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21. Welcome To FfA Foster Findlay Associates, ffa, 3D image processing software and seismic data processing services for the oil and gas industry. http://www.ffa.co.uk/ |
22. Final Fantasy VI Features reviews, FAQs, codes, music in MIDI format, images, main character profiles with illustrations, and a forum link. http://www.rpgdreamer.com/ffa/ff6/ | |
23. Free URL Submission Service - FREE FOR ALL LINKS STATION - SUBMIT MEGA ffa SUBMITTER is the most Powerful Tool for Webmasters, Website Owners and Web Marketers http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
24. Indiana FFA http://www.indianaffa.org/ |
25. Georgia FFA-FCCLA Center Home Page Yearround camp and conference center in Covington for youth and adult organizations with an educational focus. Facilities, FAQ, history, events, and reservation information. http://aged.ces.uga.edu/ffa_camp/ | |
26. AgEdNet.com - A Service Of Stewart-Peterson, Inc. 16 Lesson Libraries. Ag Issues lessons. ffa Leadership Library. AgEd Today daily news reports. Weekly news quiz. Wednesday Special topical http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
27. 1st FFA Blaster - High Quality, Low Cost Professional Software For Professional Uses 28 ports for simultaneous and fast posting of your Web site to ffa pages. Win95/98 http://www.submitad.com/blaster.htm | |
28. South Dakota FFA Foundation, Inc. Future Farmers of America information, board members, newsletter, and links. http://www.sdffafoundation.org | |
29. Agricultural Education Site Index New Jersey ffa at 75 New Jersey Ag Ed Job Postings on the 75th Anniversary, visit the National ffa. Are you a former ffa member http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
30. AZFFA.ORG Reconnect with ffa! Let us know who you are and where you have been! http://www.azffa.org/index.jsp |
31. VAFFA Home History of ffa, Convention, ffa Background, Virginia ffa, 1927, Symbols, Home VA ffa Foundation, Inc, Board of Directors, CDE Sponsors, Sponsors http://www.vaffa.org/ |
32. Www.megavision.com/daklivestock Providing Quality Suffolk Club lambs that your 4H and ffa student can win with and afford. http://www.megavision.net/daklivestock/ | |
33. Paffa PENNSYLVANIA ffa. LIVE THE PASSION . THANK YOU!! Pennsylvania ffa membership has increased!! We are now at 7871 members! This year over 8000 members is our http://www.paffa.state.pa.us/ | |
34. MHF Media - CGI / Perl Scripts Perl scripts, including Ad Rotator, Ads Pro, ffa, Subscribe Now, BannerEX, Tell a Friend. Commercial http://www.mhfmedia.com/ | |
35. PA FFA Alumni PENNSYLVANIA ffa ALUMNI. What is the ffa Alumni? Agriculture teachers rely on ffa alumni members to help ease the outside commitments of teaching, http://www.paffa.state.pa.us/PA FFA Alumni.htm | |
36. FARMERS FOR ACTION Pressure group fighting for sustainable return, fair deals from the high street supermarkets, union reform, and to lobby government and the European parliament on issues relating to a sustainable agricultural industry. http://www.farmersforaction.org/ | |
37. Parliamentary Procedure E-Bulletin Announcements related to current parliamentary procedure information, sites worth visiting, questions and answers, and tips on training ffa, FBLA, SkillsUSAVICA, BPA, TSA, FCCLA, and HOSA teams for competition. http://www.calaged.org/students/parliamentary | |
38. Ky FFA Home Page http://www.kyffa.org/ | |
39. MN FFA Association http://www.ffa.umn.edu/association/ | |
40. Federation Francaise D'Archeologie : Home Page Objectifs de l'association et s©lection de liens. http://www.sav.org/ffa/ | |
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