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21. Homework Help www.highschoolhub.org, Based in NY, this site offers homework help and www.law.ou.edu/hist/, historical documents arranged into 13 time periods. http://www.eastgreenbushlibrary.org/teen/tnhw.asp | |
22. Scottish Wars Of Independence (1286-1329) About homework help Military history Battles and Wars Medieval hist.), this highly detailed site offers a wide range of information and covers the http://militaryhistory.about.com/od/scottishwars/ | |
23. Countries & Flags - Homework Center - Multnomah County Library and homework help resources for students, teachers, media specialists, A Guide to American Flags http//www.law.ou.edu/hist/flags/ Nice color http://www.multcolib.org/homework/cntryhc.html | |
24. Student Research Projects Visit Indianafamous Hoosiers - http//www.visitindiana.net/big.html Geographic homework help - http//www.nationalgeographic.com/education/homework/ http://www.hepl.lib.in.us/ref/student_research.html | |
25. Ronald Reagan Those who sent us here to serve themthe millions of americans watching and I can assure you, the bipartisan leadership of Congress, of my help in http://www.infoplease.com/t/hist/state-of-the-union/201.html | |
26. Loudoun County Elementary Schools famous American Trials The remainder of the homework help sites come from David Dilliard at Temple University, January 2004 homework help For Kids http://www.loudoun.k12.va.us/schools/lvhs/Library/subjects.htm | |
27. Help With Homework www.LivingHistory.co.uk. help with homework Shakespeare wrote his famous play on Julius caesar in 1601 AD. How much information do you require? http://www.livinghistory.co.uk/general/homework/xw_138.html | |
28. World Languages And Cultures Homework Web sties to help you with your homework Selected by librarians from the Also has a section on famous Hispanic women. Index of Native American http://www.litch.com/library/HomeworkSites/WorldHomework.htm | |
29. Social Studies Homework Web sites to help you with your homework Selected by librarians from the Traverse Meet Amazing americans like Harriett Tubman and George Washington, http://www.litch.com/library/HomeworkSites/SocialHomework.htm | |
30. African Americans - Potpourri Road to Civil Rights for Africanamericans This site will help you famous African-americans Compiled by Ms. Herbst and her Second graders at http://www.africanamericans.com/Potpourri.htm | |
32. Howard L Nations Law Offices - Adult And Kids' Continuing Education collection of resources covers world and American history, profiles of famous people, Over 20 different resources to help kids with their homework. http://www.howardnations.com/kids/education.html | |
33. Deschutes Public Library - Homework Topics The American Library Association s list of excellent sites for kids. back to top http//www.runet.edu/~wkovarik/hist/hist.html Back to homework help http://www.dpls.us/Page.asp?NavID=170 |
34. Favorites A+ Math http//www.aplusmath.com/; Algebra homework help at Algebra.Com! http//www.algebra.com/ famous American Trials UMKC School of Law Prof. http://feast.ed.uiuc.edu/sites/bloomington/lihill/Library/favorites.HTM | |
35. Kids School Time Farm Bureau Kids Features agriculture related games, homework help, games and activities and is presented by the American Museum of Natural hist http://www.cannylink.com/kidsschooltime.htm | |
36. Bookmarks For Judie Cooper American Folklore famous American folktales and legends, Native American Get homework help find facts on thousands of subjects, including sports, http://www.harvey.lib.il.us/JAJudie.html | |
37. U.S. & World History Electronic Resources - Stockton-San Joaquin County Public L homework help. Social Studies Fact Cards, Available at Home with Library Card. states, and Native American tribal groups; world facts about countries, http://www.stockton.lib.ca.us/subjects/chavez/hist.htm | |
38. MHS Library Page--Research Links Some of the most famous documentary photographs of the Great Depression are now www.highschoolhub.org resources, links, homework help for all subject http://middleproxy.martinsville.k12.va.us/mhs/lib/ | |
39. Success Center Dictionary YourDictionary.com Encyclopedia Britannica famous Quotations homework help Political Science. Pols 150 (Intro to American Government) http://www.swic.edu/successcenter/info.jsp |
40. Kids Web Sites his more famous books and some biographical. http//school.discovery. com/homeworkhelp/webmath/. homework help in Math. Home Schooling http://www.co.bibb.ga.us/library/kidswebsites.htm | |
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