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81. Jewish Studies Undergraduate Offerings - Fall 2003 JS 242 American Jewish history (Same as hist 242) There will be a midterm, a final, regular short homework assignments and one longer writing http://www.js.emory.edu/currentofferings/JSFall2003undergrad.htm | |
82. Social Studies www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/FTrials/ftrials.htm famous American Trials. http//www.law.ou.edu/hist/flags A Guide to American Flags (K12) http://www.bhsu.edu/education/edfaculty/lturner/Social Studies.htm | |
83. Web Resources Classroom resources, homework help and special projects for K12 students A collection of links to sites about early American history Betsy Ross http://www.educationminnesota.org/index.cfm?PAGE_ID=421 |
84. REGISTER A GLOBAL USER ACCOUNT HipHop homework help. homework assistance for middle and high school students, Azalea-Hostess Chapter of the American Business Women s Association http://savannahnow.com/stories/071905/3169917.shtml | |
86. Online Resources Language of Native American Basket s from the Weaver s View, As well, it has the added feature of homework help, where students can email a question to http://www.srk12.org/hotinonshonni/online_resources.htm | |
87. US Hist Turn of the Century Role Playing Lesson Plan You are a famous historical Examining Group Mentality and Leadership in American History In this lesson, http://www.lpsd.com/curriculum/socialstudies/ushistory/ | |
88. People & Places homework help offers world geography at DiscoverySchool.com. CITIZENSHIP DENIEDAN INTEGRATED UNIT ON THE JAPANESE AMERICAN INTERNMENT http://www.whps.org/IT/profdevelopment/Hotlinks/People&Places.htm | |
89. THE COLLECTION OF THE WILLIAMSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL LIBRARY The Ballad of America THe hist Scott, John Anthony Books. The Baltic statesEstonia, famous American ilitary Leader Army Times Publishin Books http://www2.wmston.k12.mi.us/WMS_Web/MS_Lib/titles.htm | |
90. Reciprocal Links FPL s homework help Sites!! Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, HST/WSP331 Women in American History Women s Spirituality and http://www.pinn.net/~sunshine/recip.html | |
91. DaveShearon: Getting Students To Work We need, instead, to work on ways to help and to support teachers in many subjects in Just adding work, especially homework, does not increase learning. http://daveshearon.typepad.com/daveshearon/2005/02/getting_student.html | |
92. American Civil War@Everything2.com Perhaps the most famous example of such an attack is Pickett s Charge. On July 3, 1863, hist 305556 Civil War and Reconstruction at Virginia Tech http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=American Civil War |
93. A PAGE IN HISTORY 2005-2006 American Memory. A multimedia collection of American culture and history materials Identify famous people through a series of clues and portraits. http://members.aol.com/letsgorngr/history.html | |
94. Homework Helper - Government And Politics McAllen Memorial Library homework Helper OpenSecrets.org Your Guide to Money in American Elections http//www.opensecrets.org/index.asp From the http://www.mcallen.lib.tx.us/library/child/homework/govpol.htm | |
95. Issues: Perspectives (February 2000): Commercial Publisher Web Sites For U.S. Hi Students will also be able to submit homework, tests, quizzes, and essays in a Another useful general US history site is A Hypertext on American History http://www.historians.org/perspectives/issues/2000/0002/0002com1.cfm | |
96. Course Descriptions Catalog Statement American Jewish history; Judaism as a cultural entity and REL 4161 history of Religion in the United States (3) (also hist 4161) http://www.artsci.lsu.edu/phil/RSCourses_Descriptions.html | |
97. Education Resources For Teachers, Administrators, and the homework Helper allows students to check their Math answers before Adult Education Association Site The American Association for Adult and http://home.capecod.net/~tpanitz/resources.html | |
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