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Home - Basic_F - Felines (cats) Endangered & Threatened |
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41. Animal Planet :: Corwin's Carnival Of Creatures Scientists have been unable to spot these (cats) just a few yards away even of the leopard ranges from endangered to critically endangered to threatened http://animal.discovery.com/fansites/jeffcorwin/carnival/feline/leopard.html | |
42. Topic Area: The Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species (CITES) At the turn of the century, roughly 100000 of these beautiful felines roamed Tiger survival is threatened primarily by habitat loss and fragmentation, http://www.colby.edu/personal/thtieten/tigers.htm | |
43. Along The Bay, Official Cat Eradication Programs Meet Opposition including numerous species that are endangered or threatened, like the burrowingowl. (cats) with feline AIDS or feline leukemia are euthanized, http://www.mv-voice.com/morgue/2002/2002_04_26.feralcats.html | |
44. VayuLila.com - ECO-nexus [Endangered Species] endangered Species Wildlife. (cats) Feline Species Over 100 species,approaching half of all primates, are threatened or endangered. http://www.vayulila.com/ECO-nexus/Endangered.html | |
45. Feral Cat Colonies In Florida: The Fur And Feathers Are Flying FN52 Domestic (cats) are likely responsible for spreading feline panleukopenia (FPV)to In adopting the Florida endangered and threatened Species Act, http://www.animallaw.info/articles/arus18jlanduseenvtll441.htm | |
46. SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund The Florida panther is an endangered subspecies that is now threatened FeLV is a fatal disease, common to domestic (cats) but rare in nondomestic felids. http://www.swbg-conservationfund.org/projects_sr_terrestrial.html | |
47. The Peak (30/11/1998) Features: On The Prowl Wild felines are endangered from the demand for the illegal pet trade most active Things are made worse if the cat species are continually threatened by http://www.peak.sfu.ca/the-peak/98-3/issue13/prowl.html | |
48. SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Ocelot The ocelot, like most felines, has incredible sight capabilities and is nocturnal . View threatened and endangered species reports from other students http://www.schoolworld.asn.au/species/ocelot4.html | |
49. Hawaii Island Journal - Last Issue Stories the other endemic island seabird federally listed as endangered or threatened, Swift says she s caught three felines in Area 3 this year, http://www.hawaiiislandjournal.com/stories/12b03c.html | |
50. Threat Abatement Plan For Predation By Feral Cats - Introduction picture of conserving endangered or vulnerable species threatened by catpredation. For example, in 1977 Feline panleucopenia was introduced to http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/publications/tap/cats/3.html | |
51. Threat Abatement Plan For Predation By Feral Cats - Measures To Address The Key Trained dogs have been used in the management of endangered species for tracking Feline panleucopenia occurs in feral cat populations on all large land http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/publications/tap/cats/4.html | |
52. Great Cats And Rare Canines Need Your Help! The Great (cats) and Rare Canids Act identifies seven feline and six canine speciesrecognized as endangered or threatened under international law. http://www.wcs.org/353624/3920333 | |
53. Case Study The oldest feline of the 37 different species of (cats), the cheetah CITES toreclassify the cheetah from endangered to threatened to allow for the http://gurukul.ucc.american.edu/ted/cheetah.htm | |
54. CAT-TITUDES -- Meet The World's Wild Cats! ASIATIC GOLDEN CAT Status Near threatened. Population No estimate. StatusCritically endangered Population 30 to 50 in wild. This cat may become http://home.att.net/~TheThunderCats/ko00005.html | |
55. Chloe's Web: Cats Are The "Best Friend" Of Humanity By Bryan J. Maloney (orlanth Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infection appears to accompany FIV infection in a the fact that felis catus is hardly an endangered or threatened species). http://www.felineleukemia.com/brian.html | |
56. Cats And Dogs the fact that felis catus is hardly an endangered or threatened species). Decline in CD4+ cell numbers in (cats) with naturally acquired feline http://www.galactic-guide.com/articles/2R62.html | |
57. BBC - Radio 4 - Nature 23/06/2003 In many parts of the world , (cats) are a serious threat to endangered donÂthave any globally threatened species living here for which cat predation is a http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/science/nature_20030623.shtml | |
58. BBC - Science & Nature - Conservation - Cats The plight of endangered (cats), including the puma, tiger and lynx. These smallisolated populations are also threatened by inbreeding. http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/animals/conservation/cats/intro.shtml | |
59. Mutable Facts Less than 10 percent of all endangered and threatened speÂcies in the US areimproving. Since 1990. captive felines have caused the death of 75 people. http://www.animalsrighttolifewebsite.com/mutable_facts.htm | |
60. Lioncrusher's Domain -- Glossary Of Terms which grants legal protection for listed endangered and threatened species . Felid Of or referring to (cats), feline; possessing traits similar to the http://www.lioncrusher.com/glossary.htm | |
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