . http://www.ade.org/ade/bulletin/n080/080029.htm | |
95. News In Asian American Theatre filipino/asian American males, 1560 filipino/asian American females, 15-60Caucasian males, Ages 20-50 Caucasian females, Ages 20-50 http://www.aatrevue.com/News.html | |
96. Filipino-American Student Association @ The College Of William And Mary The official website of the filipinoAmerican Student Association at The College of Official website of the East Coast asian American Student Union http://www.wm.edu/so/fasa/links.htm | |
97. Asian American Bar Association The asian American Bar Association of the Greater Bay Area (AABA) was founded in1976 to In the mid70 s, activists and the filipino residents of the http://www.aaba-bay.com/ | |
98. CCSF Catalog Asian American Studies asian American Issues Through Literature; ASAM 8. filipino American Community;ASAM 10. asian American Culture; ASAM 20. asian American Experience 1820 to http://www.ccsf.edu/Catalog/Ethnic/asamcors.html | |
99. Asian American Voices For Affirmative Action By Paul Rockwell - In Motion Magazi asian American support for affirmative action is growing. Nevertheless, theFilipino American community must join the African American and Latino http://www.inmotionmagazine.com/rockasn.html | |
100. Studies In The Literary Imagination: INTRODUCTION: CROSS WIRE: ASIAN AMERICAN LI Full text of the article, INTRODUCTION CROSS WIRE asian AMERICAN BabaylanAn Anthology ofFilipina and Filipina American Writers (2001) places http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3822/is_200404/ai_n9470353 | |
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