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61. A Session With Statutory Law: Finding Statutes And Codes PA 90569 is the 569th law passed by the 90th general Assembly. Many metasites for legal material lead to federal and state statutes and codes. http://www.sls.lib.il.us/reference/por/features/2000/statlaw.html | |
62. Justice And The Law The online source for all Canadian laws or statutes and their regulations. The Law Commission of Canada is an independent federal law reform agency that http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/resource/just_law.html | |
63. Advocacy Law Library SBA Office of Advocacy s Law Library listing importing small business laws to Heads of federal Agencies (05/01/2003) Memorandum to Agency general http://www.sba.gov/advo/laws/law_lib.html | |
64. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, includes online case law, free state codes, free federal codes, free legal forms, Attorney general Opinions Provides access to the New York Attorney http://www.findlaw.com/11stategov/ny/laws.html | |
65. FOI Updates Sample request letters for federal FOI and Privacy laws Analysis of the Missouri Sunshine Law, other Access statutes in Tapping Officials Secrets http://www.missouri.edu/~foiwww/laws.html | |
66. German Statutes In English Translation Basic Law of the federal Republic of Germany (Grundgesetz, GG) An introduction to this statute and local authorities in general is available in the http://www.iuscomp.org/gla/statutes/statutes.htm |
67. Law Library Resource Guides: Statutes Ruth Lilly Law Library. general Information Library Services A statute is a law enacted by the legislature, be it federal legislature (the Congress), http://indylaw.indiana.edu/library/Statutes.htm | |
68. Maag Library--How To Find Statutes For a general overview of legal resources available, see Law (general). The laws of Pennsylvania are codified in Purdon s Pennsylvania statutes http://www.maag.ysu.edu/guides/findstat.html | |
69. Statutes statutes; ADMINISTRATIVE RULES AND REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURE, Chapter 78. Session laws Attorney general Opinions Kansas Judicial Branch http://www.kslegislature.org/legsrv-statutes/index.do | |
70. FHWA Legislation And Regulations FHWA Directives and Policy Memorandums federal-Aid Policy Guide, Highway Related statutes - general. Title 23, United States Code (USC), Highways http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/legsregs/legislat.html | |
71. Idaho Statutes If you are prohibited by federal law from possessing a weapon or a firearm, (17) The attorney general is authorized to negotiate reciprocal agreements http://www3.state.id.us/cgi-bin/newidst?sctid=180330002.K |
72. Federal Trade Commission - Your National Resource For ID Theft See laws or contact your State Attorney general s office or local consumer protection agency to find out For additional information about federal laws, http://www.consumer.gov/idtheft/idt_laws.html | |
73. Subject Guides Resources on Law statutes of Limitation - federal An alternate approach from the general index for substantive statutes is to first identify a subject http://www.lib.wayne.edu/resources/subject_guides/guide.php?id=87 |
74. Subpart 3 - William F. Goodling Even Start Family Literacy Programs consortium of Statelevel programs under the following provisions of laws (1) IN general-. (A) federal SHARE- Except as provided in paragraph (2), http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/pg6.html | |
75. Arizona Revised Statutes 141103, Supplementary general principles of law applicable 14-2803, Murder of decedent; effect; federal law; definitions http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ArizonaRevisedStatutes.asp?Title=14 |
76. Wisconsin State Law Library - Federal Law & Government Links to federal laws government issues. annotated list of websites to locate federal government information and resources such as codes statutes; http://wsll.state.wi.us/fedlawgov.html | |
77. Connecticut Law And Legislation and historical state and federal statutes, case law materials, periodicals, Links to the 2005 Connecticut general statutes, Public and Special Acts http://www.cslib.org/law.htm | |
78. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, There is extraterritorial federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section. The Attorney general shall conduct any investigation of a possible http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/casecode/uscodes/18/parts/i/chapters/113b/sections | |
79. Workforce Investment Act Of 1998 In the event that a federal department or agency determines that compliance The Administrator of general Services and the Access Board shall provide http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/508/508law.html | |
80. THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a -- As Amended (10) to the Comptroller general, or any of his authorized representatives, in the course of (A) any disclosure which is required by federal statute, or http://www.usdoj.gov/04foia/privstat.htm | |
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